Status: Hatius :\

Killjoys Never Die

Chapter Four

After everyone had a can of Power Pup for breakfast, we all filed out of the Diner and into the blistering heat of Zone 6. Party Poison, Kobra Kid, and Fun Ghoul headed over to the Trans AM and got in. Party Ghoul and I headed over as well, expecting Jet Star to follow. When he didn’t, my eyebrow rose in confusion.

“Jet, aren’t you coming?” Party voiced the question running through our minds.

He sighed, shook his head, and pointed to his injury.

“Besides with six in the car it’ll just be uncomfortable. That, and Show Pony should be coming around soon to seen Dr. D.”

“And how does that pertain to you?” I asked.

“I thought I might ask Show Pony to check around some of the Dracs hideouts, you know just in case any of them are holding Grace or Grayson...”

By now Party had already gotten in the car, and I was about to the same before I realized what Jet had said.

“H-how do you know about Grayson?” I questioned.

“Party Poison told us about your deal with him, to see if we were cool with it,”

“Oh, well later Jet,”

“See ya Monster!”

Jet Star headed inside the Diner and I got into the back of the car. Once my door was shut, Poison started the car and drove toward the bright ball of gas called the sun.

☠ ☠ ☠

We had been driving around for hours. Four to be exact. I was beginning to lose hope that we would ever find my father’s car, and I know everyone else felt the same thing.

“Maybe we should just head back. The Dracs most likely found the car and brought it to one of their headquarters.” Poison reasoned.

There were several grunts of approval.

I don’t blame them, I thought to myself. We’ve been out here driving around all fucking morning!

Poison turned the car around and headed back towards the direction we had come from. Our speed of 45 mph picked up to 90 and we made it back to the hideout in half the time we were away. We all got out of the car. The others went inside to tell Jet about our unaccomplished mission. I just stayed outside and lent up against the wall of the building. I knew the precautions and tips of staying alive as an enemy of BL/ ind. Not staying out in the sun for long periods of time was one the top ones, but right now, I really didn’t care. I had lost my son, the only possession Party Ghoul and I had of my deceased father, and the only map we had of Battery City.

Just kill me now and get it over with!
♠ ♠ ♠
Getting back into my writing groove ^-^

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