Status: My life still experiancing new things..................

My Life...

My Beginning

HI, my name is Maddy. This is my life's journey about all the bumps and bruises I've taken with and without my friends and how I met the friends I have today.
My Before Story:
I was mostly a loner in elementary school. I came to the elementary school in 2nd grade because the catholic school i originally went to closed down. So i didn't have many friends, most of my catholic school friends went to another catholic school after that one closed down. I had only a few, but I had one bestest friend named Katie that i met in 2nd grade. She moved away in the beginning of 4th grade. So, for the rest of elementary school I I was usually by myself at recess, lunch and rarely talked during class. I became a loner at till this day I'm regretting my past. Most friends part ways once they get into middle school, that's what happened to most of my few friends, I then became even more of a loner in 5th grade. By then I had no friends what so ever. I started new in 5th grade, not like I had much to lose. Fifth grade was a new beginning for me. I forgot the past and looked towards the future. That's when one morning there where no single seats available on the bus so I took a seat next to this girl. We talked, talked,talked,and talked I then found out somewhere in this conversation that her name is Tori. We became friends friends instantly, and we are still friends till this day. She is the bestest friends could ever have. We are inseparable, we even look alike it's kinda creepy, everyone thinks we are twins. About now it was close to the end of my 5th grade school year, which in 5th grade i got really got grades in all subjects. In the summer of 5th grade we bought my uncles beach house because he wanted a bigger one so we bought his old one for a cheap price. I really don't like it down there no friends so I mostly brought Tori down by then she was like family that's how much we hung out. I spent most of my summer down there. After the summer we where back in school the beginning of 6th grade. Great, my bestest friend wasn't in any of my classes. So,again I became the loner. Until, my elementary school best friend Katie moved back and brought her cousin with her. Her name was Amber.I was so excited Katie was in my class. We became best friends all over again and hung out all the time after school cause she lived right up the street. Now looking back I feel bad at what I did to Tori, I kinda put her friendship aside to make room for the new one I had with Katie. But, Tori always had my back. I started developing a crush on this guy in my class and somehow it got out. We where gonna try going out we texted each other every night. Until one night I made the stupid mistake of saying, "Luv Ya". I didn't realize till then how powerful that word was. So he broke up with me. We have been avoiding each other since. But like 6 months later, I meet the guy of my dreams........
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This is a true story!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My honor!!!!!!!!!!!!