‹ Prequel: Never Ever Again

Maybe Just Once More

Lego House

Oli took my hand and led me to the dance floor.He held my right hand and put his left on my hip.He waited a moment and then spoke.

"Yeh look nice." He smiled and I blushed.

"Please Oliver," I laughed." I'm hardly model material."

"Yeh were." He pointed out,referring to when I did a bit of modeling for the Drop Dead website, while we were together.

We were silent for a while and it was awkward.

"So I assume your girlfriend is here." I asked, as i hadn't seen her.

"We finished a few days ago." He admitted.

"Shit,I'm sorry." I apologized and he smiled shyly.

"Would it be bad teh say that i'm not bothered?" He smirked and I slapped his chest lightly.

"Oliver! You can't say that!" I laughed.

"Well it's true. She did my 'ead in!" He complained and I laughed and shook my head.

We carried on dancing for a moment in silence.

"BrĂ³nach looks beautiful." I admitted and Oli agreed with me.

"Yeah, Matt's a lucky man." Oli said and I smiled, at how sweet he was being.

The song ended and I let go of Oli.

"What're yeh doing?" He asked.

"The song is over Oliver." I said simply, and walked off in the direction of the bar.

I wasn't going to get attached to Oli again.I still loved him, but I wasn't IN love with him, and I didn't want to go back there.We both deserved more than that.

"Just a diet coke,please." I told the barman and he nodded.

"Jess." I turned around and Matt was standing there.

"Hi Matt." I wasn't shocked as I knew that they toured together, and he would most likely have been invited too.

"You alright?" He asked awkwardly.

"Yeah i'm fine." I said as my phone began to ring."Sorry,excuse me."

I quickly walked outside to the smoking area to answer.


"Sarah?! What's going on?!"

"Jess! Me and Curtis thought and yeah!" She shouted.

"Put me on to Curt." I said and she did."

"Jess, did you use a condom with Matt when we were at that festival?"He asked.

"What? No? Why?"

"And you said you were getting fat?" He asked.

"Curt where are you going with this?"

"Are you pregnant?!" He said bluntly.

"No! Oh my god! No! No! No! I'm going to go check now! I'll ring you back in half an hour!" I told him, and with that bombshell, I quickly ran, as best I could in the heels I was wearing, to the car,started it up, and went in search of the nearest chemist.

After about an hour of driving around,I found a 24 hour chemist. I parked and ran in.Once I was in the right isle, I bought 5 or 6,just to be sure, and went to the till to pay.Once I'd paid, I rushed back and went straight to my hotel room.

One by one, I did each test, but I didn't look at the results until I'd done them all. Why me?...
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Ttile Credit: Ed Sheeran

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