Sequel: Call Me Professor
Status: (completed)

Colour Me Slytherin

Colour Me Slytherin -Draco Malfoy Story #31


You stared at the letter, unsure if you wanted to continue the this dare game or not. It felt wrong after what happened at the school. However, your curiosity got the best of you, and you unrolled the parchment. ‘Cap ou pas cap? Hex Pansy Parkinson.’ You felt an evil smirk form on your lips, you didn’t have to be dared for something like that. Putting a charm on your cabin, so nobody else can sit in there, you walked down the narrow aisle of the Hogwarts Express, and found the cabin Pansy was sitting in, surrounded by all her ‘friends.’ Quickly and quietly you pointed your wand at her, and muttered an incantation. Almost instantly Pansy’s nose started gushing a thick yellow pus.

You slid back into your cabin, feeling satisfied, knowing you raised some h*ll within your last moments of your sixth year. As you stared out the window, you felt yourself drift off into sleep.

You awoke after a while, to Shadow barking. Looking around, you noticed the train had slowed as it pulled into King Cross station. Heaving your trunk down from the over head rack, you called for Shadow, who followed you off the train. You braced yourself as you walked through the barrier, to where you met with Fred Weasley.

“Hey!” he smiled, wrapping his arms around you, and picking you up.

Your face flushed slightly, “Fred Weasley, put me down. Now.” you hissed the last bit, however, Fred did not oblige.

Your parents walked up behind Fred, your mom smiling pleasantly, while your father had a look of slight murder on his features.

Tapping Fred on the shoulder, your father growled, “I believe that is my daughter you are holding.”

Fred’s expression went from one of happiness, to murderous, to calm. He completely understood why your father would not be pleased to see him. “I’m sorry sir.” he said, standing up to his full height, “she just jumped at me.”

You rolled your eyes at Fred, and turned your attention to your parents. Your mother with her continual sweet disposition, and your father, who was eyeing Fred in a way that suggest that he would have great satisfaction in seriously injuring him.

“Come on Alice.” your mother cooed softly, putting her arm around your shoulders.

“Okay, just give me a second.” you said quietly, you stepped towards Fred, and wrapped your arms around his neck. Lightly brushing your lips against his cheek. “I’ll see you at some point…” you smiled up at him, before disapparating with your parents.


Your parents were busy with work for The Order, so that left you with lots of free time on your own. The nice thing about it though, is that your place had become the Weasley’s second home, meaning, you got to see Fred whenever you wanted.

As the days passed, you and the twins slowly became more involved in The Order. After all that happened this year, they could use all the help they could get, and Mad-eye seemed more than pleased to have yourself and the twins join the cause.


It was now the night that The Order was to move Harry from his aunt and uncle’s house, to his own safe house. Everybody except yourself had been chosen to become one of the seven Harry’s. You however, had a more specific job, you were to wait halfway between Harry’s uncle’s house, and his safe house. You were supposed to assist him, and make sure he made it alive.

You had gotten the signal that they had started the move, almost immediately after taking off into the air they were surrounded by death eaters. You watched the flashes of light in the distance, and fought down the urge to go join the battle. You could see the long trail of dragon flame through the sky, signalling that Hagrid had used it to try and escape from the death eaters, whom were more stubborn, and kept on their tail.

Getting fed up with just waiting around, unable to do something, you shot forwards when you saw the headlight of the bike a few miles away. You could hear Harry screaming for Hagrid, who had just leapt at Voldemort, in an attempt to make sure Harry got to his safe house alive. Quick thinking, you sent your broom into a dive, and pulled out your wand, casting a quick cushioning charm to break Hagrid’s fall.

“No!” you high pitched, cold voice screamed in rage. Lord Voldemort hovered outside of the barrier for a moment before disapparating.

You lowered your broom to the ground, holding your wand at the ready. Even though you were still inside the barrier, you still felt the need to be careful. “Hagrid?” you asked.

“Hagrid?!” Harry screamed, running towards the half giant. He hadn’t noticed you standing there, as he fell to the ground beside his friend.

