Status: re-wrote it :3 comment pleeeeeeeeease (:

This Is Our War, Our Beautiful Lie

Chapter Ten

“Wait, what?” Constance asked, shocked by this new. “When did you meet each other?”

“A year ago…” Jared said, a little freaked out by his mother's reaction.

“A YEAR AGO? And you'll get married?” She replied, her beautiful blue and green eyes wide open and her jaw hitting the floor, surprised.

“Yeah, mom... We've been...” Jared was saying, but his mother interrupted him; so, that’s where he got that habit from!

“Why haven't I met her before? Since when are you engaged? Oh, my god! I gotta do so much for this wedding, when is it?” She was so happy she was talking through her elbows. I laughed.

“Congratulations, son” Carl said, and went to hug Jay. Then, he came to hug me, an apologetic look on his face; I could just guess what he would say.

“I'm so sorry for what I said before... I didn't know you were engaged... And... I'm just sorry” he hugged me; BINGO! I wasn’t mad at him, or anything, though; he had reasons to say what he had said, so, it was okay.

“It's okay” I said, laughing.

“Congratulations, Danniele” he said, happiness filling his voice as he looked at me, after letting me go.
“Thanks... And call me Dannie, by the way.” I smiled; I wanted to laugh really hard, but I knew no one would understand the inside joke with my name I had just made without noticing, so, I bit the inside of my cheek so I wouldn’t laugh.

Then, Jay's mom came to hug us.

“I'm sorry too, sweetheart... I can't believe he finally found you! He's just so... grown up” she said to me, crying in the end. I hugged her.

“Yeah, he is. And I love him just like that” I replied, while hugging her; and it was truth. I loved him just like he was. I wouldn’t change anything in my baby love, he was… he was amazing.

“I'm so happy for both of you, it's just amazing... So, tell me, I wanna know everything about you two!” She let go of my hug, and leaded me to the couch. I sat down beside her as she held my hand on my lap, truly curious.

“How did you actually meet?” She asked, smiling. Jared came to sit beside me.

“Well, it was on one of his concerts. It was the first show I was going, and I was totally excited. I was there like, eight hours before the beginning of the show, so I could be in the front row. I made it, and he gave me the microphone to sing '100 suns', and I sang to him... Then he sang to me, and it was love at first sight” I told her, smiling; it seemed so cliché, yet it was so beautiful.

“Hum, why I feel like something happened after that?” She said, smiling too.

“Well, in fact, it did. The show ended, and I went to the audience, thinking it was empty, to reminisce about what happened, and Dannie was there. We talked, and I told her I could walk her home... We went to her house, and... it's too personal” Jared answered, making me laugh; everyone in the room laughed as well.

“Yeah, I think I got the picture” Constance said, after she calmed down. “But why haven't I heard about her before? And, by the way, Jared, why haven't you come with your brothers spent the Christmas here?” She was a little mad, I could just tell; I hoped she’d understand.

“Really? Even in Christmas?” I asked, surprised; I didn’t even remember if he had wished me a Merry Christmas, or anything. Either way, I was so honored that he’d stayed the whole time I’d been in that hospital…

“Well, mom, that's the sad part of the story... So, Dannie and I had a fight three months, or something, after we met and I ran away from her... It was night, and she ran back to her house, but her house was on fire... She got inside to pick up a picture, and when she got out, her sister's killer was there, trying to kill her. He almost did. He cut her throat, and hit her head. She went to the hospital, and has been in coma since then, until three weeks ago, when she woke up. I proposed to her today. I've been beside her the whole time she was on the hospital... That's why you haven't met her before, and that's why I didn't come around last Christmas” Jay said, making me tear my head down.

“Oh... I'm sorry... Are you okay, sweetheart?” His stepfather asked me, since he was on the couch with us.

“Yeah... The only thing I'm afraid now is losing Jared, so, I'm okay. Since I'm with him, I'm okay.” I smiled, looking over at Jay; I couldn’t even think about losing him.

Jared hugged me and kissed me softly, after I had replied. We stared at each other's eyes.

