
The girl with golden eyes

“ josh i’m going out tea in the cooker!!” my mum yells up the stairs
“ alright “
I look longingly at the syringe I can hear it calling to me, I’ve waited all day, just to feel the cold pain of the needle will be bliss. I didn’t mean to get hooked, then again in the beginning I don’t really think any one dose but in the end it takes over you completely seeps into your veins and … in the end it becomes who you are.
The sun is hidden by a passing cloud and my room sinks into shadow. I pick up my guitar and start trying to come up with a riff for my bands next song… no use I can’t concentrate not with the needle there not with it calling me so strongly, I give up again and walk over to it , I pull up the sleeve of my top and turn my arm up , I can see all the track lines running up and down my arm some of them are silver white scars now , I pick up the needle and poise it above my skin.
“ are you sure you want to be doing that ? “
I jump and drop the needle in shock , there’s a girl sad at the end of my bed swinging her legs. She looks all sunny with a short dress on, she’s smiling at me even her smile is sunny the only thing dark about her is her long black hair, what’s up with this chick … more to the point why is she in my room ???? she look around the same age as I am. Their something odd about her , then I notice it … she has wings , a pair of huge feathery wings!!
“is this just an after effect of drugs of are you really a girl sat in my room … with wings “ I ask her and then wonder why I am asking her , she may just be my imagination…. No she is just my imagination but to my surprise she slides off the bed and walks over to stand next to me and whispers into my ear
“ I’m not an effect of the drugs , I’m here to help you … actually the reason I’m here to help you is because of the drugs “
I look at her again , still not quite believing her , I give up.
“ So… erm angel chick what’s your name?”
She laughs lightly “Woops sorry my manner don’t seem have caught up with me yet , I’m Sally.” She holds out a hand, I take it … her skin feels oddly cold and soft but defiantly real. Her face lights up again , wow she really is beautiful , and she starts explaining why she’s in my room.
“ well this is most likely going to be a bit of a shock to you but oh well not as much of a shock as my first visit from and angel was , I’m here to help you and look after you …. Basically to make the whole this a lot more easy to understand I’m your guardian angel.”
She stops talking and takes the needle away from my arm, to be honest I’d forgot I was holding it and brakes it in to I shout in protest afraid that a shard of glass is going to get stuck into her finger she puts it into the bin and holds up her hand to show that she’s not hurt. Suddenly she starts walking away and fading
“Wait, will is see you again soon? “ I call after her
“ oh yes ,” she says with a faint smile on her lips “ I’m sorry to say that you will be seeing a lot more of me Josh” and then just like that … she’s gone. I stand in the room mesmerized by what has just happened I know I can’t forget her, I know she was real…. but who would believe me if I started talking about an angel girl with golden eyes?
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Listen to :
Sixx am : girl golden eyes