Status: re-wrote it :3 comment pleeeeeeeeease (:

This Is Our War, Our Beautiful Lie

Chapter Seven

-Jared’s POV-

They took Dannie to surgery, so they could stitch the big cut on her throat; that man was going to die, that was for sure.

“Are you her fiancé?” A doctor asked, after a few hours I’d been waiting.

“Yer, sure I am” I reply, almost incapable to lie.

“Well… I know this is going to be hard to hear… but, she’s in coma” the doctor said, and I froze. “Nothing to be worried about, now. Maybe she’s just a little traumatized and needs some time to get it all together… You’ll only have to worry if she takes more than three months to recover. Until then, don’t be pissed off” he said to me, trying to calm me down.

Fuck! Coma? COMA?! How could I live when she wasn’t talking to me, smiling to me, kissing me, touching me? I had to do something about it; and fast.

“Do you think there’s anything I do that will make her wake up faster?” I asked, desperate; I needed this doctor to tell me something. I’d even kill myself if that would bring her back to life again; I just needed her alive, she needed to be in this world in order to make it beautiful.

“You can talk to her, maybe that’ll help her, but I’m not sure” the doctor said, confused.

“What room is she in?” I asked, impatient.

“6277” the doctor replied, and I ran over to it; then, I remembered this was the number of the room we used on ‘The Kill’ music video, but I didn’t care; I had so much more in my mind!

I got into the room, and there she was: frozen. The only thing I could hear was her life support machine ‘beeping’. Beep… beep… beep… I was just going crazy. I sat beside my truly and only love, and I cried.

“I’m so sorry… I never meant to hurt you. You know that, don’t you? Please, I need you back… Wake up, please…” I told her, crying. Then, I lied down on the bed, hugging her carefully, because of the needles and stuff. I was still crying.

I felt my phone shaking inside my pocket, but I wasn’t going to move; after a while, it stopped, just to start back a few seconds later. I ignored it again, and again, and again… When I felt it shaking for the tenth time in a row, I had to answer.

“I’ll be back in a minute, baby. I love you” I told Dannie, and kissed her cheek.

I got out of the room, and, when I was about to pick up the phone, whoever was calling, hung up.

“Oh, give me a break!” I said, mad. Still, I picked the phone up, and, luckily, I got the call again.

“Jared? Are you okay? Where are you? I’ve called you like ten times!” I sighed, trying to control my tears, and Shannon calmed down. “Jared, what’s up?” He asked, worried.

“Dannie… she’s in coma…” I said, and I couldn’t say anything else, ‘cause the tears started falling so fast I wasn’t able to breathe.

“What? Why?” Shan asked, and I could hear everyone around him asking what was up.

“I’ll explain you when you get here. We’re at Crestwood’s Medical Center, be here soon. Her room is 6277, I’ll be there. See ya.”

I hung up before they’d say anything else; I really wasn’t in the mood to get with all their questions. I turned off the phone and got back to her room, lying again on her bed.

“I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you…” I kept saying, until Shannon, Tomo, Bianca and Hayden get into the room.

When they got in, I looked at them crying, but then leaned my head on Dannie’s arm, crying and saying ‘I love you’ all over again, like a paranoid; maybe I was really paranoid.

“Jared” Shannon called, touching my arm lightly. Despite I heard him, I didn’t look at him or talked to him, I just kept crying and telling Dannie I loved her. “JARED!” He called again, shaking my arm strongly, and pulling me out of the bed.

I hit the floor, but I didn’t move. I stayed there, crying, until Shannon got me up and hugged me.

“She’ll be okay, Jared. She’s strong, she’ll get through” he whispered in my ear.

I didn’t reply, ‘cause I couldn’t. We kept hugging each other for a while, but then I let him go, and went back to the bed. I wasn’t acting crazy anymore; I was just caressing her face.

“What happened to her?” Tomo asked, worried.

“When I ran away from her, she ran away too… I hid on the valley she almost got raped by that bastard, before, and stayed there for a while. Then, when I wanted to see her and tell her I’d forgive her, I smelt smoke… Her house was on fire, but she wasn’t caught by the flames, despite she went inside to pick up a picture… But I suppose she got out and had someone waiting for her, since someone cut her throat and hit her head. Well, not someone. Him” I said; I knew they could feel all the anger I had inside of me, but I didn’t care. That guy had to die, sooner or later.

“Him, who?” Bianca asked, afraid of my answer.

“Her sister’s killer… He’s the one who tried to rape her… He’s chasing her, and I have to stop him. For good” I told them, looking straight on Dannie’s face, feeling the need to kill that guy.

The room went silent for a while, but then Shannon surprised me.

