Once Again

Broke Down

When Jimmy had finally calmed down, they went to the bus to head to the next city. Jimmy sat on the couch, his laptop open and scrolling down the news pages without really seeing them.

“Hey man, want some ice for you jaw?” Johnny asked, sitting next to Jimmy.

“Nah, I’m fine. I’ve taken worse from Brian,” Jimmy smiled, though he couldn’t stop the wince the small act caused. Johnny stared at him with a raised eyebrow before standing up and walking to the small kitchenette. He grabbed out an ice pack and wrapped it in a rag and tossed it beside Jimmy before walking into the bunk area. Jimmy shook his head and grabbed the ice pack, placing it against the side of his face as Brian walked in from the back.

“Hey, sorry about that, I was pissed,” Brian said, sitting on the other side of the bus. They heard Matt and Val laugh at the front of the bus where Matt was driving.

“Don’t worry about it dude,” Jimmy shrugged it off. “I’ve taken worse.”

“Yeah I know.” Brian smirked as Zack joined them.

“The gnome went to bed,” Zack told them, sitting next to Jimmy.

“Figured he would,” Brian said, scrubbing his hands over his face. “Where we heading to next anyway?”

“Back to California for a meet and greet in San Diego.” Jimmy answered him.

“We just passed the border, so do you guys want to go home and we’ll drive up there in the morning, or just go ahead and head on to San Diego?” Matt asked from the front.

“Just head to San Diego,” Zack replied. “If I get home I won’t be able to leave again,” he smirked.

“I know,” Brian sighed, his head falling back against the wall of the bus.
They remained silent for a good part of the ride, when suddenly the bus started sputtering, and soon slowed to a stop.

“What the hell?” Zack asked, standing up and walking toward the front.

“Go wake up Johnny, the bus just died,” Matt said, trying to turn the key in the ignition. The motor clicked, but refused to start.

“Damn it,” Jimmy said, shutting his laptop and standing up.

“Hey midget, wake up, we’re broken down.” he said, kicking into Johnny’s bunk. Johnny grunted and looked through the curtain.

“The bus broke down?” he mumbled, throwing himself out of the bunk.

“Yep, we’re stranded.” Jimmy laughed, walking back toward the front.

“So, now what? We’re in the middle of nowhere.” Brian said, pulling out his cell phone. “I have no signal.” Everyone else grabbed out their own cell phones and a chorus of curses rung out as everyone realized they had no signal as well.

“I guess we just stay here until someone drives by.” Matt said, throwing his hands up in defeat.

“I’m going back to bed,” Johnny muttered.

“We all might as well go,” Brian agreed. Jimmy just stayed in the front of the bus, wanting the quiet time to think things over. He laid back on the couch, and drifted to sleep.

Pounding on the bus door woke him up early the next morning.

“Mama it’s a bus!” A little girl’s voice insisted. “People might need help!”

“I get that, but wait for Mommy next time,” a woman scolded the little girl. “Hello!” the woman called. “Is anyone in there?” Jimmy’s brain quickly kicked in, realizing there was a woman outside who could possibly help them.

“One minute!” He called, rushing to the back room.

“Guys, someone’s outside the bus,” he told them. He went back to the door.

“Stand back I’m coming out,” he said. He waited a minute before he threw the door open and his heart froze.

“Jimmy?” Cameron asked, her eyes wide with fright and surprise.

“Cammy,” he breathed. “H-What are you doing here?”

“You’re right outside my family’s farm,” she pointed out. “What are you doing here?”

“Stranded, the bus broke down last night and we don’t have service out here.” Jimmy explained.

“Pop the hood,” she told him. He went to the driver’s seat and pressed the button to open the engine door as Matt and Brian stumbled out.

“You’ll never believe who found us,” Jimmy whispered.

“Do you have a flashlight in that bus?” Cameron yelled out to him. Jimmy stood up and pushed past Brian and Matt, who ran off the bus confused.

“Cameron?” Brian asked, staring at her with awe.

“Hey guys,” she smiled, though Matt could tell right away that it didn’t reach her eyes. She might be acting like the Cammy they remembered, but she really wasn’t. She seemed almost, unhappy.

Jimmy walked off the bus, flashlight in hand. He handed it to Cameron and stood back, watching as she looked at the engine.

