Shh, It's A Secret

Part 5

"There was a stupid little girl who was a machine. She woke up. She thought that everyone would want to wake up. She did not listen. She did not stop to think that not everyone would want what she wanted. She was such a stupid...little...girl." Poison snarled and tossed Cyanide to the floor. 
She caught herself and lay there, looking up at him. Poison stood straight again, looking ahead at nothing. 
"What, are you saying you don't want freedom?" Cyanide tried to understand. 
"At last, someone hit the little girl on the head and she understood." Poison avoided her eyes, resuming his medicated exterior.
"You're choosing to let them..." Cyanide shook her head. 
"The end." Poison said. 
"Listen. Alright. Maybe you've decided that being a killjoy is too much work but-" 
"The end!" Poison snapped harshly. Tears welled in Cyanide's eyes, terrified of his tone and the thought of losing her family to Better Living Industries. 
"But you're not alone! We need you! I need you." She pleaded. 
"I...I...I want..." Fun Ghoul began. 
"Do you hear that?" Cyanide stood and looked at Poison "He wants. He's on his way back. Fun Ghoul wants freedom." She rushed to the killjoy. "You can do it, you can. Just push through." she looked back at Poison. "I did it. You can too." 
"The end." Poison said. 
Cyanide heard the beeping of the keypad outside the door and froze in place, looking straight ahead in the uniform line of killjoys but causing a disruption in the pattern by being off of her platform. 
Korse reentered the room pushing a cart with a series of syringes on top of it, several bottles of pills and a ray gun. The killjoys were all receiving terminating injections.