Status: on-going, rated R for blood, gore, horror scenes, etcetera



I lay my head on my pillow and right as I turned off the light, I instantly fell into a deep slumber. My mind rattled and bounced back and forth between past memories of my former life until it picked a perfect setting for a dream to take place, reminding me of my mission here in the human world…

”Mastema, he will be fine.” My father, Asmoday, spit towards my mother. They had been arguing about the same thing since the day I was born. My father thought it was best for me to go to the human world, be raised by some wealthy human parents, instead of staying in the demon world be attacked by assassins that wanted me dead.

“Asmoday, I can’t just give up my baby to some
humans,” You could hear the tone in her voice that made you know that she didn’t want to give me up; she wanted to raise me all by herself, with my father, of course, in the world that I belonged in.

“Yes you can, and unless you want him to die like all our other sons, you’ll let this happen.” My father put his hand on his horned forehead as he hissed back at her. He knew I was destined for destruction and chaos. He couldn't bear to see me perish.

My mother looked down at me and vigorously shook her head. Her snake like hair hissed in agitation. “No!” She said loudly, disagreeing with her significant other. She knew as well that it was what I was bound to do, but she couldn’t let me go. She didn’t want her only surviving child to be taken away from her, it’s quite understandable I suppose. It’s probably how any new mother would react if someone tried taking her child away from her to go save his life.

“He could get
hurt out there. How will he ever learn how to use his powers or know about us?” My poor mother frantically threw out reasons why I shouldn’t go but my father still insisted I went.

“Like I said, Mastema, he’ll be just fine. Whenever he gets old enough, we will visit him and tell him everything. He’ll be shocked, but once he realizes what we’re telling him is
true he will be able to keep himself safe. Besides, for the first years of his training, I wont let anything happen to him.” My father tried his best to convince her that nothing will go wrong.

She gripped her clawed hands together tightly and took a deep breathe. She looked around the room that they were in, the concrete walls blending in with the floors and the cobwebs in the corners gave off a shimmer from the brightly lit candles connected to the blood stained walls. The candle light flickered in her brown hues and she looked back at my father. His expression was stern and he didn’t seem too worried about me going away. He looked as if he
knew I wouldn’t fail him; the way he kept trying to convince her gave her confidence in what his plans was for me, their child. She took in another deep breathe and exhaled slowly.

“Fine, but only if you allow me to check in on him every once in a while in secret.” She said looking at him in a way that meant she was serious on her conditions and that it would hurt her too much to not be able to see me for a long time.

“Okay, Mastema, if it’ll make you feel better.” My father told her slightly rolling his eyes. Then all of a sudden, the candle’s that were lit were blown out and everything went dark….

The rest of my dream was a blur, I don’t remember much about what had happened after that. I had only remembered that from whenever I was a infant was because it was the moment that my parents had decided to take me to a whole different world, with a whole different race and leave me stranded on a random, newly wedded couple’s front step. They did the whole cliché ring-the-door-bell-and-hide-and-watch-the-new-parents-find-your-baby-in-a-basket-and-take-you-in-their-home thing.

I ran my fingers through my light brown hair and blinked my eyes open, only to squint them half way shut ‘cause the sun rays beaming through my windows burned my eyes with it’s damn brightness.

“It's going to be a long day, I can already tell.” I mumbled to myself.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is how I thought everything should goo....
sorry if it's short for a first chapter /:
the next one will be better, i promise!

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