Status: Active

I Don't Need This Right Now

Thirty Two

It was Alex’s baby shower. There were a lot of people in Alex and Jack’s house. It was their parents and their friends all stuffed into their basement. Actually, it was all of their friends except for Rian. It’s been months since Zack’s been gone and each month gets worse and worse for Rian. Jack and Alex decided to just leave Rian alone because at that point, Alex didn’t need it. He was seven and a half months pregnant and he doesn’t want any complications. “Alex, what game do you wanna play?” Jack asks. “I don’t know. I just want to open presents.” “Alex, at the end we will. But right now play a game or something.” “I really don’t want to though.” “Alex, come on.” “So, Alex when are you due exactly?” Tori asks him. “March 23rd I believe.” “I’m going to bet that it’ll come early.” She says. “I think it’s going to come late Kennedy says. “Are we all going to place bets?” Alex sighs. “Yup.” The two girls say at the same time. “Fine. Kennedy, how much do you bet?” “Ten dollars.” “Okay,” Alex jots down her name and betting on a piece of paper. “Tori, how about you?” “Let’s go with fifteen.” “Anybody else?” He asks. “Nope. I’m broke after buying you a present for this thing.” Matt says. “Can we open them nooow?” Alex asks Jack. “Fine, I really didn’t care in the first place.”

Once everybody left, Alex and Jack were left with bunch of baby diapers, clothes, a car seat, wipes, bibs and some baby formula. “Well shit, what else do we need?” Alex asks Jack. “A crib, a changing table, more diapers, baby bottles, and more wipes. Probably a shit ton more too.” Jack scratches the back of his head. “Can we go look for those things tomorrow?” Alex asks Jack with puppy eyes?” “Fine. But no more okay? We still have eighteen years ahead of us. And probably another kid down the road too.”

The next day Jack and Alex go to Babies “R” Us. “Where should we start?” Jack says as he grabs a shopping cart. “A crib, from there we can look for a changing table, then we can go look for the diapers, wipes and baby bottles.” Alex says. “You sound like you know what you’re doing.” “Because I do.” They walk over to the cribs. “What color should we get?” Jack asks. “I like this brown one. It’ll go nice with the room.” “And the changing table should be brown too then, right?” “Correct.” They tell a customer service worker that they would pull out back to grab them once they were done shopping. “Okay so we just need diapers, bottles, and wipes.” Alex says as they walk down to that aisle. “Jesus this is a lot of diapers, are you sure that it’ll actually use all of these?” Jack asks. “I’m sure it will. It’ll probably be gone within a month or two.” “Are your fucking kidding me?” Jack asks. “No, have you seen how much diapers just one baby uses?” “No! God dammit.” “We’ll be fine.”

“Wait, does this part go here? Or here?” Jack asks Alex while trying to put the crib together. “I think it goes there.” Alex points. “I didn’t think it would be this hard to put a crib together. “This is so hard. I don’t like this.” “Jack, shut up. It isn’t that hard.” “Yes it is.” “I swear if this child turns out to be as whiny as you are I am going to hurt you.”