
Chapter 1

Chapter 1 : Tess

Life is very dull. I never understood it. I wish there was a little bit of excitement in my life, you know? But there’s none. All I do all day is go to school, do my work and everything else I’m supposed to do, and then I come home and sit on my lazy ass, and watch tv all day.
I’m getting real bored of that same old day by day routine. Every single day is exactly the same.

I’m in school. This is my last day here before vacation. I’m visiting my uncle in Nevada during that week. It’s going to be wicked awkward. I mean, I’ve never even met him before. I’m surprised my mother’s even letting me go visit him. He wanted to meet me, because we’re into the same music and everything. I don’t even know.
Right now, I’m writing in my notebook. I’m writing down lyrics for a song I wrote on guitar. The teacher, Mr. Eden, is rambling on, but every single word he says is going in one ear, and out the other.
I stopped caring in school. I do want a future, don’t get me wrong, but the thing is, I’ve just given up.
I used to be so good. I used to do so well, until one year, when everything got hard. I think it was when I was like eleven or so. It was some time in the middle of sixth grade, I
guess. My mind just couldn’t take any of it anymore.
So, I gave up.
I do still do all my work. I do everything I’m supposed to. I just can’t focus while the teachers are teaching. I’m just not really into it. No one’s into school, really, but I feel like my calling isn’t really to be a doctor or a lawyer. I feel like I’m going to be a high school drop out right before becoming the world’s biggest rocker chick.
Okay, maybe I’ve got big dreams but whatever. Dreams are dreams. At least, I’m not wanting to become a drug addict who lives in their parent’s basement, watching kiddie porn, or anything like that. I’m pretty sure some of the people at my school do with the lives they are living now, but I don’t. Never.

I’m walking through the hall now. I walk past the maroon colored lockers, and past all the classrooms, and past all the annoying kids making noise. I hear everyone laughing and screaming. It is the first day of April vacation, after all. I can’t wait to finally get out of here.
Although, I’m not so sure I want to go visit Uncle David’s house, either. But at least it might give me a little adventure, something a little different from staying at home all day, having my eyes glued to the TV screen, trying to block out the sounds of my parent’s arguing.
I walk and walk and walk, until I’m finally outside, outside of the school building. I can finally feel the fresh, cool, air around me, instead of being stuck in a school with too much heating.
I see a lot of kids get on their school bus. I personally don’t take the bus. I never did. I never liked it. So, my mom picks me up instead.
Then, I see my mom’s blue Durango pull up in the school parking lot. I walk towards it.
“Hey honey,” she says as I pull open the car door, and hop in.
“Hi,” I reply.
“How was school?”
“Well, I’m glad that I’m done with it.”
She rolls her green eyes, and then turns on the radio. She doesn’t really care at all about my life.
My sister, Lisa’s in the back seat. My mom had to go pick her up at the middle school before coming to the high school to go get me. Lisa’s wearing her pink and purple flowered skirt, her black and white striped sweater, and her pink converse. She always has to look absolutely perfect, unlike me. I just wear ripped jeans and tee shirts.
You’d probably think her blonde curls, compared to my messy brown hair was enough to make me jealous of Lisa, try again. Lisa doesn’t just look perfect. She is perfect. She also has lots of friends, which is something I don’t have. I have people I talk to in my classes, but no one I really hang out with outside of school. No one who I really like. She does well in school too. She’s a straight A student, I mean, and she’s the captain of all her sports teams. I don’t even play a single sport. There’s one thing I have to tell you though, I’m not jealous of her. No matter how better she is at everything to me, she’s my sister, and I’ll always love her. Plus, the whole preppy thing doesn’t exactly appeal to me.

Mom drives me to the airport after stopping at home to drop off Lisa, and to grab my stuff for the trip.
We arrive. She goes in and waits with me for my flight.
“I love you,” she tells me. “Dad and Lisa love you too. We all love you very much, and we’re going to miss you a lot. Remember that.”
“I will, Mom,” I reply, while hugging her goodbye. “I love you too.”
Soon after that, my flight arrives. My mom leaves, and I get on to the plane. I feel scared. I feel worried. I know something very bad is going to happen to me. I’m just not sure what yet.

I’m on the plane. I can’t believe I’m on a plane by myself. This is my first time flying alone. When I say alone, I obviously mean without my family, or anyone else I know. There are other people on the plane though, obviously.
I sit in the way back of the plane with headphones in my ears. I fall asleep while listening to some grunge music…grunge music is quite peaceful if you ask me…

Finally, after about an hour or so, I wake up. I look out the window, and realize I’ve finally arrived here in Nevada.
I’ve never been here before. This is going to be strange.
I grab my bags, and then walk off the plane, to see this whole new world. Of course, it’s in the same country. But I’m so used to living in my native New Hampshire town, that being here in Las Vegas is way different.
I look for Uncle David. I don’t find him.
As I’ve said, I’ve never met him, but I’ve seen pictures of him on facebook.
Instead of seeing Uncle David though, I see this pretty blonde girl with blue eyes, and barely any clothes. She looks about eighteen or so…that’s only two years older than me…
“Glad to meet you,” she tells me. “I’m Nicole, your uncle’s … friend.”
I think I’m going to be sick…
♠ ♠ ♠
Tess, drugs, Nevada, etc.