Once Again


“Jimmy!” Leana exclaimed when she saw her ex-boyfriend standing in the middle of the bus. “I’ve missed you!”

“Yeah it’s, been a while,” Jimmy replied, trying to be polite.

“So, how you been?” Leana asked, sitting on the couch and bringing her legs up to her chest.

“Depends on the day,” Jimmy muttered, turning around to walk into the back of the bus with Brian and Johnny.

“No, sit, talk with me.” Leana said, grabbing Jimmy’s hand. “I’ve missed you Jimmy. I want us to have another go.”

“Well sorry, but that’s not happening.” Jimmy said flatly, looking back at her. “I’m in a relationship right now.”

“Let me guess, with Cameron still right?”

“Yes, if you must know.”

“I thought you two broke up after she cheated on you.”

“Leana, you wasn’t around, so don’t try to start shit by bringing that up.” Jimmy snapped. “She never cheated on me, you don’t need to know what happened. We broke up for a while, that is true. But now we’re back together, and we have a five year old daughter together, along with another baby on the way.”

“Yeah, Gena was telling me about Raven. She said she’s cute, but that she was going to die soon.”

“My daughter isn’t going to die,” Jimmy growled, turning back around. He didn’t let Leana say anything else. He stormed through the bunk area and into the back, slamming the door shut, causing Brian and Johnny to look at him confused.

“Fucking Leana’s on the bus,” Jimmy grumbled. “Apparently, Gena invited Leana to go on tour with us, but since Gena isn’t here, we have to put up with her.”

“And that’s reason enough for you to slam the door?” Brian asked, moving to where Jimmy was sitting between him and Johnny.

“When she tries to talk you out of your relationship with the mother of your kids, and bring up something she has no business in discussing, then hell yeah. I’ll slam all the fucking doors I want then.”

“Wait, kids?” Johnny asked. “Does that mean?”

“Oh, yeah, it worked. Cameron’s pregnant again.” Jimmy sighed.

“That’s great man,” Brian smiled. “Congratulations.” Jimmy just nodded, but with a grimace. He was happy about the baby, but since Leana came onto the bus, his day just went completely upside down.


“He’s as talented as ever isn’t he?” Leana asked Michelle as she watched Jimmy on the stage two weeks after she joined them on tour.

“He’s just going through this tour to get home,” Michelle replied, avoiding the urge to roll her eyes with great difficulty.

“What’s going on with him? He doesn’t seem as carefree as he used to be.”

“He’s got a daughter, Leana. He’s got a another baby on the way. He can’t be as wild and crazy as he used to be. He’s still Jimmy, just more mature when it comes to things.”

“I don’t like it. Cameron isn’t good for him.” Leana muttered.

“What do you mean by that? He’s not drinking or doing drugs like he used to. She’s the best thing that could have happened to him. Her, Raven, and the new baby all changed him for the better.”

“He’s not happy,” Leana pointed out.

“He’s stressed. There’s a lot on his mind.” Michelle whispered, turning to look at Valary. Val caught her sister’s eye and sighed, seeing that Leana was pushing the limit with her twin.

“Come on Michelle, they’re almost done, we’ll go get them some water in the dressing room.” Val suggested, linking her arm with Michelle’s and walking with her back to the dressing room.

“Can’t she take the hint that Jimmy doesn’t want her anymore?” Michelle asked as soon as they were out of hearing range of Leana.

“You know her Chelle, she’s stubborn and refuses to believe the truth.” Val sighed, stopping outside the refreshments room to face her twin sister.

“I know, I just want to smack her one good one and tell her to forget about Jimmy.” Michelle growled, opening the door and walking inside to grab five water bottles. She and Val carried them back to the dressing room, and just finished setting them down when they guys stormed into the room, grabbing the bottles and thanking the two women for grabbing them.

“Jimmy,” Leana was saying as Jimmy walked into the dressing room.

“Just leave me the hell alone Leana!” he finally shouted at her. “I’m in love with Cameron. I don’t want you anymore! Get the fuck away from me, and stay away!” He stormed back out of the room, slamming the door shut behind him.

“I think it’s time you go back home Leana.” Matt said.

“Why? All I’m doing is trying to get him from ruining his life. The woman cheated on him…”

“She didn’t fucking cheat!” Brian shouted instantly, his temper boiling over.

“But, Gena said…”

“Gena’s history,” Zack snapped. “She tried to start a fight at Raven’s birthday party over all of this, so we don’t want to hear about it.”

“If Gena would get her head out of her ass,” Val said, a lot more calmly than anyone else in the room. “She would have believed the truth, the truth being that Cameron never cheated on Jimmy. It’s not my place to say what really happened. You want to know, ask Jimmy or Cameron. They’ll tell you if they feel like you should know.” She turned to Matt and muttered she was going to go find Jimmy.

Making her way down the hallway, she heard something metal getting hit, and followed the sound to find Jimmy in a locker room, shaking out his hand. She looked at the lockers and found one to be dented in.

“You know, breaking your hand won’t help anything.” Val said to him, causing Jimmy to jump slightly.

“Hey Valary,” he muttered, sitting on a bench and flexing out his hand. “I didn’t break it.”

“Let me see,” she sighed, sitting on the bench next to him. He held out his right hand and she gently grabbed it, noticing him wince when she touched it. He was moving it, but he was in a lot of pain.

“Nope, not broken, but you did tweek it a little bit.” she told him. “Gonna be hard for you to play for the next couple of shows.”

“I’ll live,” Jimmy muttered, standing up off the bench and leaning on the lockers. “We need to get her the fuck out of here. She’s throwing herself all over me and it’s pissing me off.”

“We’re trying, but she won’t go.”

“Just fucking tell her, it’s time for her to leave. Get the fuck off this bus and go home!” Jimmy growled.

“You know that won’t work. She hasn’t been around, so she doesn’t know the truth about you and Cameron. All she knows is what Gena told her.”

“Gena better hope I never see her skinny little ass ever again.” Jimmy grumbled. “Who the fuck starts a fight at a party for a five year old? All because she doesn’t want to accept that Cameron was raped and refused to tell anyone! I fucking understand why she never told us. She was ashamed, and frightened, and we didn’t help her at all by basically boycotting her out of everything.”

“We all made mistakes in the past Jimmy, and we’re all paying for them still. Cameron was my best friend, but I don’t think she’ll ever trust me the same way again. It’s going to take time, a lot of time, for things to go back to how they were before she was raped. Even then it won’t go back completely because you have Raven now, and another child on the way. Things happen Jimmy, we just deal with them and move on. If Raven dies, then that’s what you’ll have to do. Grieve, then move on.”

“I know,” Jimmy growled, letting his head fall backward to hit the locker. “I guess I should talk to Leana about all of this huh?” Jimmy sighed.

“I would, make her understand what’s going on.” Valary said. Jimmy nodded and hugged Val tightly, but what neither of them realized was that someone had been listening to them, and that person was Leana.
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Update. So, There's going to hopefully be two chapter left so I can finish this in a reasonable amount of time for the contest it's entered in. So all other stories are on hold until this one is finished. Sorry, but it has to be that way.
Thank you everyone who commented, read, and subscribed. It means a lot to me.
So, yep, until next time. :)