‹ Prequel: Never Ever Again

Maybe Just Once More

Under the Fireflies

"Tha' was amazin'! " Matt exclaimed as we left the restaurant. " Do yeh wanna go for a walk?"

"Yeah,sure." I replied.

"So yeh were friends wif Curtis?" He asked, as if to carry on with the story.

"Yes I was, and still am." I told him and he nodded.

"So how'd yeh become a teacha ?" He asked.

"When I lived in Wales, before I came to see Tom and Oli, I had finished my qualifications to be a teacher. When Zach was born, I was running out of money fast, so I tried the schools in the area, and thankfully his school was looking for someone."

"So yeh sorted out now, money wise i mean?"

"Yeah everything's okay now. Im safe, money wise."

"Ah alrigh'." He said, and we walked in silence for a few minutes. I could tell there was something he wanted to say, and I was just going to wait for him to say it.

" Did yeh ever plan on tellin' Olleh that he 'ad a babeh?" He asked quietly, causing me to bite my lip and sigh.

"Honestly?" I said and he nodded. "One day I would tell him, but not until the band was finished and Oli had settled down a bit."

He nodded, and we carried on walking awkwardly down the streets, until I decided to ask some questions.

"Matt?" I asked.


"Can I ask you a few questions?" I said and he nodded.

"At Emily's birthday, you introduced me to someone called BronĂ¡ch... Is that the same BronĂ¡ch from back then?" I asked.

"Yea that's her. A month after you left, we made up." He said simply and I smiled.

"How's Tom and Stella doing?" I asked and Matt smirked.

"Stella's pregnant." He said and I gasped.

"What?! How?!"

"You see, Tom and her went into his bedroom one night and-"

"I get it!" I laughed as I cut him off.

"How's Vegan?" I asked, making sure I went through all the boys and checking to see they were all okay.

"The usual. He ate duck last week though." Matt said and I laughed.

"Jona?" I asked and Matt began to tell me all about him too.

We spent the evening catching up, and thankfully Oli was never mentioned...
♠ ♠ ♠
Title Credit: The Dear and Departed
Under the Fireflies

Thanks for reading/commenting/subscribing :D

And again ,thank you to Colorful_dinos :D