‹ Prequel: Never Ever Again

Maybe Just Once More


Two weeks had passed, and I still missed the boys.I guess with it being summer, and the fact that I had more time to myself, I thought about things more.I knew within the next few weeks, I'd need to visit mam. Curtis had noticed that I wasn't happy and decided to force me to go out with him and Sarah, and a few of her mates, to some pub that they liked. Sarah's friends were bringing their boyfriends, so Curt could chat to someone.Making me feel like the odd one out.I tried telling Curt this, but he insisted I go.

And that's why I ended up having to get all dressed up to go out.

"Can I come in?" Curt asked,knocking on his bedroom door, where I was getting dressed.

"Yeah, it's safe to come in." I replied and he opened the door slowly.

"You look great Jess!" He smiled , and I tugged at the bottom of the dress I was wearing.

"Thanks, but I don't really." I told him.

One thing Curtis tells me, is that I don't accept compliments enough, but I always laugh in response.

"Yes you do. Now,come on!" He smiled.

"That dress suits you so well Jess!" Sarah said happily as I reached the bottom of the stairs.

"Nah." I smiled, and brushed the compliment off.

Sarah's friends arrived and I started chatting to them, as we'd met before a few times.

"Ready to go then?" Sarah asked,to no-one in particular,to which the question was answered with cheering from everyone.

As we began to walk the short distance to the pub, the boys decided it would be fun to form a conga line, and sing 'let's get fucking wankered'. Us girls walked behind the guys,and laughed every time they passed someone and got nasty glares from them.We arrived at the bar soon enough, and the girls went to find a table, while the guys and I went to get drinks.

"Can I have a chocolate martini,please?" I asked sweetly and Curtis shook his head.

As the boys listed off what they wanted, I told Curt that I was going to have a cig. I headed out to the smoking area. I smoked when I drank.It wasn't a good habit, but whatever. I lit up and put the lighter away again. I stood watching the cars drive by, and zoned out for a while. I heard someone cough, and turned around.It was Oli.

"Hey. Can we talk?" Oli asked,quietly.

"Yeah,sure." I said nervously, and we walked over to one of the wooden picnic tables.

I was proud to say that those three words' can we talk' never really scared me.However, this was an exception. After the way Oli blew up last time I saw him,I felt anxious.

"I don't want to fight with you, Jess.I just want to ask you if I can see my son.Does he even know who I am?" Oli asked, sounding calm but hurt at the same time.

"Yeah he does.Since the barbecue,I've showed him some of the videos you guys have done.The suitable ones anyway." I told him and he nodded in thought.

And so I spent most of the evening outside with Oli,smoking,drinking, but mainly talking about Zach.
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Title Credit:Skrillex

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Who would you rather Jess ends up with? Matt or Oli?