“Someone go try to start it,” she said. Matt, who had the keys in his pocket, went in t start it right away. Jimmy noticed Cameron glance around several times, and looked to see the little girl who must have knocked on the door.

“Raven, stay close please,” Cameron told the girl as she ran down the road chasing a butterfly.

“Okay Mommy,” the girl replied. Jimmy’s heart leapt when he heard the word “Mommy” come from the little girl.

“Just as I thought,” Cammy muttered, reaching down into the engine. “You’re timing belt busted. I think I have one this size in the shed. We used it for the tractors when it was harvesting season.” She glanced down at Raven, who was spinning around and kicking dirt up into the air.

“We’ll watch her so you can run up and get it,” Brian offered. Cameron thought for a moment, realizing she had no other option.

“Okay,” she nodded. “Raven, honey, you’re going to stay with these guys okay? I’ll be right back. You listen to them and behave yourself.”

“I’ll ride up with you,” Jimmy offered.

“You guys can introduce yourselves to her,” Cameron told Brian and Matt. They nodded and looked down at the little girl.

“So, you have a daughter?” Jimmy asked in the car.

“Yep, she’s my life now.” Cameron sighed, glancing over at him.

“She’s what, about five?”

“She’ll be five in a few months.” Cameron admitted.

“So, who’s the father?” Jimmy asked. Cameron slammed on her breaks, causing Jimmy to reach his hand out to avoid colliding with the dashboard.

“Okay you want to know the truth, she’s your daughter Jimmy. At first I didn’t know because
of the reason we broke up, but she’s your daughter. She’s just fucking like you.”

“Cam,” Jimmy breathed, but his voice faded when he saw the tears in her eyes.

“I know the truth,” he whispered.

“What?” Cameron snapped, turning to face him.

“I said I know the truth,” he said a little louder. “About the rape, I know about it. The fucker was bragging about it a month after you left. Valary heard him and she told us about it. Since there’s no more evidence, I couldn’t call the police on him.”

“Okay, so you know. It doesn’t change anything. It doesn’t change the fact that you broke my heart five years ago, leaving me with nobody to turn to when I needed someone the most.” She stopped and took in a deep breath, shaking her head and starting to drive to the house again.

“Can I ask you something?” Jimmy asked after a minute.

“You just did, but you can ask something else,” Cameron smirked, glancing over at him again.

“Y-you’re daughter is my daughter?” he asked. Cammy’s face softened even more, realizing what was going on.

“Yes Jimmy, she’s your daughter. She’s just like you in so many ways.”

“Why didn’t you ever tell me?”

“I didn’t want to get your hopes up, and by the time she was born and I realized she really was yours, I didn’t know how to get a hold of you.”

“We could have had a paternity test done.”

“I just said I didn’t want to get your hopes up Jimmy. I found out I was pregnant when I was two months along. The doctor told me I had conceived her the week the rape happened. We slept together that week, and, well, you know. I didn’t want to hear that I was carrying that bastard’s child. I hoped that the baby either came out like you, or like me. I didn’t want any type of reminder of what he put me through.”

“When she was born, she looked so much like you did in the pictures your mom showed me. I knew you had to be her father. I was so relieved, but then again, depressed because I knew that, even if I did know how to get a hold of you, I knew you wouldn’t believe me when I told you she was your daughter.”

“My daughter,” Jimmy muttered as Cameron slowed into a stop outside the shed. “I have a daughter,” he laughed humorlessly. A sudden thought struck him just then. The only people he had ever seen Cameron hang around was his friends, and since he’s seen all of them practically everyday since she left, that meant she didn’t have anyone.

“Wait a second,” he said, his hand freezing on the door handle. “Your parents died years ago, and you were an only child. The only people I ever seen you with was the guys or the girls.” He turned to look at her, the knowing look in her eyes. “You took care of her literally by yourself for the last five years haven’t you?”

“Who else could I turn to?” Cameron whispered. “Both sides of my family abandoned me when they died. I was convinced you never wanted to see me again. I had no choice but to do it alone.”

“How did you manage?”

“I have no idea,” she admitted with a sigh. She walked the rest of the way towards the shed with Jimmy trailing behind her. She raised a baby, their daughter, all alone for the past five years. How did she work, or manage to keep up with everything? He knew he would never have the answer, but he also knew that now that his daughter was in his life, he wasn’t going to let her go.
♠ ♠ ♠
Update. So, nothing really to say right now. lol
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Next update will be soon. :)