Status: Work in Progress......................

Worst Day Ever


"I wanna see that boom, boom, shake, shake now drop".
i rolled over to hit my alarm after a sleepless night of tossing and turning. I got up looked outside, still dark. As i stumbled toward the door in the dark i stubbed my toe on my dresser and fell on the ground. Once back on my feet i then stumbled toward the door again,i opened my door and i have beads hanging on the door frame, i walked forward and almost got strangled because the beads were tangled in a knot. When i finally got untangled i trudged to what seem like the longest journey ever toward the bathroom. I finish taking a shower,turned the water off, and stepped one foo tout of the tub, soap must have spilled and i fell right on my back. I was in the bath tub in pain. I painfully worked my way up and back into my bedroom.Where i got dress into my sweats that were in the back of my closet. I then walked out of my room and again almost got strangled by the beads again. I walked downstairs to the kitchen. I got a bowl,cereal, spoon, and milk out. I poured the cereal into the bowl and then added the milk not paying attention. I got my spoon and took one bite and ran to the trash can throwing up the spoonful i just ate.That's when i realized the milk was chunky and sour tasting. I was done with breakfast. After,that fiasco i had forgot to check the time and it was already 7:00 a.m. I ran and grabbed my bag and headed outside to catch the bus when as soon as i closed the front door, i seen the bus already at the end of the block.I turned around and then remembering that i forgot the key on the end table, it was sitting there mocking me. I loudly banged on the door for my mom who was still sleeping.She came sprinting down the stairs and ran toward the door surprised and angry to see me, she screamed at me for waking her up, and then i told her what happened and the stomped up the stairs to get dressed. When she came back down we got in the car and she silently drove me to school. Once at school, i got out and said good-bye with no response from my mother. I walked into the main office to get a pass for class. I went to my locker and everything feel out,i was about ready to scream. I walked to algebra and opened the door and walked to the the teacher to give him my passed and i heard everyone start to giggle behind me. I walked to my seat that my friend Tori saved for me. I asked her what was so funny. That's when i almost fell out of my seat. She had just told me i had a rip in my sweat pants and everyone could see my underwear.I was so embarrassed. Luckily Tori had a sweat shirt in her locker that i could tie around my waist. She went to our teacher Mr.Ryesome and explained to him why she had to got to her locker. He kindly let her go.Tori came back and i tied the sweat shirt around my waist so no one else could see my underwear through my ripped sweat pants. As if i thought the day couldn't get any worse.
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I hope you enjoy the story.
This story was originally on my quizilla account then i transferred it to here!
I am right now working on the next chapter ( having writers block)
Please i wrote this story so, no copyrighting.
Thank You :)