“I’ll help you, if you want. She’s like my little sister.”

“Yeah; you know that I intend to kill him, right?” I asked, suspicious of what he’d just said; was he really willing to risk it all to kill that horrible man, for me?

“Yeah, I understood that” Shannon replied, coming to put his hand on my shoulder. “I don’t even care if we go to jail after that; that guy will end up dead.”

I felt that I could trust Shannon on that; he really was going to help me. I nodded, and looked at Dannie’s face.

“That guy will disappear, my love. I promise you” I told her, not caring if they would think I was crazy.

I couldn’t believe she was in coma. How could an angel be in such position?

Month one

“My love… one month… well, we still have two more to go, don’t we? Yeah, you’ll make it through. I love you, you know that? I’m sorry for what happened… we should’ve never got into that fight. I’m sorry for what I told you… I want you back, baby. I love you” I told Dannie, just hoping she could hear my voice and reply. “‘Cause without you is how I disappear…

I was singing that song to her, ‘cause it was the song that described best what I was feeling.

I was alone at her room, crying (as always), while Shannon was chasing that hateful guy. If he wasn’t dead until Dannie got better, I’d chase him after that. I wouldn’t let him hurt her anymore.

“Please, wake up, babe… I miss you.”

Month two

“Baby, how can you still be sleeping? Please, I need you… I need to hear your voice, to see your eyes… Come back to me, baby, I really need you…”

Dannie was still in coma, and only one month was left. She had to wake up… She had to.

I had had a good new, yesterday, though. Dannie’s sister’s killer was found dead, and it hadn’t been Shannon who killed him, but an angry father, which daughter he raped and killed, too; I think it’s name was Jared… no! Gerard; Gerard Way, if I’m not mistaken. He had some great influences and, I don’t know how, got an amazing alibi, so, he’d be released within two months. I had to thank that man, but I could never leave Dannie’s side, it was too painful for me. I asked Shannon to do that for me, once again.

“Baby, you're safe… Why are you still like that? Haven’t you heard I love you?”

Month three

“Last month of hope, baby” I was crying more than usual. “C’mon, the last day…” I told her, but the doctor got in.

“Any changes?” He asked, but he could see clearly nothing changed. “We can wait another nine months, maybe she needs some more time… But, if nothing changes until the end of that time, we’ll have to turn off her life support, I’m sorry.”

I nodded, crying and holding Dannie’s arm.

“Nine months… that’s a long time, babe; you’ll make it through… You have to.”

Month Four…

“I’m getting out of hope… Can you hear me? I miss you…” Well I've been holding on tonight… What's the worst that I can say? Things are better if I stay, so long and goodnight… So long and goodnight!

Month Five…

If that’s the best that I could be, than I’d be another memory… Can I be the only hope for you? Because you’re the only hope for me. And if we can find where we belong, we’ll have to make it on our own. Face all the burn and take it out, because the only hope for me is you, alone.

Month six…

No warning sign, no alibi, we faded faster than the speed of light… Took our chance, crashed and burned… No, we’ll never ever learn… I fell apart…

I couldn’t finish the song. I would never get up again, if she died.

“Just wake up… You’re the only thing I have left. I love you, Danniele Marie Way… Just wake up…”

Month seven…

I was sighing and crying, no other sound (beside the life support beep) could be heard on the room. I really missed her.

Month Eight…

“How can I survive all this? You wanna know how? I am sure you’ll wake up… Are you? Baby, can you answer me? Just tell me… Just move one finger, one eyelash, something! I need something to hold on, baby… Why? Have you gone, already?”

Month Nine…

“I can’t explain how empty I feel… Is like I have no fucking heart, ‘cause, wherever you are, you’ve got my heart with you. No matter if you’re listening to me, or if you aren’t; nothing matters. I can only believe in the beating of your heart, now, ‘cause my fucking heart isn’t beating anymore. I didn’t get anything for you, this Christmas, ‘cause I never ever left your side. You know, great thing Shannon comes by every day, or I’d still wear the clothes I had, on that day… I love you, Dannie. Merry Christmas.”

Month Ten…

“Dannie… Two months… Two months for you to recompose and please, please, please, wake up… I fucking miss you more than ever. I never thought I could feel this way, before; and look, here I am, standing beside a hospital bed, crying, and singing, and crying, and talking… I miss you, my love… You remember the day we met? The way you were so surprised when I talked to you… And the day I told you I was twenty-two… You were so surprised and happy at the same time… Then, it all started breaking down, because of the paparazzi. They always ruin everything… But I won’t let them break us down, again. When you wake up, I’ll just ignore them, and you should do the same, babe. And I’ll politely ask all the echelon to stop chasing you, or booing you. Everything will be better, baby. I love you. I’ll live every single day of my life for you… But you have to wake up, babe. Just… please.”

