‹ Prequel: Never Ever Again

Maybe Just Once More

Post Break-Up Sex

Brilliant. Just. fucking. Brilliant.

Each stick had some form of a positive symbol that I hated. I shook my head and decided I'd just go to bed, and worry about it in the morning. And so for one last time,I pretended nothing was wrong.


Carol had brought Zach back, and we were getting ready to leave and go home when there was a knock on the door.I got off the bed and opened the door.There stood Matt Tuck. He smiled slightly and rubbed the back of his neck.

"Hey Jess." He said.

I told Zach I'd be back in a minute and stood outside the room with him.I'd decided that after the mess surrounding my first pregnancy, that I'd just tell him straight away.

"Matt I need to tell you something." I said simply.

"Uh yeah,okay?" He said confused.

"I'm pregnant.It's yours." I said.

It was his facial expression that shocked me most though. He was shocked, but his face held a smile.

"So where does that leave us?" He asked hopefully.

"I don't know Matt.I really don't know..." I trailed off.

"Well I'll be the best dad ever! I can promise you that!I'll do whatever it takes to be a part of my baby's life, and yours too." He said the last few words quietly." I'll see you soon Jess."

He kissed my cheek and walked away. I stood there,trying to register in my head what had just happened.

I let myself back into the room and once we had everything together,we pulled the suitcase down the hall and into the lift.We checked out and headed for the car. As I opened the boot and put the suitcase in, Zach stood beside me with a piece of paper.

"What's that?" I asked, as I pulled down the boot door.

"I dunno." He said and I smiled and rolled my eyes.

"Give me it." I laughed.

I unfolded it.Scrawled onto it was 'I promise! I'll see you soon!" in Matt's handwriting.

I sighed, and both Zach and I got in the car,ready to go home.

"Mummy?" Zach asked.

"Yes,love?" I replied.

"Why don't you love daddy?" He asked and I chocked on my own breath.

"What?!" I asked.

"Why do you not love daddy?"He repeated.

"I do love daddy." I told him.

"Why don't we live in daddy's house. Why does daddy have a girlfriend?"

"I love daddy Zach,we're friends."

"Just friends?" He asked,sounding deflated.

"Yes Zach." I sighed, "Just friends."
♠ ♠ ♠
Title Credit: The Vaccines

