It's Death or Victory


Frank’s POV, September 5th, age fifteen.
I was right; the tests were annoying as hell. When I got put back on the bed in my room I was exhausted and fell into a light sleep, clutching Kaitlin’s hand. Of course though, seeing as doctors NEVER just leave you to peace, I was shaken awake straight away and forced to listen to a diagnosis. Kaitlin sat on the edge next to me smiling at me and whispering comforts to me. My mum was just shakily standing in the doorway, trying to decide if she wanted to know or not.
“Mr Iero” He started. I quickly stated it was Frank not Mr Iero. “Okay, well Frank. We’ve ran the tests and you have something called Dravet’s syndrome, which is a severe form of epilepsy. It’s easily controllable with tablets that we’ve prescribed to you. You take one tablet every two days to control it, but if you do suffer from a seizure at one point despite this we’ve given you a few capsules of it at a higher concentrate to be injected to stop the seizure. If that fails to stop it you’ll have to come to see us straight away at risk of your life.” He stated as if it was totally normal. I clutched Kaitlin’s hand tighter. I didn’t like the sound of this for a few reasons. 1) I couldn’t take tablets. 2) I hated needles almost as much as I hated doctors. 3) DUR HE JUST SAID THE WORDS RISK OF DEATH!??! Calmmm frank I thought to myself. The doctor fished around in one of the drawers and took out a few items. First he put down a thin silver chain with dog tags on saying ‘Frank Iero, Dravet’s syndrome (Epilepsy)’, which he described to be ‘medi-tags’ so that if I did get in trouble people would know I had the illness if I was incapable of telling them. Secondly he placed down a small blue fabric wallet, and when he opened it, it contained a syringe and two small capsules of what I assumed must be the drug. He sat and explained to myself and my friends how to use it and that there was instructions in there too in case they forgot. The third thing he handed me was a brown, glass bottle of pills with my name on them and the dosage. I groaned but Emily slapped my hand as if to say ‘shut up, be grateful they keep you alive’. I glared at her but thanked the doctor for the items and slipped the chain over my neck, shoving the medications into my pockets. The doctor removed the IV and Mikey helped me to my feet. We still had to go into school, unluckily.
When we got back to school I had to go meet the head teacher with a note from my doctor explaning what had happened. I sat in the reception area nervously chewing the skin around my fingernails and tapping my foot. Across the corridor from me was a deamon in black; Gerard Way. He glared at me, his green eyes bordered with black eyeliner and he wore black skinnie jeans and a black leather jacket. He was quite intimidating, so I tugged my ‘the misfits’ hoody tighter around me and sat waiting to be called in. I trudged in and started to explain.
Gerard’s POV
That kid was bloody weird, I thought to myself, running a hand through my messy black hair. Damn, I must have forgot to brush it….again. I could hear the last few sentences of the boy and the heads conversation. I leaned closer to the door easdropping.
“Frank if your this ill you shouldn’t even be in school, never mind alone…” The teacher sighed. Little dude was ill? I’d have to find out from Mikey what had happened after he had the fit.
“Sir im fine…” The boy stammered, obviously nervous.
“Nonsense, we’ll find someone to just keep an eye on you so if you have another fit they can give you your medcines. I don’t really wanna get sued for having a kid die.”
“Yeah, I’d kinda fancy not dying sir.” The boy stated sarcastically.
“Gerard Way’s outside. I’ve been trying to think of a suitable way to make him more responsible all morning. He’s in most your classes right? I know you two arent so close but he’s in your classes your friends arent. And it’ll give him some responsibility to help him mature…” Sir stated. Say WHAT!?! Oh HELL no!
“Sir i-i-im fine I promise. I doubt gerard will like that much… and I don’t want some pissed off kid trying to overdose me and kill me.” The kid stated. Low blow, im not that cruel.
“Frank stop getting so hysterical. It’ll be fine. I’ll call him in now.” He stated, opening the door and shooing me in.
“Hey sir.” I stated. The boy was sat, pale and shivering on the chair. He had a small Medi-tag around his neck and was hugging his form and staring off into the corner, looking at god knows what.
“Frank this is Gerard Way. Gerard this is Frank Iero. Now I’ve been thinking a way to make you grow up after your stupidity this morning and I think looking after Frank could do that. Having something on your concience knowing if you’re not careful it’ll die might just kick you into shape.” Sir explained, Frank seemed more and more uncomfortable to more Sir kept saying about him dying.
“Whats wrong with him Sir?” I asked, curious.
“Oh, I didn’t quite understand myself..” Sir muttered, turning to the shivering boy.
“I-i-I have rare epilepsy… it shuts my brain down I think, I was a bit dizzy when they were explaining how it works… The medications quite strong though… A drop too much and that will kill me before the fit does…” He mumbled softly, rocking back and forth. Youch, that’s gotta be news to drive you crazy.
“Cool, well if im watching you, might pay off to know how it works.” I stated, sitting down oposite Frank. He fished around in his pockets and took out a bottle of tablets and a blue kit. He explained he needed a tablet with his lunch every two days but he could manage that and that when he went into a fit he needed one capsule of the medcine in the syringe into his neck and if it didn’t stop in 10 mins he had to go to the ER. I nodded along, taking it all in. He shoved the stuff back into his pockets, obviously embarrased. Heck, I would be. I felt sorry for the kid, even if I didn’t really like him. I got up, signalling for the guy to follow me and headed off to class…
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HELL YES! i have a subscriber in a few minutes :D thanks dude! comment ;) i wanna know whoever it is :P
Hmm i wonder how many chapters i cab do in the hour before i leave for my hike...

Duckie x