‹ Prequel: Never Ever Again

Maybe Just Once More

Stay Awake

Soon enough, the festival ended, and everyone was packing up to go home.

"I don't want to go home." Zach complained.

"Me either!" Curtis said, joining in.

"Well that's just tough luck for both of you, isn't it?" I told them, as I put the last of our stuff in the boot of the car.

"Time to say goodbye,Zach." I sighed, and he followed me into The Blackout bus.

"Bye Uncle Sean!" Zach said, as Sean lifted him up and they hugged each other.

Sarah was hugging Snoz and Curtis was doing the 'man hug' thing with Rhys.

"Bye Bob." I said, as the tears began to form.

"Bye Jess.Take care of yourself,yeah?" I nodded and we let go.

I moved on to Matt, and eventually the only people I had yet to say goodbye to were Sean and Gavin. Tears fell down my cheeks, and I couldn't stop them.

"Jess." Gav said sympathetically.

He hugged my left side, and Sean hugged my right, making me sandwiched between them.

"I'm going to miss you so much." I sobbed.

"We'll miss you too! But you can always come and visit us! And we'll come and visit you too! We'll see each other again before you know it!" Gav said trying to reassure me.

"We love you, Jess." Sean smiled sadly.

"I love you all too." I smiled sadly.

"You better get going love. Zach's challenging Snoz at arm wrestling again." Gavin laughed.

You see, last time they did Snoz broke his wrist, and couldn't play for about 2 months.

"Zach! Leave Snoz alone." I laughed.

We eventually got into the car, and with one final goodbye, we pulled out and began the journey home.

It was 3am by the time I was pulling up in the driveway.Sarah and Zach had slept the whole way,while Curt stayed awake, to make sure I was alright.

"Do you mind if we stay the night?" Curt whispered quietly.

"Yeah,that's fine." I told him.

I got out and picked Zach up, out of the back of the car, while Curtis did the same with Sarah.

I brought Zach up to his room,and Curtis carried Sarah to the guestroom. I was in the bathroom brushing my teeth, when Curt walked past, but then came in. He smiled sympathetically into the mirror, to which I replied with a sad smile of my own.

I turned round, and Curt gave me one of his huge bear hugs.

"It'll be alright Jess. I know you miss them, but you'll see them again soon." He whispered, and kissed the top of my head.

"Goodnight Jess." He said softly.

"Night Curt.Love you."
♠ ♠ ♠
Title Credit:Example

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