Don't You Recognize My Face?

Lips of Deciet

“This calls for a celebration!” I yelled, slurring as I almost fell of the sofa like thing on the bus.

“What does my lady?” Jimmy asked, while he placed his hands on my hips, making sure I didn’t fall.

“Not only are you guys big, your gang is huge and I’m with you guys.” I said, giggling as I attempted to sit down.

“You got the fun one JimJam.” Matt said, laughing as he pulled Amber into his lap, kissing her neck.

“Ew! Don’t be kissing on my twin!” I yelled, shoving my face into Jimmy’s chest.

“Guys! Lets drink!” Johnny yelled, running in with Chloe in toll.

“Hell yeah!” I said, giggling as I slid off of the sofa, stumbling into the kitchen area, grabbing the last bottle of Jack, before looking at Zacky, “Uh-oh.”

“I would give that to me if you knew what was good for you Mrs. Marino.” Zacky said, slowly walking over to me with his hand stretched towards me.

“Well, Mr. Vengeance, I think that this is rightfully mine.” I said, sticking out my tongue, but backing up anyways.

My back hit the fridge, making me look frantically between Jimmy and Zacky, who were both smirking at me as I held the Whiskey to my chest, “This is mine.” I said, whining as I slid down the fridge, opening the bottle, taking a huge swing of it.

A flash went off, making me open my eyes, looking around frantically to see Emily standing there with a camera, giggling at the three of our reactions. I took the chance to run, crawling under Zacky’s legs, jumping up with accomplishment, doing a little ‘thank you, thank you’ bow type thing, before taking another swing of the alcohol.

Zacky looked around, gasping when he saw me on the sofa, codling the whiskey, with a shit eating grin playing on my face.

“I think she won.” Matt said, scratching his neck, with a look of shock on his face.

Jimmy laughed at Zacky before sitting next to me, pulling me onto his lap. I smiled up to him, offering him a sip of the Jack, which he gladly took.

“You’re so adorable babe.” Jimmy said, kissing me cheek making me giggle.

“I am not, I’m a grown ass man.” I said, puffing out my chest as I downed half of the bottle.

“That is until you throw up.” Jimmy said, smiling as he took away the Jack.

“You throw up, too!” I mumbled, crossing my arms, pouting up at Jimmy, who smiled, kissing my forehead before drinking the rest of the Jack.

“We need to stock up.” Matt said, looking into the empty refrigerator.

“Let’s just go to a bar or something!” I yelled, making Jimmy flinch a bit.

“We can’t we have to leave in an hour.” Jason said, walking onto the bus.

“Well, then someone go get some damned liquor.” I said, pouting.

“I’ll go get it.” Matt said, grabbing Amber’s hand before walking off of the bus, everyone else quickly following them.

Jimmy got closer to me as soon as the door closed, kissing my neck, making me moan slightly.

“I missed that sound.” Jimmy said, smirking at me before he leaned in, placing his lips onto mine.

I turned around, straddling him, making the kiss deeper. His hands began to play with the hem of my shirt, slowly pulling it up, before having to break the kiss in order to take it off completely. He stopped, looking at my body before placing his lips onto my collar bone, making me moan quietly enjoying the feeling. That is, until there was a distinct nock on the bus door, making Jimmy stop and look towards it.

“It’s one of the kids.” He said, glaring at the door.

“I will kill your little posse someday.” I growled, grabbing my shirt as Jimmy got up to answer the door.

Jimmy walked back in with a kid who looked no older than 17 following close behind him, I sat on a sofa, watching his every move. Jimmy sat down next to me, wrapping a protective arm around me before pointing to the seat across from him. I sighed, pulling out a cigarette, lighting it up, making the kid flinch a bit.

“You didn’t give any sign that you were coming.” Jimmy seethed, making the kid flinch again.

“I’m sorry, Mr. Plague, I just, they, I, well, they got too close, I needed to give you the money.” He rushed, pulling out an envelope that looked full.

Jimmy nudged me, so I got up, grabbing the envelope before empting the contents on the counter, sifting through it to check for any bugs or fake bills. After a while, I looked over to Jimmy, nodding my head as I began to count.

The room became quiet, the feeling of business was felt in the room. The kid looked terrified as Jimmy lit up his own cigarette as I stood there counting all the bills. That was, until the sound of ‘A Girl Worth Fighting For’ from the movie Mulan, was heard through the room. Making me stop and look over towards my phone, Jimmy looked over before he began to laugh, a smile staining his face.

