The Hunt Begins

Not so Perfect Life

I opened my eyes to darkness. Naturally, I made my way to the little bit of light I could see. Once I got to it, I already figured I was in a closet. I peered out through the crack in the door and looked around without moving the doors. I gasped and jumped backwards, running into hanging clothes. Why did this keep happening to me? Dean and Alisha were outside the door, from what I had seen, Dean was just staring at Alisha. I peered out again, and saw Dean talking to Alisha. I felt really confused. I didn’t know what was going on.

I heard Dean and Alisha mumbling something, and my confusion grew. What the heck did they just say?? I really wanted to know. I strained my ear as far against the crack as I could to try and hear better. “Damn, your bachelorette party was wild.” I heard Dean say. Bachelorette party?? They couldn’t get married!!! Not in real life!

Suddenly after a few more exchanged words two women walked in. I rolled my eyes. I heard a few more exchanged words, but suddenly, I caught myself, but I had almost jumped out of the closet to hug one of them. I’d never seen her before but it felt like I only hadn’t seen her in a long time.

One of the women walked out with Dean in tow, but I really didn’t care about her. I just wanted to talk to and hug this other woman. Alisha was calling the woman her mom, but I seriously felt like she was my mom. Why did Alisha keep stealing my stuff?

Just like that I wasn’t in the closet anymore. “Thank heavens.” I whispered to myself as I tried to see the new surrounds. I was standing in a building along a railing. It looked like a church. I looked down from the overhang I was on and there she was again. Alisha. She was standing next to my dad? Was he my dad, I felt like he was. I looked at him with fondness, boy was I glad he was here to walk me down… no, Alisha. So she’s stealing my family and my wedding? My wedding? What wedding? I suddenly felt happy again, like my world was perfect.

Just then the doors opened and I couldn’t wait… now what? I felt irritated at first, then surprised. I was back in the closet. I stepped quickly to the door, the room was different outside of it. The bed was closer, but the decorations…

A little boy was jumping up and down on Alisha trying to wake her up. As the little boy was talking to her I felt happy, this seemed so right. Apparently my father was downstairs though. I should probably go talk to him… no wait, my father? No. I couldn’t tell. I didn’t care anymore, the look on this kids face made me happy. Alisha got up as the boy pulled her out of bed. She slipped on some slippers and headed for the door. I decided to follow them.

They were headed down the stairs and I stopped at the top, in the shadows as best I could. There he was again. Dad. I wanted to hug him, but Alisha was there, stealing my chance. Even though I was annoyed at her, I still felt happy. I saw her grab something and head into the other room, now was my chance. I ran into the kitchen, but no one was there. No waffles, no people and no decorations. What? I decided to follow her into the other room. I found her stuffing a DVD into a player. Dean came on the screen. Oh how I missed him. I didn’t dare get closer because I didn’t want her to hear me. So I couldn’t hear what Dean had to say.

I waited outside the door, watching Dean smiling and talking with fondness. Our life was almost perfect. Or was it? I didn’t know anymore.

Next thing I saw was an airport and a group of people. I saw Dean and headed for him. I called his name, but he ignored me and kept walking away. I was so close to him. I got within ten feet but ducked behind other people when I saw Alisha standing there. Why did he keep going to her? Why wasn’t he coming to me? I stepped out from behind the person and just stared. Bad idea, because just as I was about to run towards Dean because I didn’t care anymore, I missed him and loved him so much I just wanted to hold him so much, Alisha looked at me. Dean…

Just then I was looking up him. It felt like I’d waited so long for this. I reached out and grabbed Dean’s neck and kissed him. Our lips met and at first it felt like pure bliss, but soon he was pulling away and I was fighting him, trying to keep his lips on mine. Once reality hit my eyes got huge with shock at what I’d just seen and even more so, what I’d just done.

Dean was staring at me like I was off my rocker. Which was ok with me since that was how I felt. I tried to get away but realized my feet were cuffed to the bed. Really? Kinky much?

Just then I heard Alisha yell. Good, she deserved distress after what she put me through in that dream. She needs to learn how to keep me out of her damn head.

I looked to my left and Sam was standing there. My eyes got even bigger. He saw that I kissed Dean. I still felt like I wanted Dean a little though, even though my common sense was telling me that it wasn’t real, I still couldn’t stop wishing he’d show the same amount of concern he showed Alisha. I don’t know why, but I started crying. I felt Sam come closer and I snapped my head towards him. “Go away.” I rolled my eyes. I looked away, staring at my hands.

A few seconds later I heard him walk across the room and I could have sworn he slammed the door, but I settled with telling myself he just shut it loudly. I sat there, a tear dripping from my eye every now and then. I didn’t know what was going on, I just felt like crying.

