‹ Prequel: Never Ever Again

Maybe Just Once More

Heels Over Head

Weeks passed and Oli,Matt and I continued to work at mending our friendships.

"Post man is here!" Zach shouted from the living room.

"Okay!" I shouted back, as I finished straightening my hair.

I got up,and walked down the stairs.I opened the front door and got the post out of the box on the wall.Bills and something else.
I opened it and it read:
''Mr and Mrs Knightbridge request the pleasure of the company of Miss Jess Reynolds and Mr Zach Reynolds, at the marriage of their daughter BrĂ³nach May to Mr Matthew Nicholls at Sacred Heart Church,Sheffield,on Saturday 3rd November at 1pm and after wards at Green Fields Mansion,Sheffield.''

I wrote on the rsvp slip to say that we could attend and then put it in an envelope to post back later.

A month had passed, and I decided to go dress shopping for something to wear to the wedding, which was coming up quickly. I'd gone into a few different shops, but felt depressed and awful,as my size no longer fit.I'd gone from a large size 6 to a large size 12.It wasn't even the sizes that bothered me,it was just the thought of getting fatter. In the end i'd settled on a red dress with a small belt around the waist,while Zach was going to wear a suit.

With the thought of getting fatter, I went home without buying anything else.Zach and I went inside.He ran upstairs to play 'XBOX' and i changed into my lounge clothes.I turned on the t.v and put on 'Fresh Meat'.I loved it.

Without warning, Curtis and Sarah came in and sat down on the sofa,without even saying hello.I looked at them for a while,before shaking my head at them. The ignored my look and carried on watching t.v.

"Hey Curtis."

"Hey Jess." He said, and then turned his attention back to the t.v.

"CURTIS!" I screamed.

"WHAT?!" He screamed back.

"LEAVE!" I shouted, and he quickly apologized.

I laughed and turned the t.v. off.

"What's up then Ward family?" I joked.

Two weeks ago, Curtis proposed to Sarah over dinner at his place.He cooked, and didn't burn it, and covered the dining room,living room and bedroom in rose petals.It took him hours to get it set up, and in the end he called me round and begged me to help him set it all up.

It was cute to see how they were together, but it also made me jealous.I never had that, and I probably never would.I know it sounds bad, but men seem to be scared off when they realize I have Zach.I want what Sarah has.I want a boyfriend who loves me as much as Curtis loves Sarah. I want to get engaged.I want to get married.I want to wear a beautiful white dress,and be the centre of attention just for one day.But I can tell it won't ever happen for me. It's not fair, but I understand.I think.But this didn't make my wishes go away.

"Jess,love?" Sarah asked as Curtis gently shook my shoulder.

"Sorry,yeah?" I smiled and they laughed lightly.
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Title Credit:Boys Like Girls