You stepped beside Harry, “He’ll be fine. I cushioned his fall.” you glanced around once more, “Come on, you should get into the safe house, I’ll get Hagrid.” you pushed Harry towards the man now standing outside, a frightened look on his features. You could hear Ted Tonks explaining the situation to Harry, and then the small sound of a door closing. Harry had made it to the safe house alive. The hardest part was over. You turned your attention to Hagrid, and uttering a spell, you brought him back to consciousness. “If you don’t hurry, we’re going to miss the port key…” you said quietly, helping the giant man up.

Hagrid struggled to stand for a few moments, before lumbering over to the house and squeezing himself through the door. “Come on Harry, we got to get to the port key.”

“Ah, right!” Ted exclaimed, heading towards a dresser, and grabbing a hairbrush. “Hurry and grab a hold of it, it leaves in a moment!” handing the coat hanger to Harry, he stepped backwards.

“Thank you for all your help.” Harry said, smiling at Ted.

You grabbed onto the coat hanger in the last second, and felt the familiar jerk behind your naval. The next thing you knew, you had landed roughly on the ground at The Burrow.

Light from the kitchen streamed out onto the ground “Who’s there?!” the familiar voice of Molly Weasley called out across the field as her and Ginny rushed forward to see who had arrived. Coming to a halt, Mrs. Weasley stared at the three of you, “oh thank goodness!” she exclaimed, wrapping Harry in a hug.

“You’re the first one’s here…” Ginny said, casting a glance towards the sky, “Ron and Tonks should have been the first one’s back, their port key came back without them.” There was a rusty oil can sitting in the way that Ginny pointed. She pointed to an ancient plimsoll, “that one was Fred’s and dad’s. They were supposed to be second back. You and Hagrid are third, and if they made it, Lupin and George are supposed to be next.” Ginny explained casting another glance towards the sky.

Almost immediately after Ginny had said it, a blue light appeared a few feet away, Lupin and George had spun on the spot, and fell over. Everybody knew something was right.

You rushed forward, only to be greeted with a wand pointed directly at your face. “We can do this later, but we should get him inside first!” you snarled at Lupin, heaving George up with the help of Harry. Blood was dripping onto your shoulder, but you paid no mind to it, the top priority at the moment was to get George fixed up.

As soon as Molly had taken charge of George, Lupin pointed his wand directly at you and Harry, he demanded to know about the creature that was in the corner of his office the first time Harry had been in it, in his third year, to which Harry answered correctly with a grindylow. Now it was your turn, “What line are you a descendent and heir to?” Lupin asked, eyeing you. The only people that knew about the specifics of your heritage were in The Order.

You stared Lupin in the eye and responded in German, “ Ich bin ein Erbe des König Shatten.” this seemed good enough for Lupin, for he backed away. You ignored Harry and Lupin talking heatedly about how the death eaters seemed to have recognised Harry, and assisted Mrs. Weasley with tending to George.

Some time had passed before the next pair had shown up, it was Hermione and Kingsley. Kingsley had interrogated Lupin with his question, and seemed satisfied with his response.

You listened to Kingsley and Lupin talking, Kingsley had asked Lupin about how George had lost his ear, while everybody else remained silent. Apparently Snape had severed it with Sectumsempra, a specialty of his. There was a commotion outside, and the other’s had left to see what was going on.

“You can check me once I have seen my son, Kingsley.” you could hear Mr. Weasley shouting, he came barging into the living room, where George lay, his wound was now a clean hole in the side of his head. “George…” Mr. Weasley uttered, staring down at his son.

For the first time anybody knew, Fred was at a loss for words as he stared at his twin laying on the couch, starting to come too.

“How do you feel Georgie?” Mrs. Weasley asked, noticing he was finally awake.

“Saint like…” he murmured, groping the side of his head.

“What’s wrong with him?” Fred croaked, “has his mind been effected?”

“Saint like…” George murmured again, opening his eyes, and looking up at his twin, “you see… I’m holy…. Holey… Get it, Fred?”

The colour that had drained from Fred’s face, had started to make a reappearance, “Pathetic….” he stared down at George, “With the whole wide world of ear related humour, you go for holey…”

“Ah well.” groaned George, he casted a glance towards his mother, “well at least you can tell us apart now mum.”

