Once Again


“So, how are things going?” the nurse asked Cameron as she ran the ultrasound wand over her stomach.

“Hectic,” Cameron replied. “I’m so glad I have Jimmy here now. I would have never been able to handle all of this on my own.”

“Yes, sometimes being a single parent is tough,” the nurse nodded. “I know, I have two girls I raise myself.”

“How do you manage it? I’m barely able to keep up with one.”

“Help from my family.” the nurse replied. “My mother has the girls right now so I can work, and she keeps them some weekends so I can have time for myself.”

“Sounds nice,” Cameron forced a smile as the nurse continued to look at the screen.

“So, everything looks good.” the woman smiled as she moved the wand away. “Your cycle is right on schedule. We should be ready for extraction right in about two weeks.”

“So soon?” Cameron asked as the nurse wiped the gel off of Cameron’s stomach.

“We want to get this done as soon as possible, so your daughter can have a fighting chance with the transplant.” The nurse replied. “So, the next time you come in, Jimmy will need to be here as well so we can get a fresh donation from him.”

“He’ll love that,” Cameron smiled, remembering how uncomfortable it was for Jimmy the last time they were here. She knew he would be more than willing to come back though. This meant that they would be a step closer to having another baby and to saving their daughter.

As much as she couldn’t believe it, Cameron couldn’t help but feel a jolt of excitement at the thought of having another baby. She had always wanted a family, she just expected to be married before she had kids.

Cameron sighed when she realized that if things had worked out with Jimmy, she probably would have ended up marrying him. She never said this out loud to anyone, but she was completely in love with him before they had even started dating. Her hesitation toward the two of them becoming more than friends was because she didn’t want to destroy a friendship for a relationship, which is exactly what had happened thanks to a stranger at a bar. One night completely shattered her life. She lost her friends, lost the best boyfriend she had ever had to that point, and ended up raising her daughter alone.

“So, that’s it,” The nurse brought Cameron from her thoughts. Cameron nodded and stood up, grabbing her purse as she walked out of the room. After setting up another appointment where Jimmy would also come in, she left the clinic and got into her car, pulling out of the parking lot and turning right.

“Cameron,” Latrine, one of her coworkers said when she saw Cameron walk into the diner. “Caleb’s been waiting on you.” Cameron’s heart raced at her boss’s name. It was never good when Caleb waited on someone.

“Cameron, my office please.” Caleb’s voice said out of nowhere. Latrine quickly rushed away to help a table as Cameron walked into the small office.

“Cameron, this is the third day you had taken off in two weeks,” Caleb said. “When you started here you said your schedule wasn’t too hectic…”

“My daughter went into the hospital and I have doctor’s appointments right now myself.”

“Yes well, unfortunately, I don’t give a damn about your medical problems. I need someone here I can rely on, so that’s why I’m going to have to fire you.”

“Caleb please, I really need this job.” Cameron muttered, her eyes going wide.

“I’m sorry, but if you really needed this job, you would have been here. Take your check and get the hell out of my office.” He tossed the paper across the desk to her and stood up, grabbing her arm and forcing her out of the chair. Cameron stumbled over her steps as she walked back to her car. Once inside, she broke down completely. She let her head rest on the steering wheel, realizing that she and her daughter would end up homeless. She couldn’t afford the rent for the house, so they would end up losing it.

“No, Raven will live with Jimmy,” Cameron muttered, wiping at her eyes. “He won’t ever need to know about this…” Cameron’s voice trailed off, realizing she couldn’t keep this hidden from him forever. He had a right to know as Raven’s father. She just hoped he would take it well.


Jimmy was sitting in the living room with Raven on his lap, laughing at a joke Brian was telling. Of course they were keeping things kid friendly for Raven, but they were still having a good time.

“When mommy coming home?” Raven asked, looking back up at Jimmy.

“I don’t know baby,” Jimmy replied, looking down at his watch. She said her running would take a little while. She had an appointment and she had to pick up her paycheck then go to the grocery store.

“Hey there she is now,” Matt said suddenly, looking out the front window. Raven jumped off of Jimmy’s lap and rushed to the front door and threw it open.

“Mommy!” Raven yelled happily. Jimmy knew right away something was going on. Her eyes were red and swollen as if she had been crying.

“Guys, entertain Raven for a minute,” Jimmy said to them, grabbing Cameron’s hand and leading her into the kitchen.

“What’s wrong?” Jimmy asked, letting her hand fall back to her side.

“I don’t how to say it than to just say it, I lost my job this afternoon.” Cameron whispered.

“What?! Why?” Jimmy asked, shocked. By the way Cameron talked, her boss understood she had a sick daughter who would need Cameron quite a bit.

