Once Again


On the bus the next day, Jimmy walked into the front area to see Leana sitting on the couch reading a book. He sighed, knowing now would be the best time to explain things to her.

“Lee, can we talk for a second?” Jimmy asked, sitting next to her. She put her book down and looked up at him with waiting eyes. “There’s things that happened, things I know you never knew about. Gena wouldn’t have told you because she doesn’t believe it. When Cameron and I broke up that first time, when you thought she cheated on me, that wasn’t the case at all.”

“Jimmy, I know,” Leana muttered before he could finish. “I overheard you and Val last night. She was raped, and she didn’t say anything to any of you about it.”

“There’s more to it than that Lee. I knew something happened, but I thought it was that she had cheated because there was a condom wrapper on the floor. I was ranting about how she cheated on me, so she just up and left. We found out about a year later what really happened, and by that time, it was too late for me to find her.”

“But you did, you’re with her now.” Leana pointed out.

“After our bus broke down outside her family’s old farm. It was just lucky she decided to take Raven there that day.”

“Raven, did you know about her, at all?”

“Not until the day the bus broke down,” Jimmy answered, leaning his elbows on his knees to stare at the ground. “I loved you Leana, but it wasn’t working between us. I loved you more like a sister or a best friend. Cameron I was falling in love with, and I knew it wasn’t right for me to keep leading you on.”

“That’s why you ended things with me.” Leana nodded her head in understanding.

“I find Cameron, find my daughter Raven, but it wasn’t a happy day. I also find out my daughter is dying.”

“You said she’s…”

“I said she’s not going to die, but that’s more what I’m wishing for than what is actually true.” Jimmy sighed. “She’s got this disease in her blood. T-The reason there’s another baby coming is to hopefully take the blood from this one’s umbilical cord, and use it to kill the disease in Raven’s blood.”

“That’s risky Jimmy, what if it doesn’t work?”

“Then we try whatever else we can to save Raven, and raise the new baby the way he or she will need to be raised.” Jimmy shrugged.

“You care for them, all of them.” Leana stated rather than asked as she seen a tear slip from the corner of Jimmy’s eye. He nodded, reaching up and brushing the moister away impatiently.

“I’m scared to death Leana,” he admitted to her. “I don’t want to lose my daughter.”

“It’ll be fine Jimmy, I’m sure of it.” Leana said, grabbing his hand. He didn’t feel the seduction she had been trying to use on him though. This time, it was as if his best friend was trying to comfort him, which in a sense, it was. “So, Gena tried to start a fight at Raven’s birthday party? Who did she try to fight?”

“Cameron,” he responded. “Zack took her home, and kicked her out of the house. I wish I could have been there.” Jimmy laughed.

“I never really liked Gena,” Leana admitted. “She was too stuck up her own ass.”

“Yeah I know,” Jimmy smiled, shaking his head as he stood up.

“I’m sorry Jimmy, for trying to break you and Cameron apart. I was jealous and wanted you back. But I can see how much you truly care for her, and with your little girl and the new baby, that would be the lowest thing I could ever do.”

“Don’t worry about it Leana.” Jimmy shrugged. “We can still be friends.”

“I’d like that,” Leana nodded. Jimmy smiled at her one last time before turning to walk back into the bunk area of the bus. He threw himself into his own bunk and grabbed his cell phone from his pocket.

“Hey Jimmy,” Cameron’s voice answered the phone.

“Hey, how’s my girls doing?” Jimmy asked, looking over at the picture he had taped to the side of his bunk. It was the last thing he saw whenever he had to sleep on the bus. Him and Cameron with Raven between them. It was taken at Raven’s birthday party, and while it was obvious Raven was sick, there was a light in her eyes that could be seen from miles away.

“We’re good. Morning sickness is kicking my ass.”

“How’s Bee-Bee?” Jimmy asked, swallowing the lump that had formed in his throat.

“Hanging in there,” Cameron sighed. “She’s excited about the baby and already thinking of names.”

“We still have, what, six months left until the baby’s due?”

“Yeah, but that’s not stopping her.” Cameron laughed, looking over at their daughter while she was coloring in a coloring book. Jimmy’s heart skipped a beat at the thought of there being six months until the baby would be here. Anything could happen in that time, so the only thing they could do is to hope and pray.

5 Months Later

“Daddy!” Raven shouted when she seen Jimmy walking off the bus.

“Hey Baby,” Jimmy smiled, rushing up to her at once and wrapping his arms around her. He could tell right away she’s lost more weight, and her hair was getting thinner as well. “How you feeling?”

“Tired,” she mumbled as Jimmy picked her up. He turned and came face to face with Cameron, who was watching the two of them with her hand over her swollen stomach.

“Jimmy, we have to head to WB,” Matt reminded him, knowing Jimmy was going to get ready to head out with Cameron and Raven.

“Go, we’ll see you at home.” Cameron told him.

“We’ll only be there for a few minutes, just to check in and what not.” Jimmy shrugged. “Come with us.”

“Please Mommy?” Raven asked, looking at her mother with big blue eyes. Cameron sighed, knowing she didn’t have a choice.

“Okay, we’ll go,” she smiled as Raven cheered and hugged Jimmy again.

“You look beautiful by the way,” Jimmy told Cameron, looking over her fuller body.