Month eleven (middle of the month)…

“Baby… It’s our last chance… The last chance for our lives… The last chance to have a family, kids, be happy, die happy, love each other, sing, write, kiss, touch, everything… I don’t wanna give up now, but you’re turning me hopeless, baby… Please, Dannie, you have to wake up... There's just two weeks left, until they... kill you. Please... You gotta wake up... If you die, I'll die with you... Please, just wake up, my love…”

-Dannie’s POV-

I was hearing this voice inside my head... I recognized it, but I couldn't remember anything. But I had this feeling inside that kept reminding me that this voice was important to me... And that I had to open my eyes. But I couldn't. I had no control over my body. It was like my mind was separated from my body, and I couldn't join them.

One week later...

I woke up, after like a million years sleeping, but I still couldn't remember anything. I looked around the room, and it was empty. I got surprised over myself: after a lot of time sleeping, I still wanted to sleep more. I closed my eyes, and started dreaming. This dream was strange: it seemed too real. I was running to my house, and it was on fire. I went inside, to pick up the photograph of me and my sister, and left by the window. Then, my sister's killer was there, and tried to kill me, and said my rock star boyfriend would be next... then it all disappeared, and the voice returned.

"Just one week left, my love... If nothing changes, they say there's no more hope. And if there's no hope, it's not worth living..." This must be the voice of my boyfriend, but I couldn't remember it. I tried to think about the past, and images of a beautiful boy got into my mind. He was tall, thin, blonde... his eyes were blue, like the sea, and his voice was amazing... and his name was...

“JARED!” I screamed, while I opened my eyes. He was right beside me.

“Baby, oh, baby, Dannie... I'm so sorry for leaving you before... I can't believe you woke up! I'm so happy... Oh, my Lord, thank you, thank you, thank you! I love you so fucking much, Danniele Way! You're so beautiful... I missed you so much, baby. It's so good you're back...” He started crying, and stopped talking for a while, calming himself. “Do you remember me, my love?” He asked, a slight glimpse of fear crossing his eyes as he asked me that simple question; what could possibly exist to fear?

“Yes, I do, Jared. But you gotta be careful... The man who killed my sister tried to kill me, and he said you would be next... he's chasing us, baby... He wants us dead...” I told him, afraid for him; I didn’t want him dead! He couldn’t die, otherwise this world wouldn’t be the same anymore.

“Easy, sweety... Let's call the doctor, yes? He needs to know you're awake” he said, passing his arm over my head to call the nurse.

“WAIT!” I said, scaring him.

“What?” He asked, worried.

“Kiss me.” He smiled, and kissed me like never before. He kissed me so deeply, I started crying.

“I love you, Jared Leto, and I missed you. It was so hard for me hear your voice, not knowing who you were or what happened to me...” I said; I could’ve said so much more, but there Mr. Interrupter stopped me.

“Wait, you heard me?” He asked, surprised.

“Every single time you talked, sang or cried. I was so... I can't even explain” I told him.
He called the doctor, and sat on the chair beside me.

“I'll be always here, don't worry about anything” he said, when he saw me getting scared. The doctor got in, and looked at me, very happy.

“So, you're better! That's good news! Your boy right here kept talking to you through these eleven months. One week left to make a year since you're on coma.” He stated, and my eyes went wide, just like my mouth.

“ONE YEAR?” I was so admired I couldn't control myself.

“Relax, baby... Nothing changed that much, in a year...” Jared told me, while biting his lip.

“What do you mean with 'that much'?” I asked, suspicious.

“Well, I'll tell you later, baby. Now, the doctor has to examine you...” He said, sneaking away from my question; oh, no, mister, you’ll answer for this!

“How could you talk to me every day, and never told me of what was happening at home?” I asked, angry.

“You were hearing him?” The doctor asked, surprised.

“Yes, is that unusual?” I replied, calmer; doctors always had that effect on me, no matter how bad I was.

“Yeah, a bit... But I think about it after the exams, okay? If the exams are okay, you can leave the hospital today” the doctor smiled at me.

“Thank God!” I said, making Jared laugh, for the first time in… a year, I suppose.
The doctor ran the exams, and everything was fine. He said maybe me hearing Jared was just a collapse of my brain. Maybe the hearing part of my brain hasn’t been affected by the hit; I was very relieved by that fact, since hearing him was what gave me strength to never surrender to that powerful source of darkness that kept pushing me down. By the end of the day, the doctor let me out, and I jumped from joy, literally.