“Well, I think we're gonna leave you alone for a minute...” Carl said, and him and Constance left the couch together, giving us some privacy.

“I love you” I said to Jared.

“As much as I love you” he said. We kissed again.

Four months later...

These last four months had been quite a mess. Jared's mom and Bianca have been planning the wedding, and Jared and his stepfather have been planning the honey moon. So, I was always with Hayden, who helped me find the perfect dress.
Now, I was dressing for the big day. Yes, it was the BIG day. We chose this date, April 27th, because I wanted to get married on a day that would bring more the presence of my sister, I mean, on her birthday. Hayden was already done with her dress and make up. She was with a softly grey middle sized dress, that was totally beautiful. Her make-up was simple, some grey on her eyes and a soft pink lip gloss. Bianca was with a red dress , that looked totally beautiful on her. They both had their long black straight hair falling through their backs, and a simple red rose on their hair. Jared's mom was wearing a long red dress , and her make-up was just as Hayden's and Bianca's make-up. I was supposed to be dressing, but I was looking at them like I was a dumb.

“DANNIE! Earth is calling you!” Bianca said. I looked at her. “You gotta get dressed, or you wanna leave Jared waiting for, like, a year?”

I laughed, and took off the clothes I had on. They helped me dress my long white dress, with some touches of red , and then Hayden did my make-up. Bianca arranged my hair, in an up-do style, and held the veil on it. So, I was ready... I heard a knocking, and instinctively screamed:

“JARED, GO AWAY! YOU'LL HAVE TO WAIT!” Then, the four of us laughed.

The door opened, and I tried to hide behind Bianca. I looked up, though, and surprised myself.

“Hi, Danniele...”

“Mom?” I was pretty sure I haven't written an invitation to her... “Jared” I whispered, finding my response.

“Well, I got you the old and blue stuff” she said, slightly smiling.

“Oh!” I said, speechless. She came to me and gave me a blue hairpin . Bianca positioned it in my hair, and I hugged my mom.

“Thank you” I said. She was crying.

“I'm sorry for everything, sweety” she whispered. “You have the blue and old, now, you need something borrowed, since I can see your dress is new. Hum...”

“Here it is” Hayden said, borrowing me a beautiful red necklacemade of rubies, matching my engagement ring. I sighed, fighting back sobs.

“No, no, you can't cry now, or your make-up will smudge” Hayden warned me, smiling.

I nodded, and controlled my tears and all my twisted emotions.

“The carriage is waiting” Jared's mom said, after looking through the window.

“Carriage?” I asked, surprised. They guessed. I always dreamed of going the church by carriage, when marrying.

“Yeah... You don't like it?” Bianca asked, worried.

“OF COURSE I DO!” I screamed. The girls laughed.

“Well, let's go, then” my mother said, smiling. We left the house, and I went with my dad on the carriage.

“Hi, dad...” I said, nervous and kinda trembling.

“You look beautiful, Danniele. I'm sorry for all I haven't done for you... Me and your mother were so blind...” he replied, sad.

“It's okay. You're forgiven. Today is supposed to be a happy day, to all of us, so, let's just leave that behind our backs.”

He smiled and hugged me.

“You're right” he said.

We waited until my dad received a text message from my mom saying we could go. The horses started walking, and I smiled. When we arrived, Bianca's little sister, Roxy, was with Bianca waiting for us.

Bianca gave me my branch of red roses, and leaded me and her sister through the stairs. We were on the outside of the church's door. Someone must've done some kind of signal I haven't seen, and the doors opened, while the music started playing. Bianca and her sister were in line, in front of Hayden and Constance, whom were in front of me. They started walking, and me and my dad followed. His arm was around my arm, and I was smiling. The worst thing about all of that was that I couldn't see Jared. Somewhere in the middle of the passage, all the girls left my front, and it was just me and my father walking. I finally saw Jared.

Jared's hair was blonde, and he had it kinda rebel. He was wearing a white suit with a rose in the pocket, and had a red waistcoat. . I smiled at him, and he smiled at me, looking from my head to my toes, making me flush a bit. We were almost at the altar, and Jared came to me and my father; then, my father gave him my hand, making me smile again.

