Status: Active(:

It's Just Me And My Mind Tonight.

3; Secrets.

Cali was busy eating a bowl of fruit loops when Gabe and Ryland walked onto the bus. SHe smiled and waved, her mouth full. Gabe slumped down next to her. She swallowed her food and asked "How was the set? " Fuckin' awesome. Did you get good pictures?" Gabe replied. She nodded her head. Ryland sat across from her. "There's gonna be a bonfire tonight." he said.

"Ooo, i'm going!" Cali said excitdley. She was always up for a party. "John's going..." Gabe said, taunting her. She rolled her eyes. "I'm not going to let one person ruin my fun... besides I'm just going to ignore him." She replied cofidentley. "Are you sure? What about that one time-" Ryland started to say and then felt a swift kick under the table.

"What?" Gabe asked. "Nothing." Cali replied quickly. She narrowed her eys Ryland. Gabe gave her a strange look. "Okay... well um I'm gonna go take a shower. While I'm gone, can you guys try practicing on not being weird so much?" Gabe said and exited off the bus.

Cali shot Ryland a dirty look. "What?" He asked innocently. "Can you not mention anything about me and John? Gabe knows I hate him, but he doesn't need to know anything else that happened." She said. "Cali, I think he deserves to know. He's your brother." he replied. "Yeah, my brother who's very protective. He doesn't need to know anything. So please, Ryland. Keep my secret?" she pleaded. He sighed. "Alright." Thank you, Ryland!" She said and got up to get ready for tonight.


Avery made her way through the crowd, towards the drink coolers and spotted the girl Jack had mentioned earlier. What was her name? She had forgotten.

She walked up to her. "Hey, I'm Avery. All Time Low's merch girl. I've heard a lot about you. Aren't you Gabe Saporta's sister?" she asked the stranger. "Yeah I am. I photograph bands on stage. Nice to meet you, I'm Cali. Like California." she replied with a smile.

"So what have you heard about me?" "Oh, nothing bad. Just Jack. He said you were hot.." Avery said. Cali chuckled. "Well that's nice of him. So, All Time Low huh? I love their music." she said. "Yeah, they're my best friends. And Parker too, she helps with the merch." she said, searching for Parker. She laughed when she saw her dancing ontop of a table.

"That's her." Avery said, and pointed her out. Cali laughed. "She's wild.

Avery saw Alex waving her over. "Well, Alex is begging me to come over there, so I have to go. But you should definitley stop by sometime. " she said and grabbed a beer. Cali smiled. "I'll do that." She waved bye as Avery started to walk away.

Cali smiled to herself and grabbed a beer out of the cooler. She saw someone approaching her out of the corner of her eye.

Great, just my luck.

She didn't look at him as hse cracked open her drink, and took a huge gulp. I'll probably need it..

"Cali Saporta... Been a while huh?" he said. She curled her lip in dusgust. She looked at up at Mr. John O' Callaghan. He had that famous smirk spread across his face. "Sure has. Just can't leave me alone can you? I guess I'm just that irresistable." She replied, instagating. John scofffed. "Please. If anyone's irresistable around here, It's definitley me." he shot back. She rolled her eyes. "You know I think do everyone a huge favor if you left and never came back." Cali said, adding vicousness to the last part.

She saw a flicker of pain in his eyes, but then he said, "No, I think my band would miss me too much. But not quite as much as you." She laughed. "Right, I would go insane." she said sarcastically. "John, it has my absolute pleasure talking to you, but I must go enjoy myself, rather than standing here wasting my time with you." she said.

"Oh right, I see. Can't handle me winning everytime. Goodbye Cali." he said with a smirk. Cali narrowed her eyes at him. "I hate you." She bitterly and started to walk away.

"Not as much as I hate you!" he yelled after her.

But deep down, they both knew they were lying.


Parker, Jack, Avery and Rian were walking back to the bus. Alex didn't want to leave yet and he begged Zack to stay with him. Thing were still tense between Parker and Avery.

They had successfully downed vast amounts of alchohol, leaving them completley drunk.

"Oh shit, I left my purse! Rian, will you walk with me? I don't think I can make it there myself." Avery laughed. Rian chuckled. "Sure." he said, taking her arm and leading her back towards the bonfire.

Parker and Jack walked alone. "You look good tonight." Jack slurred, looping his arm through hers. They reached the bus door and walked inside. Parker smiled. "Thanks." she replied. Jack turned to face her, standing a little too close.

"I mean it." he whispered his eyes scanning her face. Parker didn't say anything, looking at his lips and her soberness started to sink in.

Parker knew this happened everytime they got drunk. She knew in the morning they would both regret it, she knew how much this hurt her. Because to him, she was sure it didn't mean anything. But to her, this broke her heart.

Even though she knew this, she didn't stop him when he leaned down to kiss her. She didn't stop her lips when they kissed back. She didn't stop as the kiss deepened. She didn't stop as she led him towards his bunk. She had no control as their clothes dissapeared. And she had no control as he softly laid her on the bed.

The one thing she never forgot was when he leaned down and whispered in her ear,"I'm sorry."


"Gabe, I dont't f-feel soo good.." Cali slurred her eyes drooping. "Come on, let's take you back to the bus." He said as he picked her up. The crowd slowly started to die down as everyone drunkenly made their way to their buses. Cali's stomach started to churn as she lay her chin on Gabe's shoulder. She knew she could always count on him to take care of her.

Cali started to fall asleep, when the last thing she saw was John, staring at her with a unreadable expression on his face. It was almost as if it read regret.

old habits die hard.
♠ ♠ ♠
yay, another chapter!
so, one subcsriber and 8 readers.. hm. /:
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