Status: For the writing contest "You Make Me Feel Alive" also this was oridinally posted on

If I Die Young

Frank's POV
This wasn't how it was suppose to happen, this wasn't how I was suppose to grow up. As I looked around the shit-hole of a house my family and I just moved into, and my shit-hole of a room I just acquired I knew that it was all going downhill from there.

If I die young, bury me in satin, lay me down on a bed of roses. I think as I throw my bag into the corner. When you are an Army Brat like I am you learn not to grow attached to one place.

I am living on an Army Base in New Jersey, my mother got reassigned from Germany, and before you ask, no I can't speak any. You see, the reassignment had to do with not having enough foot soldiers back in the US and my mother had a choice between this armpit of a state, Wyoming, Minnesota, and Texas. She chose Jersey because she wanted to go back to where she grew up, she wanted to see everyone and everything again.

"Frank, it's time to eat." I heard my mother call, as I look around the dorm that I am sharing with at least seven other boys. My sister is lucky, there aren't as many people in her dorm area.

Sink me in the river, at dawn, Oh and because of this reassignment, I lost my girlfriend in the process. She doesn't want anything to do with any kind of long distance relationship. Send me away with the words of a love song

"Coming mom" I call, resenting the new assignment more and more. Especially since I lost Jamia in the process. I'll admit it I grew attached to Germany, but only because of that one true girl
  1. Chapter 1
    Frank's Point Of View
  2. chapter 2
    Gerard's Point Of View