Sequel: Call Me Professor
Status: (completed)

Colour Me Slytherin

Colour Me Slytherin -Draco Malfoy Story #22


You stared at the figure of Bellatrix Lestrange in your room. It only took seconds for you to switch from feeling terrified, to insanely enraged. You glared at the disgusting woman and lunged at her, knocking her feet out from under her, then jumping onto her chest and pinning her down with your weight. "What do you want." you hissed, giving her the death glare from h*ll. You didn't need magic to kill this ignorant twat off, you just needed your bare hands. Thats what clicked in your head, you quickly brought your hands up to her throat, and squeezed as hard as you could, while forcing your weight onto the hands.

"Blimey! Alice calm down!" the door swung open as Ron and Hermione ran into the room, prying you off of Bellatrix.
"No!" you screamed, using all your strength to have another go at Bellatrix, "let me go!"

Both Ron and Hermione were holding your arms, but yet you still managed to drag them across the floor in your mad rampage.

"Real funny George!" Ron yelled, as Bellatrix morphed back into George, who had apparently transfigured himself for a small amount of time.

George was grabbing at his throat, "Geezus, you were really out to kill me ay?" he coughed, his voice rasphy.

You dropped to your knees, and burried your face in your hands. You hadn't realized that it was really George just trying to play a prank on you.

"Bloody h*ll.... what happened here then?" Fred walked passed the room, noticing the scene in your room, to which he took an invite to enter the room himself.

"Get out..." you uttered, not looking at the group. You didn't hear them make a move, so you felt the need to clarify your need for them to leave. "Get out!" you screamed, glaring around the room angrily.

"Alice...." Hermione began going to put a hand on your shoulder to comfort you.

You could feel Hermione come closer, but you slapped her hand away. "Just leave." your voice cracked. You were more begging for privacy than requesting them leaving. You didn't want the group see you reduced to a whimpering pile.

Slowly, but surely the group exited the room, although it was against their better judgement to leave you alone, but its what you wanted.

You heard the door click closed as the last person exited the room, thats when you let it all hit you. Tears streamed down your face as you curled onto the floor in a small ball. You had tried to hold back these feelings, all the regret you carried with you every day, knowing you were unable to protect that four year old girl who died by the hands of a dirty slag.

You took in a shaky breath, while your vision focused and un-focused itself. You paid no mind to it, your vision was blurred by all the tears anyway. You laid on the floor for hours, crying to yourself and thinking about all the ways you could have protected your cousin, what you could have done but didn't. It should have been you that died that day, not poor little Jamie.

Feeling another wave of tears rush over your body, you let out a small whine, letting only the people nearest you know the hurt you were feeling. Sitting up, you glanced around the room which was rather bare. You couldn't help yourself, the tears had slowed, but hadn't completely stopped, and the sadness seemed to have been replaced with anger and disgust for yourself.

"Have you two gone completely mental!?" Hermione yelled at Fred and George, "What in the world possessed you to trasnfigure yourself into Bellatrix Lestrange and hide in her room?!"

"We were just having a little fun...." George muttered, hanging his head.

"Just wanted to give her a little bit of a scare..." Fred smiled grimly, as he took in the bruise marks around his brother's throat.

"Well congratulations, now she may not teach us anything." Hermione shouted at them, fixing them with a glare.

You couldn't control yourself, you just felt like you had to break something. Within seconds, you had picked up your trunk and threw it against the door with a scream, before you turned to the window and punched your fist through it.

The group all looked upwards when they heard the crashing noise, then a scream, then a noise of shattering glass.

"Isn't Alice the only one up there?" Harry asked, looking around the group before realization had dawned on them all.

It was hectic having five people run up a flight of stairs to see what was going on. The group of five burst through the door, and stood shocked.

You stood in the window frame, broken glass digging into your feet. Its not like you cared though, within seconds you would be with Jamie, and thats all you really wanted. You left the room in complete disorder, you had ripped everything from your trunk, and threw it around the room, along with the trunk itself, before you decided you were going to take an abrupt exit through the top floor window.

"Alice what are you doing?!" Harry called, stepping to the front of the group, clearly worried about your safety.

Tears were still streaming down your face, "I'm sorry Harry, but I don't think I can help you..." you muttered, preparing yourself for the fall. You took in one last shaky breath, "tell my parents I love them....." you whispered leaning yourself out of the window and into the open air. You closed your eyes as your heart pounded, the wind was whipping your hair around furiously, and within moments it would all be over, and you were actually grateful about it.

