Finding Truth

Hateful Kisses

Metal ringtone
Scene: cut 1 op 2 bedroom/ bathroom

The covers shift, someone gets up.

Noelle opens her eyes. One leg dangles off the bed. She turns around to find her husband gone.

* Where the hell is he?

Noelle slowly comes out the bed and walks to the bathroom vanity.
She discards her satin robe to reveal a victoria's secret night gown.

she grabs her brush from the counter and begans to straighten out her tangled hair. Someone walks into the room.

Jason: There is only a few women look good with bed hair. You, are the one the few. It's a shame to see you trying to tame it. I think you look rather sexy like that.

Noelle gets up and hugs him.

Jason: That damn Satino has nerve for calling me at 6 for the merger. As soon as I get down there I'll-

Noelle: Come on babe, calm down you know Satino is trying to get this done.

Jason: Your right, Satino is kinda of slow.

Jason tries to swoop in for the kiss. but Noelle covers her mouth.

Jason ( agitated): WHAT?

Noelle: Your breath stinks

Jason(eye roll): Is that the problem ? Come on just kiss me already. hold your nose if my morning breath is so bad.

Noelle: Yeah I'll do that. ( eye roll)

Rrrring ( Jason's phone)

Jason: I gotta Take this, it's Satino

He walks out of the room with the phone attached to his ear.

Noelle finishes brushing her hair. And walks out of the bathroom, and into her closet's double doors. She picks out her favorite Dark Blue Thakoon Sun Dress , white Gucci heels and matching Prada purse.

After she's done Dressing herself, she grabs her purse and makes her way to the downstairs kitchen.

As she nears the fridge she grabs a porcelain green bowl from the black cabinet along with a box of Cheerios. From the fridge she gets the silk and strawberries and fetches a knife. Jason walks in to see her with the knife.

Jason: What is that your'e hiding.

Noelle: ( blush a little) Nothing, would you like some Cheerios?

Jason: Yes I would, but what are you hiding.

Noelle: ( TOO red for her own good) No --Nothing

Jason: Yeah I believe you. A knife behind your back is Nothing.

He goes over and takes it from her hand the knife from her hand, slicing his hand in the process.

Noelle: Are you alright? Let me go get some gauze and some alcho-

Jason blocks her way as she tries to leave the room

Noelle: Move Jason! You're dripping blood all over the tile. - Just let me go get the-

Jason: What were you doing that knife, Noelle?! You're not going anywhere till I get an answer.

Noelle: You see I needed to cut--

Jason: Not this again! I thought you were done with this, but I guess you need to go back to -

Noelle: I don't need to go anywhere Jason! If you could just learn to trust me sometimes, maybe I wouldn't need to go to therapy. Those days I was unstable. Now I'm fine. so can we please forget that even happened.

Noelle walked out of the room and headed for the garage.

Jason sat there dumbfounded in the kitchen.

Noelle sped down the highway, with Paramore playing in the back drop

Scene One end

Noelle pulled up into the garage of the only decent house of the corner.
She locked the car and opened the door leading inside the house.
Awaiting Noelle was a big German Shepard wagging it's tail.
Noelle bent down and patted the dogs head.

Noelle: Hey King, I see your feeling better.

A voice in the distance: The medication been doin him some good lately, So have you been to me.

A tall, butter Pecan man with Long dreads came into view. Shirtless and Masculine with a 8 pack. He too sexy, and he knew it. He came up to Noelle as she began to stand, and gave her a surprise kiss that made her eyes grow huge, yet close with every melting second of joy.
After a minute of passion he released her.

Noelle: Well hello.

Kwan: I missed you for some time now boo. Where you been?

Noelle: I'm sorry I couldn't come earlier as I wanted to, Jason stayed around the house more than usual lately. We got into a spat this morning. I couldn't help but think about you.

Kwan: I see so go sit down inside the living room, I'll make some Joe

Kwan left the laundry room for the kitchen and Noelle went to the living room.

Kwan came back from the kitchen with two white chocolate mochas.

