Shh, It's A Secret

Part 6

Korse sighed, unsure how to proceed exactly. He looked around the room and saw Cyanide out of place. 
"How did you get over there?" he muttered to himself. 
Fun Ghoul stuttered, "I want-" 
Korse picked up one of the syringes and flicked it to release any possible air bubbles. "I wasn't expecting any volunteers but you're just as good as any." He edged toward Ghoul, holding the syringe against the killjoy's arm. Korse didn't seem too eager to destroy what he had worked so hard to achieve. He was just about to pierce Ghoul's skin with the needle when Cyanide spoke. 
"Please don't!" she shouted. Korse jumped and dropped the syringe. "What are you doing? You can't talk!" he stepped back in shock. 
"I broke free!" Cyanide exclaimed. "You can't keep us like this, we deserve to be free!" 
Korse took another step back, reaching for another syringe. 
"I want...I want..." Ghoul continued speaking. 
"Stop that!" Korse shouted and jammed the needle into the Killjoy's arm. He was able to push the plunger halfway down when Cyanide shoved him away. 
Ghoul fell to the floor, silencing. 
"You can't do this!" Cyanide shouted. 
"Once upon a time, there was a little girl who loved candy. When her candy was gone, she cried and cried and still, she was stupid." Poison spoke from across the room. 
"You," Korse hissed, "I would have gotten the promotion if it wasn't for you! You...!" He walked toward Poison with another syringe. Before he could reach the killjoy leader, Cyanide tackled him from behind, sending the syringe flying. He fell on the remote. The killjoys began reciting "Keep smiling" in an endless loop. Korse turned on Cyanide and ran at her. She darted between the killjoys, Korse close to catching her until he finally did, choking her as hard as he could. 
"Obey!" He shouted. 
"No!" Cyanide screamed, elbowing him in the stomach and shoving him to the floor. She turned and choked him until he passed out, sitting on his chest. She rolled off of him and lay on the floor for a moment before standing and walking to the remote, she pressed a button and the killjoys silenced. 
Cyanide jerked and fell to the floor, clutching her head. 
"I-..." she looked at the empty syringe needle sticking out of her side, its vial empty of poison. She spasmed again, gasping loudly, she crawled to Party Poison's feet and looked up at him, fighting to stay conscious. 
"I saved your life." every word was a battle "You owe me. You owe all of us. Please. Please. You can break free. You can fight know you can..." she lay her head against the cold marble floor. "Please." her breathing stopped and she lay still.