“You look beautiful” Jared whispered.

“So do you, baby” I whispered back.

The priest started the ceremony, and I tried to pay attention. And I did, actually. When the priest asked Jared "Jared Joseph Leto, do you take Danniele Dawn Williams to be your Wife?" and he said "I do", I felt the luckiest woman in the world.

“Do you promise to love, honor, cherish and protect her, forsaking all others and holding only unto her?” The priest continued.

“I do” Jared answered, and smiled.

“Danniele Dawn Williams, do you take Jared Joseph Leto to be your Husband?

“I do” I said, smiling.

“Do you promise to love, honor, cherish and protect him, forsaking all others and holding only unto him?”

“I do!” I replied, enthusiastic.

“Wedding rings are an outward and visible sign of an inward spiritual grace and the unbroken circle of love, signifying to all the union of this man and this woman in marriage” the priest said.

Then, Roxy came with the wedding rings, and Jared took one.

“I Jared Joseph Leto, take thee, Danniele Dawn Williams, to be my Wife- to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, for richer or for poorer, and I promise my love to you forevermore” he said, while he was craving the ring in my finger, making me smile harder.

I pick up the other ring, and turned to Jared.

“I Danniele Dawn Williams, take thee, Jared Joseph Leto, to be my Husband. To have and to hold, in sickness and in health, for richer or for poorer, and I promise My love to you forevermore.”

The priest talked again.

“Jared Joseph Leto and Danniele Dawn Williams, as the two of you come into this marriage uniting you as husband and wife, and as you this day affirm your faith and love for one another, I would ask that you always remember to cherish each other as special and unique individuals, that you respect the thoughts, ideas and suggestions of one another. Be able to forgive, do not hold grudges, and live each day that you may share it together - as from this day forward you shall be each other's home, comfort and refuge, your marriage strengthened by your love and respect for each other.”

He read some verses from the Bible, the Corinthians, and then turned to us again.

“Jared Joseph Leto and Danniele Dawn Williams, in so much as the two of you have agreed to live together in Holy Matrimony, have promised your love for each other by these vows, the joining of your hands and the giving of these rings, I now declare you to be Husband and Wife.
Whom God hath joined together, let no one put asunder.” I was nervous about the next part, I didn't know why. “Congratulations, you may kiss your bride” he said to Jared.

Jared got closer to me, and kissed me softly. I never felt him so happy in the whole time we've been together. This was his dream. This was my dream.
He moved away, and we turned to the crowd.

“It is my privilege to present to you Mr. & Ms. Leto” the priest finished, and me and Jared started walking to the door.

When we got outside the church, we felt some rice over our heads, but we didn't bother. We went to the carriage, and when we go there, kissed passionately.

We went to Jared's parents' house, and celebrated. It was amazing. I danced with everyone who was there, and when I was just about to dance with my father again, Carl called me and Jared.

“Well, I wanted to say something, before you go” he said, loud. “The first time I saw Danniele, I told her to run away from Jared... that he was just playing her” Jared flushed. “But then I saw the way Jay was looking at her, and I reconsidered. He seemed... in love with her. Then, they got up and announced they were engaged, and, I don't know why, wasn't surprised. I could feel their love in the air, and, right now, I feel it even more. So, I gotta say this: you two were born for each other!”

The people applauded, and I cried a bit. I kissed Jared, and when I moved away, our guests laughed. I flushed.

“Now, Jay and Dannie, you gotta go” Carl said, making me curious.

“Goodbye, people!” Me and Jared said, hugging everyone, and leaving the building.

“So, where are we going?” I asked, curious.

“Hum, I don't know” he said, smiling.

“Oh, really? Maybe we could just camp, what do you think?” I proposed, sarcastically. He turned serious. “Oh, I can't believe, Jared. We're camping?”
♠ ♠ ♠
the last one for today...
and tomorrow the final chapter will be up. shame, shame. [or not... xb]
oh, well.

this is Ephedrine Ruby, signing off.