La Dama Muerte

Usual Job

“Darling, close the door,” The lady muttered in her quiet, pure voice. James did so and sat back down in her lounge chair. He stared at her as he always did for the past seven years. He did nothing but stare and so far, she hasn’t minded. She has made comments to him telling him he’s been her assistant for seven years and he still has to study her. Hannabelle took off the veil and patted her face with a damp cloth. James was grateful he’s the only one in history to see her face.

“The door is locked I’m sure,” She assured with her nonchantly tone. James nodded and continued to eye her. He shivered when she returned the stare with her eyes. Her eyes…. They had no color in them. In fact, her face was not a face at all. Even when Death was in human form, it could not have a face. “I lost my veil earlier today,” She explained with a frown.

“You’re lucky the human eye couldn’t see you in the streets,” He sighed. She chuckled and sat back in her chair that was fit for a Queen.

“Ah but I gave you those powers. You should be grateful, not me,” She said with a grin. He grunted in annoyance. It was an idiotic trade with the devil, nothing more. But of course, he was damned now. He was in partnership with the Devil and Death. Even worse, they were both in one female body. He rubbed his eyes in aggravation. “Oh dear, please stop being such a downer around me.”

“You’re the worlds downer! Everybody hates you!” He retorted. She smiled and put her damp towel down. Everyone hated Death. Death ruins everything. Death ruined Jack. The devil has harsh destinies for everyone, he supposed. So he ended up with the fake woman named Hannabelle Muerte. What an obvious name. “Hey, you’re the one who wished for an eternal life,” Hannabelle shrugged.

This isn’t what he wished for at all. He wanted to live with his girlfriend forever. He wanted to live to see the future. He wanted to have a happy never ending life. His wish came out wrong. He asked for it selfishly. So it ended with him leaving his beautiful girlfriend and his whole identity to leave with Hannabelle. Now he serves under while watching her kill people who were meant to leave and punishing sinners in worst ways. His eyes have seen it all now so there was no reason for eternity.

Hannabelle grabbed a strawberry from the counter next to her chair and took a small bite into it. “So dear, who’s next on the list?” She asked. He sighed knowing she was testing him. She already knew the Death List but she needed him to keep her on task. Death was very unorganized.

“Some guy named Mark Gray,” James muttered, “He’s going to be at this party in Dramatic Grandeur.” She rested her hands on her hands and sought out for a plan. James knew they had to go to the party but he always wanted to know how she would kill her victims. He looked at it as gruesomely exciting. Once again, she needed to dress in mortal clothing and find a replacement veil.

“Come, call the driver, and make arrangements for a meeting,” She ordered. He grunted in reply and took out the sleek black phone given to him on the first day of his “job”. He typed the name Mark Gray and waited for it to search for the number and call. This really is a magical phone, he thought. “Hello?” Someone answered on the other line.

“Yes, is this Mr. Gray?” James asked as politely as possible. The voice paused for a moment and muttered a yes. “Hannabelle Muerte was wondering if you were showing up for the party at Dramatic Grandeur.” The voice gasped in surprise at the sound of Death’s name. He yelled victoriously as if he’d hit the jackpot. James face saddened knowing Mark expected the best today but he’d end up dead in the end. He yearned to tell him the truth but when he did that two years ago, Hannabelle had no choice but to starve him for a year. Thankfully, he had eternal life but he still felt the pain.

“Tell her we’ll see her there!” The voice yelled into the line. James confirmed the order and hung up, regretting what he’d just done. Mark was bringing a companion who would soon be a witness of Death working her magic. Hannabelle was too dazed by the L.A streetlights and dozed off in a little nap. Death almost never slept, James said. He edged closer to her knowing Death sensed his warmth. James leaned onto her and slept as well. He felt satisfied for feeling Hannabelle’s warmth. He expected her to be as cold as a vampire but she felt like an ordinary girl. He thought it was because she slept but maybe it’s because he’s been with her so many years now, that he got used to her deathly presence. “I haven’t felt a mortal like this in a long time,” She muttered.

His body gave a quick jump as she urged her head onto his chest. His body stiffened. Feeling Death this close was not what he wished for. Against all odds, his cold clammy hands slid around Death. He felt uncomfortable and he wished he was anywhere but here. The car they were in came to a halt and they where in front of a crowded building with a bouncer holding back a long line of people. Hannabelle’s eyes were open before James knew it.

“Let’s go dear,” She said sensually. Her light feet appeared like raindrops on the floor. She walked as if she floated and the men around her looked at her with their jaws dropped. Her veil was dangerously short. The wind blew the lace against her face forming her exquisite jaw line. The wind chilled her bare shoulders and James reacted before she got angry and cursed Mother Nature. He took off his jacket and placed it around her shoulders. The girls around the club looked at him now.

“Go ahead Miss Muerte,” The bouncer told them. The people in line complained loudly but some knew why she was allowed to enter. The loud atmosphere in Dramatic Grandeur soon quieted down at the presence of Hannabelle. It’s as if they know Death is amongst them now, James thought. “Hannabelle!” The silence was broken by a man named Mark Gray. A smile formed on her lips.