Status: finishido!

Why I Live With a Demon

For The love of Jimmy

He dodged me and I whirled around, letting my instincts take over. I stabbed up at him, nicking his chest. He smirked and licked his own blood, moaning. Great. The devil was teasing me with his blood.
I growled and ignored my growing boner, launching at him, snapping at him. I tore a chunk out of his arm, spitting his flesh out and wiping the blood off my mouth. He wasn’t phased. Fucking…
We started circling each other, and I watched him carefully for any sign of change in his movement. His red eyes were locked on me, watching for the same thing. He turned his foot slightly towards me as he stepped, making me lunge at him, tackling him to the ground. I snarled down at him and he stared up at me, surprised.
“You gunna kill me, Matty?” he asked sweetly. I said nothing. He sighed and wiggled. I clamped a clawed hand around his throat and snarled, adrenaline coursing through me. He licked his lips, watching me. I could see him sweat. He was nervous.
I placed a claw on his throat, his perfect throat, and traced his jugular vein. He swallowed nervously and I lowered my head to his throat. I could feel him breathing hard. His scent was intoxicating. My head spun as I opened my mouth and felt him shudder as my teeth scraped against his Adam’s apple. He moaned as I bit him, and I growled in lust as I tasted his blood.
The next thing I knew, someone was pulling me away from my prey, speaking softly to me. I growled and tried to fight them off, but they were too strong. So I fell limp in their strong arms, feeling comforted. Did I care that I just viciously murdered the king of hell? Nope.
I finally became fully aware of my surroundings a little while later. I was being dragged by… Jimmy? wait, no… he didn’t smell like Jimmy…
“Jimmy?” I asked cautiously. He looked back at me. He looked exactly like Jimmy. There was something…
“Yeah, are you ok, baby?” he asked sweetly. There was a weird lisp in his voice. I scrambled to my feet and tore my hand away from him.
“Who are you?” I demanded. “I know you’re not Jimmy.” his face twisted into a sadistic smile.
“I am though. I’m Jimmy. Now.” He said, smirking. I knew that expression. I gasped.
“H-how?” I stuttered. No... This had to be a nightmare, a horrible, demented mirage he had set on me.
“You have such a lovely connection with, ah, me.” he said, grinning. I snarled. “When you drained all the devil’s blood, where was his soul supposed to go, other than through you and into this handsome body?”
“You stole him. You fucking stole him…” I said, in a rage.
“Don’t worry. His soul is just fine where it is.”
“What did you do with his soul, you jackass?’ I snarled, pushing him into a wall.
“Oo, I like it rough.” He smirked, running his hands, Jimmy’s hands, over my chest. I growled.
“What did you do with him?” I demanded again, punching him violently in the stomach. He coughed and doubled over.
“goddamn, Matt… fucking steroids… you trying to kill us?” he growled.
“Us? You fucking took over his body with him still in there?” I asked in disbelief.
“Yeah, I didn’t want his soul to be wandering around aimlessly.” He glared at me.
“I can’t believe you. How much pain are you putting him in?” I asked, snarling. He fucking smirked.
“He’s screaming.” He said in a cocky whisper. I glared at him, feeling helpless. What could I do? Jimmy was trapped in his own body, in pain, and I could do nothing at all. He probably hates me too.
“How could you do that to him?” I asked, feeling defeated. He shrugged.
“I didn’t want to die.” He said, watching me with Jimmy’s blue-gray eyes. I paused. The flickered, like he was suppressing an expression. I might have a chance.
♠ ♠ ♠
so twisted, so fucked up, so little time.. what the devil doesn't know won't hurt him right? well, this time it might.