Status: my first klaine fic. no idea how fast/slow updates will be, so just bear with me for now. :)

You Were Always The One


Blaine paid little attention to the movie playing on the wide-screen TV, in fact, he was paying so little attention, he couldn't even tell you what it was. His attention – instead – was divided between two things, amusedly watching Kurt mouth along to the movie, and deciding just how he would be spending his night.

It was a rarity that Blaine spent a full night on campus. He ventured out – unknowingly to the staff and prefects – almost every night, and wandered back in at whatever hour of the morning, - undetected of course, otherwise they would have had him confined to his room the moment classes ended by now – and went back to his normal routine, as though nothing had happened, which is how he now found himself worrying over pointless things like, what he’d wear, where he’d go, whether his ‘trip’ would actually be worth it or not, although really, Blaine knew he had little reason to worry. It always went without a hitch, and he highly doubted tonight would be any different. Blaine prided himself on the fact that he was able to get whatever he wanted, whenever he wanted it. He had pretty much everyone eating out of the palm of his hand, and none of them even knew what was happening… well, except from Kurt.

Kurt – much to Blaine's amusement – often referred to Blaine as having a multiple personality disorder, but really, he did have a point. Sometimes Blaine did feel as though he was leading two separate lives, but it was something he’d gotten so used to – and so good at – by now, that he rarely thought about it anymore, although he had it on good authority – Kurt’s. Who paid attention to every minute detail – that, parts of what he would consider his real personality, were occasionally spilling into his Dalton life, but no one was as perceptive as Kurt, so they'd never notice a change.

One thing was for sure, he could be a damn good actor one day.


It wasn’t long before Blaine noticed a change in Kurt’s body language, he stopped mouthing along, in fact, he was barely paying attention to the movie at all, as he twisted at his fingers. Blaine waited, and as expected, a few moments later, Kurt spoke.

“I should probably go,” he mumbled, shifting slightly so he was sat upright, poised and ready to leave, his eyes met Blaine’s for a moment.

“You could at least wait till the movie’s over,” he told him, Kurt bit his lip.

“Classes have finished, and my dad’ll worry if I don’t get home, I’m already late. I’d rather not have him calling me every three seconds to find out where I am, and besides, you’re not supposed to drive while you’re on the phone, and he’ll probably send out a search party if I ignore him a-.” he rambled, Blaine rolled his eyes, cutting him off.

“Alright,” he half-sighed, “I’ll walk you out,” he told him, and pushed himself up from the bed, heading towards the door.

“I think I can find the parking lot on my own by now, Blaine,” Kurt mumbled as he grabbed his bag and stood, Blaine rolled his eyes again, pulling the door open for him.

You, Kurt Hummel, are the most ridiculous person, I have ever met. I’d demand to drive you home myself if it didn’t mean leaving you without a car, or that I’d have to walk four hours to get back here,” he told him.

“I’m fine,” Kurt insisted, as he headed out into the corridor.

“And I’m chivalrous, or at least I would be if you weren’t so stubborn,” Blaine told him, closing the door behind him as the two started towards the stairs.

“I’m not stubborn, I’m-.”

“You're stubborn,” Blaine reinforced as they reached the cool air, “But honestly, can you blame me? Or your dad? We just want you to be safe,” he told him, and he meant it. Despite the way he may come off sometimes, Blaine did care, and if there was one thing he certainly cared about, it was Kurt. Blaine knew what it was like to be chased out of a school by bullies, and while he may not have been through the same ordeal as Kurt, he sympathized, and even if it meant him having to go a little out of his way every now and again, Blaine would make damn sure that he never had to go through anything like that, not again.

“I know,” Kurt sighed as they reached his car; he pulled open the front door, slinging his bag onto the passenger's seat before turning back to Blaine who leant up against the open door, folding his arms across his chest. “This was still really unnecessary,” Kurt muttered.

Hey, who else do you know that would leave the comfort of their bed to walk you all the way to your car?” Blaine asked, his eyebrows raised, Kurt didn’t reply, “Exactly, now just accept I’m an awesome friend and lets leave it at that,” he told him.

“Yeah, you’re awesome,” Kurt told him, his tone sounding slightly half-hearted as he slid into the driver’s seat, “Can I go now, I’m already over half an hour late, any longer and my dad’ll be calling the police,” he added sarcastically, Blaine chuckled.

“Sure, I guess I’ll see you Monday,” he told him, Kurt’s eyes lifted and met his for a moment, before he ducked his head again, Blaine smirked as he notice the faint pink that quickly spread over Kurt’s cheeks.

“Yeah,” Kurt mumbled, turning to focus on his dashboard, Blaine smiled and pushed his door shut, sending him a wave as he backed towards the dorms, refusing to turn until Kurt had returned it and pulled out of the parking lot. Yes, Blaine did care, but he also rather enjoyed watching Kurt’s embarrassment whenever Blaine caught his gaze, or held onto his hand for a moment too long. Blaine had pretty much everyone eating out of the palm of his hand… including Kurt, and he certainly enjoyed it.
♠ ♠ ♠
OHHAI! It's been a little while... and it'll probably be a little while longer. Writing Glee is NOT easy. Neither is writing third person. At least not for me. I'm not used to either... anyway, hope you like.
You don't have to be silent readers. I don't bite. :)