Noelle: How did you manage to make coffee so quickly?

Kwan: because I had gotten back from Starbucks two minutes before you pulled up.

Noelle: Oh. Well thanks I guess.

They both take a sip out of there cups. Then set them down.

Noelle: So how have things been going with Tarikia.

Kwan: Not so good, she still thinks the motha always gets the kids in the end of a custody battle. But that gurl so dumb, she forgot about her times in jail, and her drug addiction. If I present this to da court I will get my babies. Just the otha day I went over to her place to pick up the girls to go to da movies with me. The House was more ratchet than before I Ieft . There was rat pellets everywhere. The girls' room was falling apart. Lil man was sleeping on the the couch. I saw her new man, he look like a DV type to me. Tarikia had a purple bruise on her leg. he kept lookin at Ivy like she was a piece. Bra Bra better be glad I didn't whip him down right then and there. Now I know for sure I need to get Ivy, Princess, and Jared out of there. If That man lay a hand on my kids, I'll send him to hell personally.

Noelle: I know it's hard boo. But you'll get the girls i'm sure of it. All you need is a camera to pictures of that place she got em living in.

Kwan: you think that will help ??

Noelle: I'm sure it will.

Kwan stared at her for a long time.

Noelle: What?

Kwan: you got some creme on your lip

Kwan leaned forward and licked it off her lips with his tongue. Reckless and not caring, Noelle let him enter her mouth. The kiss had Noelle red with madness. She didn't want to stop him.

Noelle thinking: When was the last time Jason did this? I sure as hell want him to find out about this. Forget him, he is dead to me now.

They broke away from eachother, dazed from eachother.

Kwan: If I could I would let know one else have you.

Noelle: Me too, but we have to get straightened out first.


Noelle: Who is it ?

On phone/ Jason: Hey can you meet me down at Redmango??

Noelle: Okay, in a minute bye bye


Noelle : Bye Kwanie I got to go.

Kwan: Okay

Kwan leads her to her red lambo

Noelle starts the car, and gives Kwan an air kiss

Kwan: I love you

Noelle: Me too

Then she speeds off into the distance.

end of scene two *

~ ~

Jason: Great your here!

He walks up to Noelle when she enters the modern store

Noelle: Is there a problem.??

Jason: Not at all it's just-- my way of apologizing for this morning. I was such an ass, I'm sorry.

Noelle: ( Smirks) yes you were

Jason: I know so can you, I don't know forgive me babe.

Noelle: I'll think about it.

she gives him a kiss on the cheek. They both get some Irish Creme yogurt loaded with granola and pistachios. They sat down and ate in joy as they chatted about the recent tibits of work and friends.

Jason: So Salt and Bandit are back to stay.

Noelle: if Satine and Sophie heard you say their old nicknames, they'll both beat you up.

Jason: As if. Salt looks easy to take on, but Sophie will probably go ghetto on me if I say something.

Noelle: ( giggles) True dat.

For the rest of the day they stay at Red Mango until closing time and go home to enjoy a pleasant night together.

Izary PONC:

Izary: Issa I told you that the house was on the next street, now we in the damn ghetto.

Issao: It's not my fault you use that freakin GPS of yours. Since anyway when does mom think i'm not old enough to get my own car. I'm freakin 18 I can get get my own ride by now. I don't need you anymore.

Izary: Please little girl, you still a chicken head in my view . Thinking its easy to get a car, and money. Well Mami and I got to work for your Lazy behind. Since you don't got a job, you don't get a car. People like get cars, cause we run da buisness.

Issao: The only buisness you run, is your husband. That's the only reason you think you can over run me. To me your are nothing but a over grubbing, greedy, hoe. And I don't need you anymore.

Izary: FIne, Get your broke ass out my car. No one gone be direspecting me like that chica.

Issao hoped of Vanessa's Lambo lotus ellise . Izary drove by in full speed down the street, with T.I rollin in her ears.

Izary: I'll be damned if she try to ask me for a ride again.