‹ Prequel: Never Ever Again

Maybe Just Once More

Mama Do The Hump

Oli and I were officially together a few weeks later. He still felt hurt, but was able to understand my point of view.

"Oli," I groaned.

"Yes dear?" He replied sarcastically and I glared at him.

We were painting the spare bedroom in my house pink, as I'd found out I was having a little girl, which Zach seemed happy about at the moment.

"I'm so tired." I complained and he smiled softly.

"Go and lie down then." He said.

"Come lie down with me." I wined and he smiled and rolled his eyes.

He set down his paintbrush and grabbed my hand as I lead him into my bedroom.Oli lay down as i took my slipper socks off, and I quickly climbed onto the bed,but didn't bother about getting under the covers. I cuddled into his side and he put his arm over me, as he put his other hand into my hair. For some reason, when people played with my hair, it made me sleepy and relaxed, and so it didn't take long before I'd drifted off into a light sleep.


I woke up with a blanket draped over me. Slowly, I pulled myself up off the bed, and plodded in the direction of where Oli was talking to Matty in the kitchen.Zach and Emily were giggling in the playroom and I smiled as I walked past them and down the stairs.

"Hey baby." Oli smiled, when he saw me come in to the room.

"Hey.Hi Matty." I said and walked over to hug Oli.

He put his arms around me from behind, as I faced Matty, and listened to his and Oli's conversation.

"Let's talk about it another time." Oli said quickly.

"So Jess, what do you want for your birthday?" Matty asked.

"For this baby to be out already." I said and he laughed.

"You know i'd love to help you, but i don't think i can there.Anything I can do/buy realistically?" He asked and I stuck my tongue out at him.

"For that, I wont get you anything! Well I better get going or BronĂ¡ch will kick my ass.You better come tonight!" Matt said and walked out into the hall, with Oli and I following him.

"Emily! Time to go!" Matt called, and she and Zach came running down the stairs.

"See you later.Bye!"

"Bye Matt. Bye Emily!" I called as they left and got into the car. The three of us waved them goodbye, and then went back inside.

"I'm tired again, and my back hurts." I said and Oli laughed.

"Go back to bed then silly." He said and I smiled.

"As long as my little Zach comes and gives me a hug." I smiled.

"Fine." Zach sighed and Oli laughed.

And with that, it was back to bed for the third time that day...
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Title Credit: Rizzle Kicks


Merry Christmas!