Mrs. Weasley wiped at her face, trying to dry her eyes.

You stood, and quietly walked around the couch to stand beside Fred. Linking your arm with his lightly, you leaned into his arm, trying to be comforting.

“How come Ron and Bill aren’t around my sick bed?” George asked, glancing at the faces around him.

“They haven’t made it back yet…” Lupin responded quietly.

Everybody fell silent for a moment, fearing the worst. Harry and Ginny went outside, no doubt to talk in private, and wait for Ron, Tonks, Bill, Fleur, Mundungus, and Moody. They joined Kingsley who was pacing back and forth.

The minutes had felt like years, as everybody sat in silence, the occasional mumble from one of the adults. Quite suddenly they heard a call from outside, “It’s them!” Hermione’s voice rang out through the silent air.
Everybody looked up towards the door, hoping to catch a glimpse of who had arrived. Realizing who it was when they heard Tonk’s voice call “Remus!” Now the wait continued, most of the people at The Burrow had gotten restless and had taken to waiting outside, until it was just Mrs. Weasley, George, Mr. Weasley, Fred, and yourself.

Lupin and Tonks had come back inside, and were talking to Mrs. Weasley. Ron had just walked in when Lupin had asked how George was.

“What’s wrong with him?” Ron asked, a slight edge to his voice.

Mrs. Weasley looked at him, “He’s lost--” but her sentence was cut off by the exclamation of people arriving by Thestral. Bill and Fleur had arrived.

Mrs. Weasley ran forward, calling for Bill, “Bill, thank god!” she hugged him, but he only half heartedly hugged her back.

Bill looked to his father. “Mad-eye is dead.” Silence fell amongst the people in the burrow. “We saw it happen… It happened just after we broke out of the circle. Mad-eye and Dung were close by us, they were heading north too. Voldemort - he can fly - went right for them. Dung panicked, I heard him cry out, Mad-eye tried to stop him, but he Disapparated. Voldemort’s curse hit Mad-eye full in the face, he fell backwards off his broom…. There was nothing we could do, nothing. We had half a dozen death eaters on our own tail.” Bill’s voice cracked.

“Of course there wasn’t anything you could do…” Lupin said gently. There was a heavy silence that remained in the burrow. The remaining people outside came in, realizing it was pointless to be waiting out there for the last two, to arrive.


The next day you had to take your leave, and get things set up at your own place. The Order had decided that it would be best to your mansion as the new headquarters. Of course, your parents were alright with this, seeing as they were also in The Order.

Fred wrapped an arm around your shoulders as he walked you out past the protective charms around The Burrow. He tilted your chin upwards slightly, and bent down, pressing his lips against your gently. “I expect to hear from you at least once a day.”

You nodded, “Fred, I’ll be back soon enough for Fleur and Bill’s wedding…” you stated flatly, granted the times were dangerous, and people were going missing all the time, but there was no need for him to worry so much about you. “I’m being made secret keeper. When I come back, I will have to tell everybody in private, the address.”

Fred stared down at you, he felt slightly worried. Being a secret keeper put that person at risk of torture. “Just be safe…” he murmured. The last thing he wanted was for you to get hurt.

You reached up and ruffled his hair, “I’m invincible… Remember?” you grinned at him, taking a few steps away you turned on the spot and disapparated.

There was only a few days of silence between Fred and yourself. You didn’t think it was a big deal, you were completely safe at home with your parents, and it wasn’t like you were completely defenceless.

Fred waited for you just outside of the boundaries around the burrow. The few days of silence has been killing him, but the last time he had invaded your mind you had told him that you would be back today around dinner. He hated waiting like this, his mind always slipped to the worst possible situation.

You had just disapparated from your house, and arrived in the lane way to the burrow seconds later. A few feet away, you saw a tall red head, and dashed full out at him. You launched yourself into his arms. “657 Scion lane, Wiltshire.” you murmured in Fred’s ear. Pulling away from him, you walked over towards the rest of the

Weasley’s who were trying to set up the tent for the wedding. Tugging out your own wand, you tugged at the corners of the tent to set them in place.