“I took three days off in two weeks, which really isn’t nothing considering how much they normally work us. But Caleb wasn’t okay with it, so he fired me.” Cameron didn’t add how Caleb said he didn’t care about her daughter being sick. That would anger him even more and that was the last thing she wanted was to piss off Jimmy Sullivan.

“So, now what?”

“I-I may need you to have Raven move in with you. Since I don’t have my job anymore, I can’t pay my rent, which is already behind. I’ll lose the house, the car, everything.”

“Cameron, I’m not letting you live on the fucking street either,” Jimmy growled. “This is not negotiable either. The both of you are moving in here.”

“Jimmy, I don’t…”

“Just stop it Cameron. I said it’s not negotiable. You and Raven are moving here and that’s that.”

“You’re too good for your own good Jimmy,” Cameron smiled up at him.

“So I am, I don’t give a fuck. Someone needs to be willing to help others right?” Cameron shrugged and looked into the living room, noticing Raven was wearing a different outfit than what she brought her in.

“How was she?” Cameron asked.

“She didn’t eat much,” Jimmy muttered. “And before you ask, she had a nosebleed again. Her outfit is in the dyer right now, but I don’t think I was able to get the stains out. Other than that, perfect little angel like always.” Jimmy heard Brian and Johnny cackle as Raven walked into the kitchen and looked up at her mother.

“Raven, if you repeat anything from your uncle Brian and Johnny then I will have to punish them,” Jimmy said as Raven opened her mouth.

“So I can’t ask why a teabag is so funny?” Raven asked.

“Jonathan!” Jimmy roared, knowing right away who it was. Johnny muttered “oh shit,” before standing up and running out the front door. Cameron laughed as she watched Jimmy catch up to Johnny in the backyard.

“Wait a minute dude I got my phone and shit in my pockets,” Johnny was shouting. Cameron glanced up at Matt as he walked toward Johnny, reaching in his pockets and pulling everything out.

“There you go Jimmy.” Matt laughed as he walked back to stand next to her. He picked up Raven as Jimmy tossed Johnny into the pool in the backyard.

“Don’t think you’re getting off lightly Elwin!” Jimmy shouted toward Brian. Brian quickly looked around and grabbed Raven before Matt could say anything.

“I got Raven, you won’t do anything to me now.”

“Very mature Brian, hiding behind a baby.” Matt muttered, taking Raven back from him and passing her to Cameron. With Matt’s help, Jimmy was able to toss Brian into the pool that Johnny had just climbed out of, only to be pushed back in by Jimmy as he passed him up.

“Ready for this?” Jimmy asked Cameron with a smirk.

“Only if you’re ready for a repeat performance from two weeks ago,” Cameron winked at him. Jimmy groaned as Zack chuckled.

“Baker, you want thrown in?” Jimmy asked, looking over at Zack.

“No thanks,” Zack said, his smile fading quickly.

“You’re an ass Jimmy,” Brian laughed, walking up to the group dripping wet. “And I didn’t fucking have a chance to get my stuff out of my pockets. My phone is gone. Now let me borrow yours so I can call the company and get a replacement.” Jimmy rolled his eyes as he walked into the house and grabbed the cordless from the base. While Brian was on the phone, Jimmy decided now would be a good time to fill the others in on what was going on.”

“Hey Raven, go play on the swing set,” Jimmy said. Raven took off right away, climbing onto a swing and kicking her legs back and forward.

“So, because of…”

“Me losing my job,” Cameron cut him off.

“Yeah, because of Cameron losing her job and having nowhere else to go, I thought I should let you know that Cameron and Raven are both moving in here sometime soon.”

“Sucks you lost your job,” Zack said. His face suddenly brightened and he quickly took on a professional manner. “Actually, I’ve been looking for a new designer for Vengeance University. One of the old one quit so we’ve been behind in our ideas. I know you have a talent in graphic designing, so how about this. You come work for me? You’ll be treated as an employee, but unlike most bosses, I understand family emergencies. You’ll have the flexibility to take care of Raven and do what you need to do, at the same time you’re making money to support yourself and Raven, and maybe have a little extra in return.”

“I think that’s a great idea,” Jimmy said, turning back to face Cameron. “What do you say? Wanna become Zack’s employee?”

“How can I turn it down?” Cameron asked, a smile on her face. “Thank you so much Zack.”

“When it’s business, it’s Mr. Baker, but it’s no problem Cam. You need a job, I need a new designer, it’s a win for us both.”
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Thank you Mistrey Gurl, Star Angel and j'adore. for commenting. It really means a lot to me. :)
Please don't hate me for the teabag thing. haha it came out of nowhere and I couldn't change it. haha
More will be coming soon, so stay tuned.