“Thank you for being here all these months” I said, getting sad. “Jared, I don’t want you to go away from me. I’m sorry for all I’ve done to you. I know I hurt you every time I got so pessimist about our relationship, but these eleven months you were by my side, made me see that I wasn’t right. We are meant to be; now I know that. And I’ll do anything to get you back” I told him, determined.

He looked at me and smiled. I was almost crying and he was smiling? I was totally confused.

“I wasn’t going to leave you, Dannie” he said, and came to surround my waist with his arm. “But I’m very happy you said that. I love you, and, after all that happened, I won’t leave you again.”

“I love you too, Jared.” I told him, smiling and quickly pecking his lips.

Shannon came to pick us up from the hospital, and hugged me when he saw me. We went to their house, since my house didn’t exist anymore; there, there was Tomo and my two best friends; well, I guessed we’d better forget about the band, it was too many time without practicing and such.

“Well, welcome back!” Tomo said when I got in the house; I gave him one quick hug, and then turned to my girls.

“Thanks, Tomo. Hi girls!” I replied, excited.

“Dannie! We missed you, you know?” They both said, crying.

“Yeah, I missed you too.” I told them as I hugged each one of them.

The TV was on, and I sat on the couch to watch it. I needed to actualize myself; however, the only new that now was on, was the new that I had left the hospital.

Jared Leto continues to act?
It seems that, today, Dannie Way left the hospital, after almost a year of coma. And, surprise, surprise! Jared Leto was with her! He hasn’t left the hospital since she was there, so, we’re wondering… Does he keep acting because of the fame? Or he’s just being nice to her? A lot to think about, Leto fans… But, for now, let’s just remember how Danniele got in the hospital...

Images of my house burning appeared on the screen, and I couldn't look away. I was on a litter, and Jared was crying, by my side. It seemed that he had seen the fire, and went to my house, to warn me. But it was too late. There was blood on the front yard of my old house, and I started to panic... Was the blood there, yet?

“Jared” Tomo said. Jared had gone to his room, to change his clothes, but came back right when Tomo called him.

I was static, and crying. I was so petrified I wasn't even able to cover my eyes with my hands. I kept on looking to the screen, until I saw someone turning it off. That someone had only a towel covering his legs, and I couldn't see his face.

“Baby, let's go to our room” he said. It was Jared.

He grabbed me, and took me to his bed. He sat beside me, and caressed my face, for a while. Then, I suddenly woke up from the nightmare I was thinking about, and Jared was crying and looking at me.

“What's up, baby?” I asked, confused.

“The doctor said this could happen...” he cried.

“What, Jared? What can happen?”

“You getting scared of all the things, getting static like that. He said that, after so much time, you probably wouldn't be the same girl you were before... I almost swore that couldn't happen to you, but I've seen it today, when you were on the living room... You got scared of a dog, for god’s sake! How could I be so stupid thinking you would be the same? That's why you told me that stuff earlier, about fighting for me...”

“Wait, a dog? I haven't seen any dog” I said, really confused.

“Dannie? You were looking at the TV, they were talking about a dog that had been abandoned, yesterday, and that a lady saved from dying.”

“WHAT?” I said, sitting on the bed. “That was not the new I've seen... They were talking about me getting out of the hospital, about the day I went there... that you were acting, and that...” I was saying, but then realized something. “Oh, my gosh.”

“What are you talking about?” He said. Now he was really worried.

I realized the scene I've seen on the screen wasn't the fire on my house. The background was the street where my sister got killed. And the girl wasn't me, it was my sister. I had mixed my accident with her death. That was why I was crying. I had seen her being killed again.

“I... was dreaming awake. Not really dreaming, but okay. I mixed the death of my sister with what happened to me... That's why I started crying and petrified... I saw her death all over again... I'm sorry for scaring you” I apologized. “And what I said earlier was true, I'll fight for you, if you don't believe it. Don't you remember I had already done that, on that day? Singing to you, and you ran away from me... and I ran home, ashamed, and all that happened.” I told him, proving my point to him.

“Are you sure you're okay, my love?” He asked, concern filling his features; I caressed the concern away, though, as I stroke his cheek.

“More than sure.” I assured him, smiling.

He leant closer to me, and sweetly kissed me; his lips started a fire inside of me, since I missed them so much! Just that feeling of his lips against mine was the most amazing feeling ever!

“We're back on the track, baby.” He said, after we kissed; and yes, we were. And nothing could stop us.
♠ ♠ ♠
oh, well.
shit's been going down; sorry for not updating my other stories :L I can only update this one because it's already written :/
comment, pleeeeease?
btw, thanks for everyone who's been with me, and who's been helping me. I love you guys to death «3

this is Ephedrine Ruby, signing off.