“Sorry bout that.” I said, laughing as I checked the text from Amber, before going back to counting, “It’s all here, four thousand dollars.”

“You did good. Are you chickening out. Or do you want more.” Jimmy said, smiling at the kid,

“I, I’ll take more.” He said, looking at the ground as Jimmy got up, kissing my cheek as he walked towards the back to get the load of heroin.

I sat down across from the kid, looking down at my cigarette, and then back to the kid, repeating this a couple times, “Want one?” I asked, holding up the cigarette.

“Uh, oh, um, no, no thank you.” He said, flinching at the sound of my voice.

“You sure are jumpy.” I said, laughing a bit.

“Are, are you, Alex Marino?” He asked, moving away from me.

“Why do you ask that?” I asked, confused.

“I, I heard that, she.. She’s killed people.” He said, whispering the last part.

“Well, yeah, yeah I have.” I said, laughing a bit, “Why would you be afraid of that?”

“Please don’t kill me.” He whispered, looking at the ground, visibly shaking.

“Now, what’s you name kid?” I asked, bringing the cigarette to my lips once more.


“Now, Arin, why would I kill you?” I asked, breathing out the smoke.

“They got close, they almost caught me.” He said, inching away closer to the door with each word.

“I’d only kill you if you turned us in, or messed up on a deal.” I said, laughing at the fear that played on his face.

“I-” He started, getting interrupted by Jimmy walking in, throwing him a bag that looked full.

“Leave.” Jimmy growled, pointing to the door, smirking as the kid ran off the bus.

“Now, where were we.” Jimmy said, smirking down at me.

I smirked back up at him, crushing the left over cigarette in a bowl, before Jimmy walked over, kissing me. Jimmy, once again, pulled off my shirt, just in time for the door to open. There was muffled ‘shit’ heard as the door slammed shut, due to Jimmy throwing my shirt straight at the door.

I giggled a bit, until Jimmy threw my down onto the sofa, tearing his shirt off in the process. The kissing continued as Jimmy began to play with my shorts, pulling them down in one quick motion, soon his pants were off and he was plunging into me. I moaned, as the pace increased.

“Are you guys done yet?” Was heard from the window, making Jimmy smirk as he bit down on my neck, making me scream, “I’ll take that as a no..”

“They’re so nosy.” Jimmy said, before we both reached our climax.

“No shit. I’m going to go get dressed.” I said, kissing Jimmy one last time before walking to the bunks of the bus, pushing a box out of my way as I found my bag of clean clothes, grabbing a new pair of underwear and pajama like clothing.

As I walked into the front area of the bus I got high fives from Johnny and Zacky, it was like the walk of glory, like you just survived a battle while fucking one of their best friends, brother even, before laughing at Chloe who was spraying every surface with disinfecting spray.

“Oh come on, we don’t have any diseases.” I said, laughing as I sat in Jimmy’s lap, who held a new bottle of orange Smirnoff, one of the best smirnoffs’ there is, if you do ask me, which you must be asking me for me to tell you in the first place.

“Ohh yummy.” I said, taking a huge swing of the orange flavored vodka, feeling the burn rush down my throat, making me smile.

“So, while you guys were gone-” Jimmy started, getting interrupted by Matt.

“You guys fucked, we know.”

“Not only did we fuck! A kid came, we got money.”

“I like how open we are about our fucking habits.” I said, laughing

“I fucked Johnny last night!” Chloe yelled, throwing her hands in the air.

“I fucked Amber!” Matt said, earning high fives

“What’s it like fucking my twin?” I asked, laughing at the face both Matt and Jimmy both held.

“At least there hasn’t been any wrong twin moments.” Amber said, laughing as she fell into Matt’s lap, holding her water.

“You make a very good point.” I said, cringing at the thought of Matt mistaking me for Amber.

“Wait, how much money did we get?” Zacky asked, going back to the main conversation.

“Four thousand.” I said, laughing at the small amount of money.

“Well, damn, the others better start pilling in soon.” Matt said, sighing before looking up with his dimple smile, “Until that, let’s drink!”
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it took so long to get out, and if it isn't all that great, I tried. But there should be more updates I think.
