Status: Comments make me update more!!!

Handle With Care


Around 7:14 Mag and Jimmy stood side by side on Brian’s porch, knocking on the door.

“They’re probably all out back waiting for us.” Mag smiled and opened the door.

Jimmy walked in first and was met with confetti being thrown at his face and all of his friends and family yelling, “Happy birthday!”

“What? Oh my god! How could I forget?” Jimmy yelled loudly with happiness written all over his face.

Mag giggled and kissed his cheek. He happily wrapped his arm around her and they both walked over to the large mass of people. Quickly the party moved from just normal beer and conversations to dirty dancing and drinking every bottle of alcohol in sight. Jimmy disappeared to the backyard with a bottle of Heineken to wait for Mag to come out since that’s where she usually found him. He sat by the pool with a smile on his face when he thought about Mag. Jimmy was going to ask her to marry him. He had the ring in a small velvet box in his pocket, just waiting for her.

“Hey Jimbo, come on we got more beer.” Brian yelled.

Jimmy grinned and headed back inside, figuring he’d see Mag later and ask her then.


“Come on.” The hazel eyed man pulled on her hand.

Mag giggled and drunkenly fell into the wall but he helped her back up and pulled her up the rest of the stairs. He lifted her up so she could wrap her arms around his waist.

“You’re so silly.” She giggled and kissed him.

He roughly grabbed her, running his hands up and down her back. Mag moaned into his mouth. He quickly pulled open the door to one of Brian’s guest rooms and shut the door behind him. Mag was shoved up against the wall with his hands roaming her body while hers were trying to undo his belt buckle. Mag rolled to the side and without warning fell out of the open window.


Downstairs the party was still going hard. Jimmy just wasn’t as drunk as the people around him. He kept looking for Mag and not seeing her. It was making him fearful. A high pitched scream made him turn around to see Michelle with eyes, standing by the sliding glass door.

“Call 9-1-1!” She screamed causing everyone to stop what they were doing to run outside.

Jimmy burst through the crowd and almost falling down on the way. His eyes filled up with tears when he saw the blood and how Mag’s body was twisted in an odd way. He fell to his knees in front of her and rolled her over.

“Mag, please don’t die. Please. I love you.” He choked out as the sounds of sirens came around the block.

Zacky and Brian pulled Jimmy away from Mag, “Dude, don’t touch her, you could hurt her ever worse.”

Jimmy closed his eyes and tried to pretend that it was just really bad nightmare but he knew it wasn’t. The paramedics quickly rushed Mag into the ambulance and asked Jimmy to meet them at the hospital instead of riding with because of the short amount of time.

“Brian you have to take me to the hospital!” Jimmy yelled, shaking his best friend.

He nodded and ushered him to the car, “Alright we’re going. Michelle! Calm everyone down.”

She nodded and tried to compose herself and the rest of the group as the other two men raced to the hospital right behind the ambulance. The police rolled up to take a report down on what happened soon after.


Matt’s eyes were wide with fear he instantly sobered up a bit and looked over the edge to see Mag lying face down in an odd position. She looked like she might be dead from the way she fell with a pool of blood around her.

“Shit.” He gasped and jumped away from the window.

Matt scrambled out of the room as fast as he could and dashed to the nearest bathroom to spill the contents of his stomach into the porcelain bowl. He hung his head over the bowl and dry heaved heavily. Once he heard the sirens he was sobered up a bit and passed out next to the toilet, unaware of the police clearing people out. All he could think about was Mag and how right it felt kissing her lips.