Status: on-going, rated R for blood, gore, horror scenes, etcetera


Say hello to the devil

In the alleys of downtown, twisted creatures roam free. They killed and ate their pray not giving a damn about what they were doing. Why do you think a lot of deaths happen in an alley or some idiot running away from the police happen to “loose” them? They were eaten. So, the question is, why was I in the alleys when a lot of people have died? To make it simple, I am the man hired to kill those son of a bitches. I get paid to kill the actual killers. Not a bad job, if I do say so myself. The pay is really good, too.

I stood in an alley behind a fast food restaurant. The dumpster was swarming with flies. The disgusting, rotten smell had my nose in agony. I can't believe humans eat this garbage. My combat boots were covered in what appeared water. It would take me a while to clean them. It would be even harder to get the smell off. That was one of the down sides to this job. You smelled worse than those creatures.

Haven't you ever wondered why alleys were so damp and dry? Let me tell you why. Anyone with brains would say it was because of the tall building blocking the sunlight and the water from fog or whatever didn't get evaporated. Right? WRONG! It was because those creatures I talked about earlier; they were dragging their sorry, slimy asses on the ground like dogs.

I walked past the dumpster looking up and behind me. I was on a job. The owner of the fast food restaurant had been hearing things for the last week out back. When exterminators couldn't find the pests, he called me in. Boy was he surprised when he saw me. Of course, he didn't see the double guns at my hips. I didn't want the man pissing his pants. He had already done that when I charged him 50 gran for the job.

I sniffed the air. There were demons close by. The sulfuric smell was around two days old. My guess was that they were hunting for their next meal. There had to be a nest near by. Demons never hunted in groups. They usually worked alone. But a nest was different than regular demons. Demons from nests never acted alone. They liked to surround their prey and attack all at once.

There was a scratching noise behind me. It sounded like nails grasping on something. In one fluid move, I grabbed my guns from their holsters and pointed them at the dumpster. The lid was opening like a both yawning into the darkness beyond.

“Come out and play,” I said. “I have a present for you.”

The lid was thrown open and out came a girl. She was filthy and reeked of garbage. Her face was pale and her blue eyes damp. They widen as she saw my guns.

“I'm not going to hurt you,” I said. Another inconvenience. The longer I took on a job the harder it was to find the demons. “Go home or whatever you live.”

I turned back around and kept walking down the alley. The sulfuric smell was getting stronger. I stopped and grinned. I swirled around and pulled the trigger of both guns. The girl was long gone by the time the bullets slammed into the lid of the dumpster. She appeared before me and with one hit sent me hurling through the air.

I hit the ground with a ]smack. I groaned and got up. My trench coat was ruin. The girl had a sick grin on her face and those blue eyes were now black.

“Son of a bitch,” I told it. “You just ruined a perfectly good coat.”

A sinister laughter erupted from the girl's mouth. Her body became deformed with each passing moment. Her arms became long and stretched. I aimed my guns and stated shooting. Each bullet slammed into the girl's changing body. I hated when demons hide into human bodies. If a bystander saw me, the police would be all over my ass.

The demon broke free and hurled itself at me with snapping jaws. It slammed into me sending a wave of pain through my body. My guns were ripped out of my grasp. It's hide was a lot stronger than it should be. My bullets should have send it back to Hell by now. We hit the ground, the concrete cracked underneath us.

“Eat you,” it said.

Punched the fucker in it's head. “Don't count your chickens before they hatch,” I spat.

Acidic saliva fell from the demon's mouth. I flinched. My shirt sizzled and my skin burned. I wrinkled my nose at the smell of burning flesh. It felt like ants were crawling over my body, biting me. I really hated demons who thought they could easily crush me. I was going to show it that I wasn't such easy prey.

My grip tightened around it's head. My nails grew into claws digging into its flesh. It let out a terrified shriek. There was only one reason I was so good at this job. I was a demon myself and I knew all their weaknesses. The demon struggled against my grip, desperate to get free.

“You're not so hot now are you, asswipe?” I growled. “Say hello to the devil for me.”

With a grunt, I twisted the demon's head. The spine broke with a snap. The head came off and I threw it away from me. I kicked the body off of me. It landed on the dumpster with a crash. The demon's body would disintegrate in a couple of minutes. I stood up dusting my clothes. Like that would do me much good.

I wiped my now human hands on my pants. There was no use crying over clothes. I cracked my neck from side to side. My neck hurt from the impact of the demon. At least I had sent a demon back to Hell. So much for the theory of it being a nest demon but I knew those bastards were still out there. I walked out of the alley picking my guns up and putting them in their holsters. There was something I had to take care of.

I walked to the front of the restaurant. It was a fancy one with old looking lamps outside and a weird french name that I couldn't even pronounce. I pushed open the door and walked in. The velvet carpet looked expensive and well cleaned. Every customers' eyes were on me. I smirked and headed to the manager's office, ignoring the looks of the employees.

No wonder he agreed to pay me 50 gran for the job, I thought looking at the expensive tables, lamps and decorations. Maybe I should have asked him for more. Too late now, I suppose.

I reached the door and opened it. The bald man looked up startled at my entrance. I walked in and closed the door. His office was just as elegant as I remembered. It was far too decorated than it should. This man wasn't afraid to show his wealth.

“I got rid of your pest,” I told him. “You got my cash?”

“Y-yes,” he said. The sweat from his forehead rolled down his fat neck on to his expensive suit.

His hands were shaking as he took out a silver key from his pocket. He insert it into a desk which popped open. I spotted a thick, brown, envelope. The man took it out and held it out to me. I snag the envelope and looked inside. 50 gran. I looked at the man.

“Nice doing business with you,” I said pocketing the envelope on the inside of my trench coat.

The man's eyes widen. I looked down and smirked. My guns were in plain sight. I left the office not bothering to close the door. Let him feel some fear, I thought. I had to go get a bite to eat. Unfortunately, I had missed breakfast. My gut was growling with hunger.
♠ ♠ ♠
Well, the beast.-I haven't heard from her and elliedelights; she can't write demonic whispers anymore so, it's just me now. I had to earse the third chapter because Serrah wasn't my character and I couldn't use her without permission. That wouldn't be nice.

I hope everyone enjoys this chapter.

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