Put an X on the Floor

To the Zones

She reaches the diner and finds that it is empty of anyone. Drawing her gun, she steps into the building slowly and looks around trying to see whether there's anyone further back. Nothing stirs.

Her heart thuds hard in her chest over the fact that she's in the Fabulous Killjoy's diner. It isn't often that a Killjoy gets to go in their diner, especially them just walking into it rather than being brought into it by one of them.

Nothing seems to indicate that her sister is here and there's a part of her that feels that she has just done something incredibly stupid and dumb. She just couldn't work out what it is, after all she hadn't done anything, that she can recall, that could be close to being stupid and dumb.

The thought of being followed crosses her mind but she doesn't think that it can be that. She looks over her shoulder every few minutes, even on her way to the diner, so she would notice if someone was following her.

The board creaks under her foot as she heads into the back of the diner, eyes run over everything just in case it is a trap.

There is no trap. At least, there's no trap in the diner.

Diamond Revenge doesn't think to look out the diner's window as she carries on down the hallway and opens each door as she goes, and notices that there are, indeed, many pre-fire items littered in the rooms.

One room makes her freeze in the doorway, eyes wide. There's a girl on a chair, head on her chest and one of her hands looks broken. She steps two feet into the room and then notices the wires that poke from the hand that looks broken. She realises that the girl must have been from Battery City and was a droid. That was all she could conclude.

Several rooms down she still doesn't find anything that says that her sister was here. It settles something in her chest, glad that she doesn't have to believe the Dracs that she had encountered.

With a sigh and a final glance around, Diamond Revenge walks back down the hallway and heads to the entrance of the diner. The part of her that feels like she has done something stupid and dumb flares up more as she approaches the door, almost like is it trying to warn her.

She ignores it, opens the door and comes face to face with the nozzle of a gun.
♠ ♠ ♠
Somehow this has become longer than I planned. It won't be too long though, at least I don't think it will be.