Sequel: Fallen Angels

Angels & Demons

Chapter 19

I stood in the meeting hall, the same one that we had received the assignment that had led us to the guys. This time though I didn’t stare at the vast carvings that lined the walls. No the only thing I could think of was of the man that I had left behind.

The others were thinking of them too, I could tell by the look in their eyes. We were happy to be back but it was bittersweet.

I was pulled from my thoughts as the door opened and Samuel walked in. The 8 of us stood quickly from the pews where we sat and walked to the front. Samuel began to pace in front of us.

The look on his face made my stomach churn. I glanced out of the sides of my eyes at my friends who looked just as nervous as I felt. Finally Saumel stopped and turned to us.

“I am very disappointed in you.” he said looking down the line at us.

“Disappointed? Why are you disappointed in us?” Aden asked.

“Have you no idea what you have done?” he asked looking at us.

“We stopped the demons from getting power over the Descendants. Is that not what you wanted us to do?” Clara asked.

“Yes but you committed atrocities in the process!” he replied.

“W-What sort of atrocities?” Joey asked, her voice shaking. She knew just as well as I did what he meant.

“First there was the consumption of alcohol. All five of you got very drunk at the party the Descendants threw. After that there was physical contact between you and your charge! An act that you knew was strictly forbidden!” he yelled.

“You never told us that we couldn’t be in a relationship with them.” Tori protested.

“It was an unsaid rule Victoria! And last but not least there was the one line that all of you have crossed, you Emma more than once.” he replied his ice blue eyes piercing me.

“All five of you have partaken in pleasures of the flesh!” he roared.

“Pleasures of the flesh? He means sex right?” Joey asked leaning towards me and I gave her a discrete nod.


“Quiet!” he snapped at Joey and I and our mouths snapped closed.

“Out of all of you I am the most disappointed in you Emma. Not only did you ‘sleep’ with your charge but now you carry his child as well!” he said and pointed at my midsection.

“W-What?” I asked looking at my stomach then up at him.

“Emma’s pregnant?” Aden asked.

“Yes. She carries the child of the descendant of Michael.” Samuel replied.

I rested my hands on my stomach. I was pregnant? With Matt’s child? How would this work? I was an angel. Angels didn’t have children. However I didn’t have to wait long to find out.

“Now to your punishment for your actions. I am sorry to say but I must strip you of your holy status.” he said, his voice grim.

“You’re damming us?” Jason asked.

“No. You protected the Descendants, that we do not forget. Instead all 8 of you will return to earth with diminished angelic abilities.” he said.

Before any of us could stop to ask Samuel waved a hand and a blast of light hit us like a Mack truck. We were thrown off our feet but we didn’t meet the floor like I expected.

Suddenly we were falling, tumbling through the air, gaining speed. Our clothes erupted in flames as we spun towards earth. However I only felt the heat from the fire on my skin despite fact the flames were licking up and down my arms. They didn’t burn me.

The fire wrapped around me, cocooning me in it’s warmth. Just as suddenly as I had bean to fall though I hit something hard. However thanks to the cocoon of flames it didn’t hurt me, just knocked me out.

I wasn’t sure how long I was out but when I began to come to the smell of fresh dirt filled my nose and there were voices that seemed so far away. I felt someone grab hold of my arms, and a hand touch my face.

With some difficulty I cracked open my eyes and I almost screamed. The person holding me, his face inches from mine was Matt.

“Emma! Emma can you hear me?!?” he asked his voice frantic.

“M-Matt!” I said opening my eyes all the way.

“Oh my god Emma! You’re okay! I was so scared!” he said hugging me.

“I missed you!” I replied holding him close.

“I missed you too.” he replied

I sat up and looked around. Brian, Zacky and Johnny were over with Aden, Tori and Clara, helping them off of the ground from the ruts they lay in. Jimmy, Joey, Jason and Matt B. were sitting up and looking around, their faces vaguely dazed. We were in the guys’ backyard and the sun was just rising.

“What happened? Why are you back and why aren’t you wearing your normal clothes? Why are you wings black?” Zacky asked looking at all of us.

“Because….we’re Fallen now.” Tori replied reaching back and running her hand over her jet black wings, the feathers catching the light and glistening a blue color.

I looked at all of our clothes. I wore black pants with a skull shirt and knee high sneakers. Tori was in a shredded black shirt, black jeans and boots. Joey wore leather pants and a black halter corset with creepers. Raleigh wore a black vest, black pants and biker boots. And lastly Clara wore ripped jeans with lace behind the rips, a corset top with cap sleeves and a collar and sneakers.

Matt B. and Jason both wore Tripp pants, their shirts the color of their old necklaces. Jimmy was in skinny jeans, boots and a skeleton shirt. All of us wore Onyx rings set in silver, ours more girly than the guys. I had no clue where the clothes came from just that they were all what we would pick out ourselves.

“Fallen? Why?” Brian asked.

“Because we drank…had sex….Emma’s pregnant.” Clara said and the moment the last one passed her lips her eyes went wide.

Matt’s head whipped around and looked at me, “Pregnant?” he asked.

I nodded, “Yes. I’m pregnant Matt.”

Matt looked at me shocked and for a moment I feared that he would tell me that he wanted nothing to do with me. However a split second after I completed that thought Matt wrapped me in his arms again.

“I’m so happy. I love you and I love our baby. Besides now you’re back and we can be a family. You are back for good right?” Matt asked searching my eyes, his face worried.

“Yes. I’m back for good…we all are.” I smiled.

“I love you so much.” he smiled and kissed me.

“I say we go inside and celebrate. Our girls are back and there is going to be a new baby! Drinks for everyone! Non-Alcoholic ones for the pregnant woman!” Jimmy yelled.

“Fuck yeah!” Zacky smiled.

The guys helped us up and we headed inside. I couldn’t say that part of me was sad that I was now Fallen because that meant a part of me was gone. However that was replaced by Matt’s love and the baby that would be born from it.

It made me feel better that one day when the demons returned we’d be here to protect our guys. We may have been weaker now but we had our friendship on our side. We may have been Fallen but we were far from damned.
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finished!!! there will be a sequel ;)

The Girls

The Guys