Once Again

Give it a Chance

“What the hell is wrong with you?” Cameron shouted at Jimmy, throwing her hands into the air with aggravation.

“What’s wrong with me? I’m not the fucking one who lied about going out with Val and Michelle!”

“I lied because I knew you would bitch and complain about it! I’m a big girl, I can handle myself.”

“Oh, so is that why I found this under your fucking pillow?” Jimmy snapped, pulling out the baggie of pills he had stuffed into his pocket. “Cameron, you’re my best fucking friend, but it’s like I don’t fucking know you at all anymore.”

“Stay around and you just might learn something,” Cameron muttered, staring down at the floor.

“You know I don’t care about the fucking drugs, hell I do them myself from time to time, but lying, sneaking, keeping things from me, this isn’t you. This isn’t the Cameron Summers I grew up with.”

“I’m not the same person I used to be Jimmy. I changed as I got older. You have no fucking room to talk to me about lying or sneaking around anyway! Have you told Leana about the night you went to the bar with the guys? How I had to stop you from cheating on your girlfriend of three years with some bimbo who had the fakest tits in all of California? Don’t fucking talk to me about sneaking around when you do that enough for the both of us.”

“First of all, Leana and I were on a break during that time. I’m about to break up with her fully anyway, not that it’s any of your business. And secondly, I sneak around more than you? What the hell happened two years ago when you took off with Brian? Remember, he got piss drunk and you were pretty tipsy yourself. What did you two do huh? Go back to your parents’ place and fuck all night?”

“Fuck you James Sullivan!” Cameron shouted, standing up and reeling her hand back. The smack of skin hitting skin had people turning around with confusion and wonder. Before Cameron could walk away, however, Jimmy grasped her wrist with his much larger one, forcing her to stay.

“We’re not done here,” he growled.

“You might not be, but I am,” Cameron snapped in response, trying to jerk her arm from Jimmy’s grasp. Naturally, he was a lot stronger than she was, so her jerking did no good.

“Look, I’m sorry, that was a low blow. What you do in your personal time is none of my business.”

“Gee, thanks,” Cameron rolled her eyes.

“I mean it Cammy, I shouldn’t have said that. I’m sorry.” Jimmy muttered.

“You want to know what happened that night? I took Brian home and went back to my own place. Absolutely nothing happened between the two of us.”

“If it does, then it’s not my place to say anything about it.” Jimmy sighed. He looked down at his watch, realizing it was getting late.

“I better get going,” he said, standing up. “I promised Lee I’ll be at her house in the morning to help her move her furniture around.”

“Sounds fun,” Cameron smirked, knowing how much Jimmy hated having to do stuff like that. He shot her a glare before grabbing his jacket.

“I’ll see you later Cammy,” he said, grabbing her hand and pulling her up. “And really, I’m sorry about yelling like that. I don’t know what came over me.”

“Maybe you’re getting fed up with everything and you don’t even realize it.” Cammy suggested.

“Maybe,” Jimmy shrugged. He turned to walk away, but then stopped again. “Cam, thank you,” he said out of nowhere.

“For what?” Cameron asks in reply, looking up at him again.

“For being you, for being so understanding, just everything.” He smiled and walked away, leaving Cameron confused and alone. She decided to head home as well. She didn’t have anywhere to be in the morning, she just didn’t have anything better to do.

Walking out the front door, she waved her hand, trying to get a cab to stop so she could get home.

“That’s not how you get a cab in this town,” a voice behind her said.

“It’s worked for me for the past 24 years, so I’ll just stick with it,” Cameron replied to the man. He just stared at her with amusement as a cab finally pulled up to the curb.

“Mind if I tag along, I’ll pay my own fair,” he said.

“Sorry, I don’t get into cars with strangers,” Cameron replied.

“You’re taking a taxi home, I say that qualifies you as riding with a stranger.”

“I was letting you off lightly, but here, let me spell it out for you. I’m not interested in anything that has to do with you, now please leave me alone.”

“Okay, if that’s what you want. Can’t blame a guy for trying though right?” Cameron didn’t reply as she quickly got into the back of the cab and gave the driver an address about a block away from her apartment. They were stalled at a red light when she noticed the cab driver was watching her.

“Cameron Summers?” the guy asked.

“Do I know you?” Cameron asked, staring at the man.

“Jeremy Wilkons,” the driver replied.

“Holy cow, Jeremy!” Cameron exclaimed. “You’re a cab driver?”

“Just for now. Something to pay the bills while I work on my dream,” Jeremy smirked. “What about you, what have you been doing?”

“Working, just started a new job. I went out to celebrate it tonight actually.”

“Really, that’s awesome, congratulations.” Jeremy smiled. “So, you and Jimmy still hang out?”

“Yeah, I was actually there celebrating with him.”

“I heard he’s been working in a band, I hope he makes it big time.”

“I know he will,” Cameron smiled. Jimmy was the best drummer she had ever heard. His band, Avenged Sevenfold, was one of her favorites, and she could listen to them all the time.

“Well, here we are,” Jeremy said, pulling up to the curb outside the address she gave him. Cameron passed him the money she owed him and got out of the cab. “It was good seeing you again.”

“Good seeing you too,” she replied as he pulled away. She adjusted her purse on her shoulder and started walking toward her apartment.

“There you are,” Jimmy’s voice startled her. She turned around and faced his smiling self.

“What are you doing here?”

“I really don’t know,” Jimmy replied honestly. “I should be getting ready to visit my girlfriend in the morning, but yet I come back to you. I can’t do this anymore Cammy.”

“Do what?” she asked, stopping outside her apartment building.

“This, I’ve known you for fucking, what, twelve years now. I can’t keep myself from what I’m feeling anymore. I’m leaving Leana, and I want to be with you.”

“Jimmy,” Cameron sighed. “I love you, really I do, but it won’t work for us.”

“Just, give it a chance, if nothing happens, we’ll go back to being friends like nothing happened.”

“We can’t do that Jimmy,” Cameron said, leaning against the building.

“Why not? Our friendship is strong Cameron, you know it is. Just give this a chance. I know you care about me more than you’re letting on. I can see it in your eyes.”

“Okay, fine I’ll admit, I think I love you more than a friend. I don’t know right now Jimmy.”

“Then just give it a shot, if things don’t work out, then it’s not meant to be.” When Cameron still hesitated, Jimmy smiled and pressed her against the wall. “Come on Cam, give in, you know you want to.” Cammy smiled as she melted against the wall.

“Okay, we’ll give it a shot,” she agreed. Jimmy’s smile grew wider as he leaned closer to her.

“So, want to go upstairs?” Cameron asked him.

“Thought you’d never ask,” he replied.
♠ ♠ ♠
I know, slow start, but all my stories are like that. =/ It will get better I promise. :) haha
So, if you read this far, thank you. :)
More will be coming soon, so stay tuned and until next time. :)