‹ Prequel: Never Ever Again

Maybe Just Once More

The Mess We Made Of Our Lives

Weeks had passed since the accident, and it made me really think about when i lived with Oli.I never actually stopped loving Oli, no matter how much I tried to tell myself that I did.Zach looked like him in some ways. He had the same hazel green eyes Oli had, and when he smiled he looked just like a mini version of him.I really missed Oli.I really missed Tom too, and Carol and Ian.And Matty,Jona,Lee and Vegan.

Since I left Oli years ago, I got back in contact with Curtis, and Zach referred to him as Uncle Curtis.

Curtis and his girlfriend Sarah were round as usual on a Saturday, while Zach was at Finn's house, although he would be home any minute.Just as I began to wonder where he was,the doorbell rang.Once Zach said hello to Curt and Sarah, he handed me a little folded-up pink piece of paper. I unfolded it and began to read it. It was an invitation to Emily's birthday party.Not only was Zach invited,but I was too.

"Zach?" I called, as I handed the invite to Curtis and Sarah.After they read it, they both looked at me and smiled sadly.

"Yea?" He asked, as he reached the living room.

"Where did you get this?" I asked him

"Emily gave it to me when we were at Finn's house." He replied and I nodded."Can we go?"

I looked at Zach's pleading face and the invitation in Curt's hands, then closed my eyes and sighed.

"I don't know..." I trailed off, and Zach's eyes began to fill up with tears. But I decided I couldn't let my past ruin Zach's happiness and so I changed my mind and said yes.Maybe one of my worst mistakes ever.


I pulled up at the house on the directions.As soon as the car stopped,Zach jumped out and ran to the door.I was left to retrieve Emily's present from the car, and then lock it.By the time I was ready to go in, Matt had opened the door and told Zach to go out the back,where the rest of the children were.Emily was having a pool party so all the children were splashing about already. I finally reached the door and Matt smiled warmly at me.

"Sorry we're a bit late.We got slightly lost." I chuckled and he nodded with a grin.

"No yeh fine.Come on through." He smiled and I followed him through the house and into the back garden.

It was a strangely hot day and so Matt was having a barbecue, as the parents sat on the deck chairs with beer bottles in hand.

Zach ran up to me and pulled Emily's present out of my hands and ran away to give it to her again, without a word,causing Matt to laugh and I smiled.

"Guys 'is is..." Matt finished when he realized he didn't know my first name.

"Amy." I lied and he nodded.

" 'Is is Amy, Zach's mum." He said and the group of people said hello politely back.

I looked around the group of people and realized I knew who each of them were.

An older looking Vegan was sat with a beer in hand talking to a boy i was almost certain was Lee. Jona and a girl were laughing together and eventually my eyes settled on a boy with his arms around another girl.The boy I loved,with another girl.Oli...my Oli.

Matt introduced us, even though I didn't really need to be, and as he finished, a girl around my age appeared beside him.

"Hi,I'm BronĂ¡ch!" She smiled. "Hi,I'm Amy." I told her slightly less loudly.

This couldn't have been the same BronĂ¡ch that cheated on Matt right?

"Have we met before?" She asked and I quickly denied her claim.

"No i don't think so." I told her and she nodded sceptically...

I knew something was going to go wrong, I was more worried about when and how...
♠ ♠ ♠
Title Credit: My Passion
Mess We Made Of Our Lives


Thanks for reading :D