‹ Prequel: Never Ever Again

Maybe Just Once More

The One That Got Away

"Yeh okay." Oli said quietly, as he rubbed my back gently.

A month had passed and my morning sickness had been getting worse. I couldn't keep anything down. Even the thought of cooking made me feel queasy, so Oli suggested that he'd come around for a few days and help look after Zach and the house for me. His idea of looking after Zach however, meant that the two of them would sit and play xbox together for hours and eat unhealthy rubbish all day.Zach's school let me take the week off, after Oli rang in on Friday evening to tell them how sick I was.I still had two and a half months to go before my maternity leave

"I feel like crap." I complained.

"I know, love." Oli said, as he helped me up from my position on the floor. " Do you want to do anything today? We don't have to get Zach from Matteh's until later."

"I dunno." I shrugged.

"Well do you want to go for a walk or something?" He suggested.

"Thinking about it, i'd like to go for a walk." I smiled.

"Great." He smiled back. "I'll go and lock up downstairs while you get ready to go."

I pulled my clothes on quickly, and fixed my hair into place, then went into the bathroom to brush my teeth. I grabbed my bag from my room and headed downstairs.

Oli was waiting at the front door for me.


He quickly looked up, and them smiled.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing." He smirked and I hit his arm lightly.

"What is it?" I asked.

"I just noticed that you're still as tiny as you were before. Yeh bump is almost as big as yeh."

"Oli!! I exclaimed and he just laughed.

"I'm kidding love." He winked and I again hit him.

"Are we ready to go,or are you just going to insult me here?" I asked and he rolled his eyes.

"So impatient..." He trailed off, fully aware of the fact I could hear him.

I looked at him with a raised eyebrow, and he pretended to be innocent.I ended up laughing and he joined in within about 3 seconds.

We eventually left the house and began walking down the road.After about an hour, I began to get tired.

"Can we stop for a bit?" I asked him.

"Yeah of course. Sorreh, I forgot. There's a Starbucks around the corner if you want?" He suggested.

"Yeah,sounds good." I replied.

We went into the shop and joined the que.

"What can I get you?" The boy behind the counter asked.

"I'll have a Vanilla Frappuccino." Oli ordered.

"And what about you,beautiful?" He winked and Oli's hands mad fists.

"Back off mate.Cant you see she's pregnant?" Oli said, his voice a dead calm.

"Sorry." The boy replied,clearly embarrassed.

"I'll have a Strawberries and Cream Frappuccino, please." I ordered.

When we had to pay,Oli refused to let me, and when we left the till, he put his arms around me from behind, and rubbed my belly.

Our drinks were ready, so we got them and headed outside. As we walked through the cold November air, snow began to fall.

"I love snow!" I smiled through my chattering teeth.

"So do I lovely." Oli laughed and pulled me closer into his side for warmth.

Now this is happiness...
♠ ♠ ♠
Title Credit: Katy Perry
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