A few of the Weasley’s waved at you in greeting while setting up the tent. After it was secured in the ground Molly had rushed over to you, and pulled you into a hug. You whispered the address of the new Order’s headquarters in her ear, and she smiled at you. Releasing you from her grip, she bustled away, trying to get everything else finished for tomorrow, and the big wedding.

You had made your rounds, telling everybody that was in The Order the address for the headquarters.


The next morning you woke, you sat up groggy and looked around the room. Because of the lack of space, you ended up on a camping cot in Fred and George’s room. You cast a glance towards the two slumbering twins, and smiled to yourself lightly and nearly burst out laughing when you heard a massive snort come from George. Silently, you crept out of the room and towards the bathroom, where you turned on the shower.
As soon as you stepped out of the shower a panicked voice invaded your head.

‘Alice where are you?!’ Fred thought at you, worry obvious in his voice.

‘Relax, I just took a shower…’ you thought back at him. You could hear Fred sigh lightly as he relaxed. ‘Just go back to sleep.’ Within seconds, your mind felt your own. Drying yourself off, you secured a towel firmly around yourself and magically dried your hair. You would have to see what to do with it when you put your dress on. Peeking out into the hallway to make sure nobody was there, you dashed back to Fred and George’s room as quietly as possible. Praying the twins were still asleep you crept into the room. You mentally groaned when you saw Fred sit up at the sound of the door closing once more.

Fred heard the door close and figured you were back, looking towards the door his eyes nearly popped out of his head when he saw you, your curly hair hanging down your back, while you were only wearing a towel.

“Look away…” you hissed, watching him snap back to reality and advert his eyes. You rifled through your trunk and pulled out the clothes you would be needing, and your makeup bag. You dashed back to the bathroom, closing the door behind you, you dropped your towel and pulled on your dress. All there was left to do today was the finishing touches and the fine details for the wedding, so there was no heavy lifting, and no risk of getting dirty. You slipped into the emerald green dress you had brought with you for the wedding, and looked at your reflection in the mirror. You played with your hair a bit to see what would look better, up or down. You decided to go with down. Deciding against doing your makeup now, you grabbed your things, and vacated the bathroom.

Hermione and Ginny were sitting downstairs at the table when you had come down, both of them were in dresses already, apparently having the same thoughts about today as you did. “Hey.” they said together as you appeared in the doorway.

You smiled at them, “hey.” taking a seat with them, you all discussed about how excited you all were for today.


You had finished putting on your makeup, and slipped on your silver heels. You headed towards the stairs and began your descent. Fred met you at the bottom of the stairs, and you linked your arm in his, leaning into his shoulder.

The ceremony for the wedding was beautiful, women everywhere were dabbing their eyes by the end. As the crowd all stood, the chairs floated towards the tables that had appeared under the tent, and the party began.

You were pulled onto the dance floor by Fred, and seemed to have lost all sense of time. It was a good few hours of dancing with various people, and then it happened, the only thing that could possibly go wrong now, did.

A silver ball shot into the middle of the dance floor, and formed into a lynx. The patronus’s voice rang out through the crowd, “The ministry has fallen, they are coming.” the familiar voice of Kingsley Shacklebolt rang through the silent tent, and then the panic ensued. People were screaming, running, and trying to escape.

You looked around and spotted Harry, Ron and Hermione, “Go!” you screamed at them, drawing your wand. Within seconds, everything seemed to be on fire. You had found Fred and George, and pressed your back to theirs, ready to fight for your lives, you felt a little pressure leave you when you saw Hermione grab both Harry and Ron, and disapparated. You now turned your attention to the death eaters at hand, blocking and firing your own spells.

The people that had attempted to flee were now gone, or laying on the ground stunned, while The Order stood to fight. Spells were flying everywhere, and it was hard to keep track of who was who.

You blocked a spell on George’s left, that he didn’t see because of a death eater’s rebounding curse. This however left you wide open, and defenceless for a moment, to which a death eater took advantage of. Your eyes widened and you fell back into Fred, the last thing you remember seeing was his eyes wide with panic as he carefully lowered you to the floor.