The Guy I Love Is A ***er And I Might Be Next

How I Met Him

It all started when I went to VT College it was my first year. I arrived at the college as a freshmen a nobody. I was lost and was looking for my first class. And that's when I met him I had been looking at my schedual and not where I was going, and I bumped into him. He was every thing I had ever dreamed about. He looked perfect. He was tall with brown eyes and looked very strong. He looked like an athlete and he looked smart. Excuse me I said as I looked into his awesome brown eyes. It's ok he told me as I blushed with embarrasment. I can't find my class can you help me? He looked at my scedual and said that we had the same classes and that he would be happy to walk me to all of them. I followed him into a building. On the way to our first class we talked I told him my name and he told me his. His name was Dominique. The whole day I couldn't focus because I was to busy looking at Dominique. I was on the way to my dorm