Sequel: Call Me Professor
Status: (completed)

Colour Me Slytherin

Colour Me Slytherin -Draco Malfoy Story #10-

Colour Me Slytherin -Draco Malfoy Story #10-

You glared, smacking the hand that was covering your mouth away. "What are you doing Seth?!" you nearly snarled.

"Whats your problem Alice?!" he retorted, glaring back at you.

"What are you talking about?!" your temper was starting to rise.

"Just because your head over heels for Malfoy, doesn't mean the rest of us have to be friends with him." He stared at you, crossing his arms over his chest.

You stared back, "I'm not head over heels for Malfoy, we're friends." you stated stubbornly.

"Oh right, if you were just friends, you wouldn't have invited him along to hogsmead with us. You wouldn't stare at him during meal times, you wouldn't be hanging out with him most of the time!" Seth practically yelled at you, pointing out the obvious.

"First off, I invite you places, and we're just friends. Secondly, I don't stare at him during meals, and thirdly, we're head boy and girl now. We have alot of responsibilities we need to take care of!" your voice rising in anger.

Seth shook his head, "he's playing you Alice. He's making you have those feelings for him, just so he can get into your pants!"

"So what? You should know me better than that Seth, and if I want to have him in my pants, that's my choice. If he's using me just to get into my pants, then thats my problem. I'm not some little girl that you need to protect." you snapped, giving him the most murderous deathglare you could muster.

"You know, I was just trying to look out for you. But never mind." he pushed himself off the wall and walked out of the alley way, knocking your shoulder roughly on the way.

You glared at his turned back, leaning into the wall. You watched as he went into a store almost right across from the alley.

Draco looked out of the store window, wondering where Seth had gone. As he turned to look at the door when the small bell tinkled, something caught his eye. Turning back towards it, his eyes squinted a little, to get a clear view. There was a girl standing in the alley, looking rather sad, and on the brink of tears as she leaned against the wall, looking towards the ground. He hadn't realized who that girl was, until he noticed the purple in her hair. He turned his attention to Seth, "What was that all about?" he asked, knowing Seth had something to do with this.

Seth glared at Draco, "It's no concern of yours Malfoy." he spat, grabbing the dress robes.

Malfoy glared at Seth's turned back. He pushed the door aside, and walked out into the cool air. "What's wrong?" Draco asked, putting a hand on the wall beside you.

You stared at Malfoy, refusing to let the tears that wanted to fall from your eyes, do so. "It's nothing." you mumbled, forcing a smile.

Draco rose an eyebrow at you, he could see through your fake smile. "You sure?" he asked, still searching your eyes.

You shook your head, looking towards the ground, suddenly finding it interesting. "Seth is making me choose between you and him..." you whispered.

Draco scrunched up his face, "geezus, we're just going to the ball together, its not like we're getting married." he nearly laughed, wrapping an arm around your shoulders, he pulled you out of the alleyway. "Come on.." he said, leading you down the twisting roads.

You could feel yourself growing a bit happier. Being around Draco always made you feel better, of course, when he wasn't being an arse. "I can't be too long, I have to go back to the dress shop..." you said, still staring at the ground.

Draco nodded, pulling you towards a shop. He pushed the door aside, and let you in.

You took in the sweet smell of chocolate, and looked around. You noticed a large clock on the wall, and stared at it. It was two minutes before eleven. "What are we doing here?" you asked Draco, following his lead, and taking a seat at an elegantly decorated table.

Draco shrugged, "don't girls eat chocolate when they're upset?" he asked, gazing into your eyes.

You stared at him, furrowing your brows together. "Chocolate doesn't make everything better..." you muttered, watching as the waiter brought over two chocolate crepes.

Draco smiled, "of course not, but I thought this would cheer you up a bit... I can't have my date being miserable for the ball."

You felt your heart melt a little, just sitting there with him, it seemed he really did care alot. 'He must be really trying to get into my pants...' you thought to yourself.

'Or, he just likes you, just like you like him.'

'I give up...'

'So you're agreeing that we like him?'

'Well, just look at that smile.... how can anybody resist that?!'

'Told you so.'

'Oh, cram it.'

You smiled to yourself, who cares what Seth thinks. Whatever happens, happens.

"Is it any good?" Draco asked, looking at your barely touched crepe.

You were rushed back into reality when Draco spoke, looking down at your crepe, you slowly cut off a piece and put it into your mouth. "This is so delicious!" you exclaimed, geniunly surprised. You've always walked by this shop, but never went in since it was more of a couples place.

Draco grinned, "well, finish up. You need to get back to your friends."

