Don't You Recognize My Face?

Darkness Surrounding

The sound of tires skidding and the bus lurching waking me up, my head was pounding making me groan into Jimmy’s chest, who had his arm wrapped around my waist.

“Shit!” Jason yelled, making everyone wake up.

“What happened?” Jimmy groaned, rubbing his eyes as he rolled out of the bunk, stretching as he helped me down.

“We kinda ran out of gas.” Jason said, scratching his neck as he stood in the space between the two seats up front.

“But I heard skidding.” I said, rubbing my eyes, leaning on Jimmy for support.

“And I hit something.”

“What was it?”

“I don’t know! It ran away!”

“Things don’t just run away when you hit them Jason.”

“But it did!”

“Did you sleep?”


“Go sleep. We’ll find a way to get gas and one of us will drive.” Matt said, rubbing his face as he pushed Jason into a bunk.

“Who’s in shape to drive.” I asked, cringing at the sound of my groggy, hoarse voice.

“Not you, go back to bed, babe.” Jimmy said, kissing my head, pushing my aching body towards the bunk, helping me into it as I fell back to sleep.

Heavy rain fell around me as I stood in the empty street. I pulled the jacket closer to me, noticing the extra length, as it went down to my knees, the sleeves covering far past my hands. The sound of the rain drops pattering the street and windows filled my ears as I walked down the desolate road. For some unknown reason, tears began to fall from my eyes. Making them burn as my face scrunched up, trying to fight them off. The feeling of being alone filled my small body as I turned around in the middle of the street. There was no birds, no flys, not a single form of being on the street besides me.

How had I gotten here? I thought, walking to one of the store fronts, noticing the broken glass, I ran my hand along a shard, feeling it slide against my skin, drawing blood making me rub my fingers, bringing my hand into view. I sighed as I walked down the road some more, pulling Jimmy’s jacket closer.

There was a growing sound of drums and guitar, a feeling of hope filled me as I recognized the riff. My heart began to race as I ran down the road, the sound of ‘Unholy Confessions’ began to get louder. My tears began to fall faster as I ran faster, hoping that I could find someone I knew. Fear began to engulf my body as I realized there was nothing nearing. The sound only got louder, but the road became longer, buildings stretched down the empty street, the sound of my feet slapping on the wet ground grew louder as my speed increased.

I ran out of breath, falling onto the street in tears, screaming as I gripped my head. Pulling my hair as I bent into fettle position.

“Alex, babe, are you okay? Wake up, babe.” Filled my ears as I was shaken away.

I shot up, looking at Jimmy in fear, feeling my eyes well up with tears.

“Babe, what’s wrong?” Jimmy asked, crawling in next to me as I clutched onto him.

“Don’t leave me.” I mumbled into his chest.

“Why would I ever leave you?” Jimmy asked, making me look him in the face.

“I don’t want to be alone.” I mumbled again, feeling myself slowly fall asleep.

“I’ll stay here, don’t worry.” Jimmy said, kissing my forehead, getting comfortable, slowly drifting off into the darkness.

The sounds of the rest of the guys talking and laughing soon was lost as I drifted back to sleep, safe in Jimmy’s arms.


“Hey, babe wake up, we’re at the venue.” Jimmy said, kissing my forehead making me wake up.

“Who’s on tour with you?” I asked, rubbing my eyes as I looked into his blue eyes.

“Stone Sour, Disturbed, bands like that, now come on babe.” Jimmy said, smiling as he helped me out of the bunk.

“Is there a shower?” I mumbled, dragging my feet into the front area.

“There should be, go get some clothes and we can go in and find out.” Jimmy said, smiling as he opened the cabinets, grabbing some pain killers and water as I walked back into the bunk area.

I sighed as I kicked around boxes and bags before finding my bag, opening up grabbing the first things I found before grabbing my bag, phone , box of cigarettes and shoes, before walking back out, accepting the water and pain killers. Jimmy smiled down to me, grabbing my shoes and my hand, walking me towards the door of the bus. The sun was bright, making me close my eyes for a second, gasping at the brightness before putting on my sunglasses. It was hot outside, and there was a field across from the venue. Kids and cars filled the roads as we practically ran into the back stage area.

“Where are we?” I asked, looking up at Jimmy.

“Cricket Pavilion. We’re in Arizona.” Jimmy said, smiling down to me.

“I don’t miss this state.” I tried laughing, my throat was too dry at the moment.

“It’s not that bad.” Jimmy said, picking me up and spinning me around, making me scream a little.

“It’s horrible, well, cops here are horrible. They are all on the search for me.” I said, whispering the last part, giggling.

“They wont find us babe.” Jimmy said, smiling as he opened the door, letting me in.

The air-conditioned room was full of large men, all of them glaring at us.

“Passes?” One with a gruff voice asked.

“Yeah, right here.” Jimmy said, holding up two back stage passes, pulling me towards another room after the man nodded.

“Here are the showers.” Jimmy said, smiling as he turned two of them on, I smiled, placing my clothes and such in a corner behind my shower, before I stripped down, walking into the shower.

“Shit! Guys! Look! They aren’t taking a shower together!” Zacky yelled, making me flip him off, hearing another shower turn on.

The sound of horrible singing filled the bathroom as Jimmy began his shower singing voice to ‘Don’t stop believing’ by Journey. I laughed as I scrubbed my hair, joining in during the chorus with Zacky, though during the chorus we would all stick our heads out, holding a shampoo bottle, practically screaming the words. About a minute through we were so into it that we didn’t notice the people who had collected in the room, recording it, or in Emily’s case, taking pictures of it.

“Holy fuck! I got soap in my eyes!” I scream, trying to rub the shampoo from my eyes before opening them to see everyone gathered in the room, laughing their asses off.

“You mother fuckers.” I said, staring at them in disbelief.

“I understand why Jimmy chose you.” Matt said, laughing.

“She’s mine! Back off!” Jimmy yelled, reaching for a towel, which Matt handed him.

“I need a towel too.” I mumbled, looking around, covering my body parts.

“But it’s so much better without it!” Johnny said, flinching when Chloe punched him in the arm, and ran when Jimmy began to glare at him, handing me a towel.

I pushed everyone out, as I began to get dressed, smiling when I turned around to find both Zacky and Jimmy dressed.

"Well, don't you look fancy." Jimmy said, smiling as he walked over, placing his hands on my waist.

I smiled, standing on my tippy toes to kiss his nose, giggling as his face scrunched up.

"Aw, you two are just so cute!" Zacky said, laughing when Jimmy gave him the finger.

I smiled up at Jimmy, hugging him around the waist.

"I missed you." Jimmy said, kissing my head, making me look up, smiling.

"I missed you, too." I said, smiling as he leaned down, kissing me.

"You're so short, babe." Jimmy said, laughing as I hit his chest.

"Am not!" I said, pouting.

"Are too, now come on, the guys are probably waiting for us." Jimmy said, grabbing my hand pulling me out of the bathroom and down the hall.
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Sorry that it isn't all that great, I wanted to write but I was in a bad mood so it isn't all that great.

<3 Lauren