It was only seconds of feeling the wind through your hair, and then nothing. There was no pain, you didn't even feel like you landed on the ground, no matter, you probably died instantly on impact.

"Pull her up Fred!" Hermione screamed from the hallway, her hands clasped over her mouth. She was clearly horrifyed at the fact that you just willingly jumped out of a window.


Your eyes opened only to slits, to which you glanced around. "Is this heaven?" you mumbled, feeling a stinging sensation in your feet.

"Of course it is, I'm here." Fred replied softly with a small chuckle.

You opened your eyes fully and groaned, you were still alive. You caught yourself before asking about what happened. You remembered. You knew exactly what happened. "Urg..." was all you could utter in reply to Fred's cheezy line.

"How are you feeling?" Fred asked cautiously, uneasy on what to expect from you.

You stared at him with a flat look, "fan-f*cking-tastic." you muttered sarcastically.

Fred laughed lightly, "quite the sense of humour you have."

"Uh huh..." was all you managed to get out as you turned your attention towards the window that seemed to be fixed. You took another look around the room, you weren't in the room you were supposed to be in. "Where am I?" you questioned, looking over to the other bed.

"George's and my room.... We can't really leave you in the other room alone..." Fred shrugged like it was no big deal.

A small pop sounded in the room, and George took a seat next to your bed. "So sleeping beauty is finally awake." He grinned at you, "Gave us a right good scare last night, you did. Good thing Fred here was able to pull you back up and into the room."

The twins exchanged looks for a brief moment, unsure of how to continue.

"So.... Ron and Hermione told us." Fred looked at you, sadness in his eyes.

"Told us about what happened to you and your cousin." George finished, his eyes also flittered to a mournful expression. "We didn't know.... we just wanted to give you a fright is all..."

You glanced between the two, you were never mad at them, they didn't know anything about your cousin Jamie, or how she died. What was tormenting you though, was just watching her being killed in front of you, and you were unable to do anything about it. Yet again you could feel the tears starting to well up in your eyes. "It's okay..." your voice cracked, and you immediately avoided making eye contact with the two boys.

The twins stared at you for a moment. They wrapped their arms around you as if it was an automatic response.

"You'll be okay Alice..." Fred whispered in your ear, trying hard to comfort you.

"Yeah, we're here for you.." George added kindly.

You smiled down at your hands before bursting into full on tears. Never before had anyone say they were here for you, and even tried to comfort you. Then again, any other time you would have beheaded the person even trying.

"I'm going to go get mum..." George whispered to Fred, letting go of you and then popping out of the room.

Fred pulled you to him and squeezed your shoulders lightly. "Shh, it's okay love..." he whispered, stroking your hair gently as he tried to get you to calm down a little.

You took in a few shaky breaths, but inevitably calmed down a bit. "Thanks..." you choked out while wiping your eyes on your sleeve.

Fred grinned at you, and brought you closer to himself for a moment, in a small hug. "No problem..."

"How you feeling then, dear?" George followed his mother into the room. "Gave us a bit of a fright last night."

"I'm sorry." you sighed, giving Molly Weasley an apologetic look, "I've been nothing but trouble since I got here."

"Oh nonsense." Mrs. Weasley smiled at you, "Its these two getting you into trouble." she nodded towards her sons. She bustled over to the foot of the bed, and lifted the sheets to uncover your feet that were wrapped in bandages. Carefully she unwrapped the bandages and looked at the gaping holes in the pads of your feet.

You took in a sharp breath as your feet stung, you sat up to investigate why your feet felt like they were on fire, but was pushed back by Fred.

"Alright love, this is going to hurt." The stout red headed woman said, as she rubbed a cream onto your feet.

It felt like you were were wearing burning hot iron shoes. You cringed, but refused to make any noise at all. Instead you dug your nails into the palm of your hand to distract yourself from the pain.

"There we are..." Molly smiled at you, your feet were wrapped up in new gauze. "Now you stay off your feet for a bit. If you need anything just call."

You smiled at the short woman as she left the room, "yes ma'am." you answered back just before she closed the door. You looked over to the door as it opened once again, and a small firework flitted around the room before flying out the window and exploded into brillant colours.

"Right then." A quiet voice piped up from the doorway.

You turned to look back to the person who was standing in the doorway. You couldn't help but smile."Long time no see."
♠ ♠ ♠
Bwuahahahaha xD