A few hours later Sam walked back in but didn’t even look at me. I wanted to say something to him but couldn’t bring myself to do it. He turned around and looked at me and the bags in his hands hit the floor. He rushed forward and I flinched. He reached for my arm and ripped the bandage off. Nothing. No scab, no scar, no sign that I had ever had anything wrong with it. Next he ripped the bandage off my ankle. The brand new rip in it that I’d gotten from Alisha’s dumb brute was gone. Again there was no sign of anything ever being there.

Sam looked at me and grabbed the collar of my shirt and ripped it down enough to see the blade wound from Alisha’s knife. His brow furrowed. I reached up and touched it. It was still there. I looked at Sam, his hand was still on my neck and it felt warm there. He was still staring at my neck and I took the time to study his face. His dark brown hair swooped over his forehead as his fingers trailed along my neck wound. My skin started to tingle where his fingers touched me, but I resisted the urge to shiver. He looked up at me and our eyes met and held each other’s gazes.

I felt like reaching out and touching his neck like he was touching mine, but my emotions were still out of whack and once I said it I knew it was too late. I smacked myself inwardly. “Do you think Dean is ok?” With that Sam stood up and walked to the door. I slammed backward on the bed, wondering why the hell I cared about Dean. I just wanted him to come back in here.

The door opened and I shot up in the bed. It was Dean. Thank heavens. Unfortunately Alisha came in right behind him. Dean’s eyes widened when he saw how I was miraculously healed. Alisha looked pale as hell, I wonder if I looked that way too. Probably.

Once Alisha looked at me, she didn’t look surprised, she looked pissed as hell. She jumped towards me, but Dean stopped her. Unfortunately he didn’t stop her from screaming at me though. “You fucking bitch! Stay the fuck out of my dreams!”

“That’s funny, because I was going to tell you the same thing!” I yelled back. I folded my arms.

“What the hell are you exactly?” The old man, Bobby I think, walked in at that moment and asked me.

“I’m a goddamn girl! Get that through your thick skulls!” I turned at him to yell at him this time.

“You expect us to believe that?” I was surprised at who that question came from. I turned to Sam. He wasn’t looking at me with the same trusting expression that he’d been giving me prior to that day. I almost started crying again, but no way was I going to do that in front of all these people. I looked at Dean for help and once I saw that he wasn’t going to give me any, I noticed that he really wasn’t mine. He didn’t really love me. I didn’t really love him either. How could I think that I had?

I slumped in defeat. No way was I going to get away from all these people either.

“So?” Bobby pushed.

I looked back at Sam, when I saw no emotion in his face, I looked back at Bobby. “I don’t know what I am.”

“Hmph, Liar.” Alisha mumbled. I shot her a glare, but returned to look at Bobby.

“I was dropped off at the orphanage when I was too young to remember anything, and I found a nice adoptive family, and they’ve been my mum and dad, and this,” I said, lifting my sleeve to show my scar of the pentagram, “I’ve had since before I was found at the orphanage. They figured my biological mum or dad did it to me, but they had no way of being sure.” I looked around and saw disbelieving looks. I held up my hands. “No lies, I swear.”

“So where are your adoptive mother and father?” Sam asked?

I was so glad he was talking to me again. “That’s why I need to get out of here. They were taken by the same thing that did this to me.” I said, pointing again the pentagram on my arm. “At least, I’m sure it was the same thing because when it took them it said that it had told me when I was younger that I wasn’t allowed to be happy and how dare I try to be without its permission.” I shivered at the thought of it.

“Do you think…” Alisha started but Dean just shook his head and nodded towards me. She kept quiet after that.

“What? Afraid you’ll give the evil creature too much leverage? You know what I got from that dumb dream you pulled me into?” I snarled at Alisha. She kept quiet but I could see she didn’t want me to say anything. Perfect.

“Quite the perfect little future you wish for huh? Well I can tell you right now, it’s not going to happen that way. You’re mum’s dead, isn’t she?” I wasn’t saying this to be mean, it had started off that way, but I got to thinking.

“Shut your damn mouth.” She warned me.

“Her body was found with the pentagram on her neck! Your dad too! That’s how I knew them!” My eyes were huge from this epiphany.

“I said shut up!!” She tried to lunge for me again.

“Ian and Sarah!” I whispered loudly. That made Alisha shut up. The whole room was holding their breaths waiting for me to talk. “They were there the second time I’d seen the thing. It didn’t talk to me that night because of them. They stopped it. And I ran. Like they told me to. They said to look for Alice… or at least that’s what I thought they’d said… they must’ve said Alisha. They gave me a note. It had numbers on it.”

Alisha broke away from Dean. “Where is it?!”

I flinched at the sudden closeness of her. “I don’t know.”
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I hope you liked the read! :)