You smiled at him, suddenly feeling bad. He must feel awkward around Seth, Tom, and Taylor. Of course Seth and him never really got along, but that was no reason he couldn't be friends with Tom or Taylor.

"Hey, no frowns." he said, gently lifting your face so he could look into your eyes.

You smiled lightly, putting your fork down as you finished the last of your crepe. "Thank you Draco.." you said quietly.

Draco nodded, "No problem." he grinned at you. Walking back towards the dress robe shops, and dress shops, he stopped. "I'm going to go find Goyle and Crabbe... I get the feeling I'm not really welcome amongst your friends."

You stared at him, you knew it was probably the best idea, but still, you couldn't help but feel disappointed in your friends. "I'm sorry..." you muttered, watching him turn, and walk back towards the broom shops to find his two croonies.

Starting your hike back up the small slope, you couldn't help but think about what had just happened. Was he really just doing this to get into your pants, or did he actually care about you? "If it's for the first option, he's a d*mn good actor..." you mumbled, standing infront of the dress shop before entering.

"Where'd you go?!" Becca asked, indicating you've been gone longer than a bit.

"Ah, just had some stuff to take care of." you stated, watching as her head disappeared behind the change room curtain again.

"What do you think about this one?" she asked, sliding the curtain aside, and stepping out. The dress draped her body in all the right ways, and clung where it needed to cling to. The dark blue colour conrasted nicely with her pale skin.

her dress~

You smiled, "You look hot!" you exclaimed, "You'll take Taylors breath away." you gave her a knowing smirk, as she beamed back at you.

"Lily is having trouble deciding between two dresses." she said, jerking her head to the change room that Lily was in.

"Hey Lil... you want some help?" you called out, walking towards her change room.

Lily stepped out, the first dress was Chinese style, and a pale purple. It had a silver snake embroidered around the collar. "I'm not so sure about this one..."

You looked at her, "Well.... it looks a little off here..." you said, tugging at the collar, something about it just made her look like she was boxed in.

Lily sighed, "yeah.... I'll go try on the other one." stepping back into the change room and pulling the curtain closed. It was a few moments before she stepped out again.

Although the dress she was now wearing was rather plan, you couldn't help but smile at her. "I think thats the right dress..." you muttered, taking in the small silver beading that trailed under her bust, and down the side.

Lily grinned, looking at both you and Becca for conformation, "you really think so!?" she asked, turning in the dress, watching her figure, and how the dress moved with her body.

lily's dress~

You and Becca both nodded, that was definatly her dress.

Quickly, the two girls bought their dresses, and the three of you started your hike back to Hogwarts.

"Oh, wait... I forgot something, I'll catch up with you two later." you said, turning around, and running back down the hill. Sliding to a stop, you entered a store. Taking in the sweet scent of flowers, you walked along the aisle before finding what you were looking for. Picking up the rose that was bewitched to look silver in the light, you brought it to the counter.

You ran back up to the castle, avoiding fellow Slytherins, and pushing over as many Hufflepuffs as you could. You barged into your room, and ran into the bathroom before Draco got in there.

Draco heard the door swing open, and then slam shut. Before he knew what was going on, the bathroom door slammed shut in his face.

"Sorry, I need to shower before the ball." You exclaimed, turning the water on.

"Right..." he stuttered, still confused.

Dragging yourself out of the bathroom, you ran out of the room, a bag in hand, and ran down to the dungeons towards the Slytherin common rooms. Bursting through the portrait hole, you ran towards the girls dorms. Tapping quickly on the door, you didn't wait for a reply before bursting into the room.

Lily looked up at you. Your hair dripping wet, and put up in a clip. "Come in..." she said sarcastically standing up straight to face you.

"Alright, its time to do this." you grinned. There was only a few more hours to get ready for the ball, and you planned on using every second to perfect your appearance.

After hours of preperation, you, and Lily were finally ready to go.

Lily took a breath, and opened the door to her room, pushing you out as she closed it. She glanced at you and smiled, before walking down the corridor towards the common room.

You could hear a small gasp as Lily entered the common room in her dress. You could only hope that you got the same reaction from Draco. Lifting your skirt slightly so it wouldn't drag on the ground, you began your walk towards the common room.

Draco looked up when he heard the light clicking of heels on the stone floor. He had nervously waited for you to come out of the dorm room, and meet him in the common room. Fidgeting with the small corsage he had bought for you, he could feel his heart beating in his throat. He looked up when the clicking stopped, and his breath caught in his throat as he gazed at you.

♠ ♠ ♠
haha.. another cliffhanger.. bwahahaha.. *cough* *cough*

~Hazel :]