It's Death or Victory


Gerard's POV, age 18, 2 years later
I was sat with Frank in a tiny café where we always went at two pm on Saturdays. I bought Frank his usual latte and got a bottle of water for myself. Skimming my eyes over the room I saw Frank sat in our favourite area of bright beanbags surrounding a little wooden table. I half walked, half skipped, over to Frank and set down the drinks. After I sat down he seemed to lean into my by default. We never normally talked about anything in particular but I had something on mind and thought I should voice it. "Frank, 2 years ago you said you wanted to adopt... We're old enough now and both have decent jobs. I think we should look into it." I explained, causing his eyes to notably light up and him to nod furiously, grinning. 

*2 weeks later*
Frank's POV
I walked up to the big metal gates that surrounded the prison like building known as 'Saint Maria's Orphanage for Disabled Children'. The whole place seemed gloomy, which I guess is why Gee hadn't been sure about looking for a kid here. My views were I'd feel so happy saving someone from this place; and not many people pick an ill kid. He'd given in to me in the end; I knew he would. I slowly pushed the gates open, Gee following behind me as I walked up to the huge grey building. I was buzzed into the main hall where I kept walking through to the reception. A girl met me and Gee there, she looked about 19 and was wearing jeans and a polo shirt with 'St. Maria's ' on it. 

"This way, the children are waiting." She said in a very monotone way, before leading us up the staircase to a room which had yellow walls whose paint was peeling off like cracking sunburn. In the room were about thirty children. None really caught my attention, until I looked in the corner and saw a girl who looked about eighteen months old. She was sat on her own, watching me like a hawk. Her hair was loosely curled and a light brown with red tones. She had deep brown eyes and white skin. Her body was dressed in a dirty, torn red pinafore. Her bony hands clutched a teddy that was covered in patches and looked like it was originally white and fluffy. She reminded me of the girl from my dreams all those years ago. I found myself walking over to her and crouching next to her. She peeped at me from behind her teddy.

"I'm Frankie." I told her cheerfully. She blinked at me and coughed as if she hadn't talked for a while.
"Jasey-Rose" She said, pointing at herself and flashing me a gappy smile. Gerard walked over to us and sat on the floor. Jasey-Rose stared at Gerard before starting to whisper to herself. She got up and ran over to the woman who'd took us up here and hugged her legs, causing the woman to bat her away. I knew I wanted this one... She was perfect...
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I would really appreciate comments from all you people reading :( pleaseeee

Oh btw, for GCSE should I do double ICT or business studies...