‹ Prequel: Never Ever Again

Maybe Just Once More

Champagne Showers

“Are you sure that’s everything?” Curtis asked again, as we put the last of our bags into my car.

“Yes, I’m sure Curt. You have the passes, right?” I asked and he nodded.

“Good, then let’s go.” I said, and we got in.

I slammed my door shut, and Curtis shouted ‘road trip’, causing Zach to erupt in cheers.

We set off with the stereo blasting, and everyone sang along to The Blackout, including Zach. I was going to have the best few days, and no-one could prevent me from it.

Once we arrived at the festival entrance, the security checked the passes and let us into the band area. The festival was all about Welsh bands, and so it made sense that Funeral For A Friend were there. I smiled at them as I drove past, and they smiled in return, almost causing me to crash into one of the tour buses beside me.

I pulled up beside the bus that the boys were staying on, and turned the engine off. Curtis, Zach and Sarah all fell asleep on the way, and I smiled when I saw them all.

“Curtis.” I whispered as I shook him.

“Huh?” He mumbled and I giggled.

“We’re here.” I whispered again, and this time he opened his eyes and looked around him.

He sat for a few minutes, before deciding he had enough energy to get up, and so it was his job to wake Zach and Sarah up, while I checked we were at the right bus.

I knocked the door and heard a ‘stand back’ as the door opened automatically.

“Ey it’s Jess!” Snoz shouted and got up to give me a big hug.

“Hey guys,” I smiled, "I’ll be back in two seconds. I’m just going to get the others out of the car.”

I hopped off the bus, and Curtis and Sarah were just waiting on Zach to get out. Once he had, I locked the car and we all went inside the bus. Everyone said their ‘hellos’ and Gav even made us all tea.

“So who else is on this festival then?” I asked.

“Kids In Glass Houses, Attack!Attack!, Bullet For My Valentine…” Rhys said and an awkward silence fell over us all.

“Anyone else?” I asked, trying to change the subject before Zach began to ask questions, and trying to pretend it didn’t bother me.

“Skindred, Pocket Venus, Future Of The Left, and I can’t remember the last one…No wait! It’s Stereophonics.” He finished

“Epic!” Curtis shouted and we all laughed, while Zach just looked clueless, and had no idea what was going on.

“What time are you playing?” I asked.

“Tomorrow at half 6. Everyone has a night off to get down here, and then the party starts tomorrow!” Bob explained and I smiled.

“Sarah?” I asked and she just sat there.

“Sarah?!” Curtis shouted.

“Shit! What?!” She shouted, snapping back into reality.

“Oh sorry Jess.” She apologized, when she realized she had just sworn in front of Zach.

“You spaced out babe.” Curtis laughed and she blushed.

“Sorry. But does that mean I could meet Kids In Glass Houses and Funeral For A Friend?!” She asked excitedly.

“Not if you act like that.” Curtis said, causing everyone to laugh.

“Zach?” Sean asked. “Do you want to come and watch t.v in my bunk?”

Zach nodded, but grabbed my hand, and made me come with them.

Sean put the t.v on and changed it to ‘Finding Nemo’, as he had brought the DVD with him. Zach crawled under the covers, and let go of my hand.

“Mummy is just going to see everyone. If you need me I’ll just be downstairs.” I told him and pointed, and he nodded in response.

I kissed his head, and Sean and I walked back downstairs and into the front lounge, where the guys had already opened the beer Curt brought with him.

“It’s good to have you back Jess.” Sean admitted, as we sat down together, and he put his arm around me.

“It’s good to be back.” I smiled…
♠ ♠ ♠
Title Credit:Lmfao
Champagne Showers


This is brilliant :') The Blackout