It's Death or Victory


Frank's POV, September 23rd, Lunch Break at School 
I traipsed through the corridors in school, not really looking where I was going. I'd been in too much of a rush to take my tablet today, but it shouldn't have totally worn off by the time I got home so I planned to take it when I got in. I'd not been watching where I was going and ended up walking right into the back of a 6 foot tall beast of a lad from a few years above. He swerved around and punched me in the face causing me the squeak, grab my nose and fall so I was sat on the ground. I could feel blood gushing out my nose and he kept blowing punches to my head and stomach. I swear I heard a crack when his fist hit my ribs but I was in too much pain to care. I curled up in a ball sobbing as I received kick after kick after kick. My leg was twitching but I couldn't tell whether it was from pain or lack of medication... When the older lad gave up, leaving me in a pool of my own blood, sobbing and convulsing as the shock sent me into another fit. Just I glanced up, vision blurred and weakening, I saw Gee come in through the main entrance, late like most days this week. He turned as White as ice when he saw me and ran over. I felt him prise me out flat and sit on my waist, controlling my spasms slightly but not much. Everywhere was bleeding and sore... Gee was having trouble getting at my neck but I couldn't control myself as I kicked and groaned. At last he managed to free my neck and jab the needle in, to which I responded with a grunt. He pulled the needle out and tried to hold me still yet I couldn't feel myself calming. I was exhausted but it just wouldn't stop...

"Oh god Frankie, why isn't it stopping..." Gee panicked. I whimpered slightly, the only thing I was capable of doing. My vision flashed black and the next time it came back Gerard was still sat on me with 991 on the phone. 

"Hello?... Ambulance please... My friends bleeding heavily and having a fit, I dunno how long he's gonna hold out..." Gee sobbed down the phone. "Kearny high school...Please be fast..." he pleaded before hanging up and stroking my sweating forehead. "You're going to make it Frank I promise... I love you Frank!" he cried. 

I couldn't let those words out my mind. They'd keep me fighting, my vision flashed black again and next time it faded medics clad in green uniforms were rushing over with a stretcher and Gee was stood aside, still sobbing. A medic rolled me onto the stretcher and strapped me in tightly as another clipped a breathing mask onto me and shoved a needle into my arm. I felt darkness wash over me. Anaesthetic..

Gerard's POV 
I followed, feeling helpless, as the carried his unconscious, still writhing body into the ambulance. He was moved onto a gurney there that was ready and set up for him. They put a tube down his throat to force him to breathe and pushed a needle of medication into his hand. I sat down watching him, pleading for him to start being able to breathe on his own... I could hear the medic talking into a radio and the vehicle start racing down the road. I took Franks hand between both of mine, trying to rub life back into it. He was so cold... Why didn't his medicine work?

As I sat thinking the medic was taping padding onto all the cuts coating his body. "prepare surgery" she stated down the radio, "Approximated time 10 minutes." I was so worried about Frankie, who the hell beat him up... I had so many questions... The sirens kept blaring and I begged Frankie could survive those ten minutes...
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Poor Frankie D: I wanted drama in this mind... Any guesses to what might happen/ what would be interesting to happen? Like or dislike? What should gee do to make frankie feel better :( xD

Comment! :3 Duckie xx