“Don’t try to flatter me Sullivan, it won’t work.” Cameron smirked, wrapping her arm around one of his own. Jimmy just shrugged and led them back to the car, helping Raven into the backseat as Cameron slid herself into the passenger side. Jimmy slid behind the wheel and drove downtown to the Warner Brother’s offices.

When they finally got back home, Cameron collapsed on the couch while Jimmy threw his bags into the laundry room and starting a load. He walked back into the living room and sat next to Cameron, watching Raven watch a cartoon on the television.

“Well, are you ready for this?” Cameron asked. Jimmy didn’t have to look at her to realize she was talking about the baby. He thought for a minute, and smiled.

“As ready as I’ll ever be,” he replied, grabbing her hand and looking into her eyes. “I just want you to know Cameron, no matter what happens, I love you, I love Raven, and I love this baby. Nothing will ever change that.”

“I know,” Cameron smiled, leaning into his side more. “Oh, I have something to show you,” she said suddenly. Raven looked back at her parents and she knew right away what her mother was talking about. “The girls helped while they were home, so I didn’t do too much.”

“Too much of what?” Jimmy asked, standing up and following Cameron up the stairs. She stopped outside the door he said would be the baby’s nursery, and opened the door. Jimmy’s jaw hit the floor as he stared at the completely different room. The walls had been painted a light brown, almost like sand. A dark brown crib was in the middle of the room, light green bedding with pictures of dragonflies decorating it.

“Well?” Cameron asked, looking up at him.

“I like it,” he said, looking back down at her. He noticed right away something was off. Her face had gone into complete shock and was turning pale.

“Cameron, baby what’s wrong?” Jimmy asked, alarmed as she started gasping for breath.

“I think my water just broke,” she told him, looking down. Sure enough when he looked with her, she was standing in a puddle of liquid.

“It’s too soon,” she whispered, looking up at Jimmy with frightful eyes.

“Only by a few weeks,” Jimmy stated, trying to keep her calm as well as himself. “Come on, I’ll call my parents on the way. They can watch Raven for us.”

“Mommy okay?” Raven asked, looking at the wet spot on the floor.

“Mommy’s fine honey,” Jimmy assured her. “Can you help Daddy by opening the door for us.” Raven nodded and ran down the stairs right away, rushing to the car and trying to open that door as well.

“Thank you baby, I got that one,” Jimmy said, opening the door and helping Cameron slide into the seat. He made sure Raven was inside before rushing into the house and grabbing the bag Cameron told him she had packed about a month ago. He grabbed his cell phone and wallet and rushed back out of the house, putting the bag in the back seat beside Raven.

“What wrong Mommy?” Raven asked, looking scared as Jimmy pulled out of the driveway.

“You’re about to become a big sister sweetie,” Cameron replied, glancing up at Jimmy. He exhaled slowly, trying to stay calm. He was scared to death about what was coming, but he knew it would turn alright in the end.


“This one,” Barbra said to her granddaughter as they gently knocked on the door. A very tired voice called out “Come in,” so Joe grabbed the handle and opened the door, allowing the little girl to walk into the room.

“Hi Mommy!” Raven said, bouncing into the room.

“Hi honey,” Cameron smiled from the bed. Jimmy was sitting next to her, a bundle of blankets in his arms as he smiled down at his first born daughter.

“Come here princess,” he said, moving around to where he could hold the baby down for Raven to see. “Meet your little sister Graiclynn Rose Sullivan.”

“She’s too small to play with.”

“Right now she is, but just wait, when she gets bigger you’ll both be out energizing your father.” Joe chuckled. Jimmy smiled up at his own father as he stood up and passed the baby to his mother.

“Your new granddaughter,” he said, stepping back and picking Raven up.

“She’s perfect, just like Raven,” Barbra whispered, a tear falling down her cheek as she gazed at the small face half hidden by the tiny pink hat.

“She’s a little underweight, but she’s four weeks early, so it’s expected.” Cameron informed them as Raven stared at the baby.

“Can I hold her?” she asked, looking up at her father.

“You have to let one of us help you.” He replied. Raven nodded her head as Jimmy sat down with her. Barbra gently placed the baby in Jimmy’s hands, but to where Raven would actually feel like she’s hold the baby as well.

“She pwetty.” Raven told her father.

“Yes she is,” he smiled. “All of my favorite girls are beautiful.”

“Who your favorite girls?”

“Well, there’s you, Gracie now. Grandma, Aunt Katie, Aunt Kelly, and of course, Mommy.” Raven giggled as she looked back down at her little sister. “Sissy sleeping,” she told Jimmy.

“Well, let’s put her down then,” Jimmy replied, waiting for Raven to stand by her grandparents so he could lay Graiclynn in her bassinette.

“Graiclynn Rose? I love that name.” Barbra said, reading over the paperwork about the baby.

“Jimmy thought of it,” Cameron said, yawning.

“I think it’s time Mommy gets some sleep too,” Jimmy said to Raven. “Let’s go downstairs and get a drink.”

“I’m proud of you son,” Joe said. “You have a career you can be proud of. Two little girls in the world now.”

“There’s just one thing missing out of all of this,” Jimmy stated. “And I’m not going to let what happened five years ago happen again.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Update. So, one more chapter after this one and it's over. Thank you everyone for sticking with me through this. I really appreciate it.
This is a visual of Graiclynn's room
So, until next time.