Status: working



My name is Kelly and I’m 17 but soon to be 18 in two days. I live with my mom and dad in Wilmington, North Carolina, right next to the beach. On weekends we always hang out together and afterword’s, at night, I go to parties at the beach house. I won’t parties just letting yourself go of your stress and hanging with your friends. My parents are raised me well and are still trying. They both make good money, but I always had to get things the hard way. I never really asked for much, our house is kind of old but everything is new on the inside. On the outside of the house there is brick and our house is two story, we all like our space. My mom works a lot because she is a lawyer and when she is not working, she is always studying papers at her desk.
I remember when I was little and asked her to play with me. She said okay but three hours later I went back and said mamma come play a game with me. I guess she was busy because she smacked me in the face. I never asked her to play with me again. My dad always use to play with me, he told me that mom was on drugs when I was younger and she use to hit me a lot. My parents fight a lot mostly it’s just my mom yelling and my dad sits there and takes it.
There are fighting tonight and she is yelling and throwing things and he is just sitting there, so I went out there and was taking his side. As we are fighting she hit me in the face and told me to get out of the house. It was 7:00p.m. I didn’t care and so I just left, and I walked to the beach and I was walking really slow just trying to think about things, and then next thing I know as I’m watching the ocean. The waves hitting the tips of my toes. I looked at the sunset, it made me feel helpless and then all my emotions rushed to me and I started to cry. I heard some people next to me throwing a football and out of nowhere the football hit my foot and dirt went in my face, but I had my hands over my face. Two guys came up to me and one of them grabbed the football. He ran off, the other guy stayed there and he said that he was sorry, and I could join if I wanted to. I didn’t want to go back home, but when I looked up at him I was shocked he was beautiful and he had kind of a lot of tattoos. I could tell when he talked that he had a tongue and lip piercing. From the looks of it he had a good body and really dark blue eyes. Black spiked hair and I quickly said “umm I don’t know…. I just well I guess I will watch, if that is okay.”
“Sure, I’m Josh” he said cheerfully.
“Kelly.” I said and then before I knew it, it was 8:30p.m. And I still didn’t want to go home; I know my mom still doesn’t want me home. So I just sat there watching these five guys have a few beers and josh walked up to me and gave me one. Then he told me to sit with him, I never drank before but I guess I had one because I was upset. My cell phone went off, it was my mom and I didn’t pick up the phone and so I just sat there helpless.
“Hey are you going to get that?” Josh asked laughing.
“No.” I said. I wanted to talk to one of my friends and I just texted her and she is my best friend and I know that she would help me. Give me some answers; I didn’t know what to do. My phone was going to die I thought to myself, maybe I should talk to Josh and see what he is doing tonight. But I dint want to seem all weird and so I just kept to myself.
I walked along the dock, putting my hand on the railing. I wish I could runaway but I knew I was probably going to have to walk home, but I remember I can drive. If I had my purse because my keys are in my purse. I heard a girl scream and I turned my head and saw two of the guys picking up a girl. Josh was yelling brad…brad put her down. They were laughing and giggling, the girl had black hair kind of like mine. My cell phone went off again, it was my mom again. I didn’t answer she didn’t care, my friend Alex (the one I texted) texted back saying it’s okay just tell me where you are and I will came and pick you up. She was always a good friend; she would be there for you in a time of need. I was going to reply but Josh and one guy in a tank-top and shorts walked up to me. The sun was shining on their face they both were beautiful so I put my phone away quickly.
“Hey my friend and well I wanted to know if you want to go eat with us or something.
I said “well I don’t know.”
“It will be fun” Josh’s friend interrupted.
I was hungry as I said yes and we slowly walked up to his beach house.
So do you have anything you want to ask me? He said clearly. I ask him if he had any pain killers, he told me he had some at the house.
“Well I might just go home.”
No he said please I want to get to know you, you seem pretty cool you know, my type of girl.
I didn’t know if I should be scared or shocked. I’m glad but I don’t feel like being around a lot of people. I said in pain.
“Well let me take you somewhere, where do you want to go?”
“Umm I don’t know what to say somewhere I can lay down and not worry about anything”.
“You want to go back to the beach?” he said with a smile.
No I said it’s too dark.
Well you want to go get something to eat?
Yea sure I said quickly.
Let me take you somewhere okay?
Okay thanks. I said
We walked to his car and it was an old 1976 but new paint mustang. And of course it was black but I liked it. The windows kind of had black tint in them but it was unique. With a serious face he wanted me to pick a restaurant. Well out of all the possibilities. As I wonder about it for a while. As we just sat in the car, I felt like I knew him forever. When I looked into his eyes I felt warm, I felt happy like there was hope. I could tell the inside of his car was very expensive. He said for me to pick anywhere I want to go and eat. But I didn’t really know where. I looked at him and then I got really cold, I looked out the window shaking and then I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned and Josh was giving me his hoody from the backseat.
“You look cold.”
“Thank you.”
“I decided I want some coffee.”
He started laughing
You want coffee at 9:37 p.m.
Well yea I don’t sleep much I said
Okay…. He looked at me with a baby face
So what school do you go to?
Wilmington high school
Really he said shocked I do too
You go to school. I said.
How old are you
I could not believe it this guy goes to my school, how could I not know? Well I didn’t really care. I was thinking getting lost in my thoughts, and then I heard him say you coming. Immediately my head shot up
Yea I said sorry I was just thinking about something
Well you can think inside