Status: Active (for now)

Trying to Have Fun, no Need for Love to Interrupt

4th of July

The 4th of July! I have always wanted a guy to kiss me when fireworks go off, but I was hoping that would be on New Years. My one hope for today is that I get that kiss from Chase tonight. I was getting ready for the barbeque when Mia came in. I looked at her and she was smiling. "That dress is so cute on you." Mia said and I thanked her. My dress was a light pink, strapless with with a floral pattern. I realized that she was wearing soccer shorts with a t-shirt.

"Are you coming tonight?" I asked her plugging in my curler, so i can curl my hair.

"No, I wasn't invited." When she said that my mouth dropped and I wonder why she wasn't invited.

"Well I am inviting you, so get ready because tonight we are going to get Dick to fall in love with you." I said and she stood up with a smile on her face.

"Wait, I am over Dick." She said and I gave her the 'are you serious' look. She laughed and went downstairs probably to get ready. I curled my hair put some eyeliner and mascara on and then put on some cute sandals. I waited for 30 minutes for Mia to get ready.

"How do I look?" She asked as she came out of her room wearing a tight black dress that shows off all her curves. She looked really cute.

"Gorgeous!" I said and she grabbed her purse and we left. I thought she may have been over dressed, but I guess she really wanted to impress Dick.

When we got there everybody was waiting for us to eat, so we ate right as we got there. I decided to have a cheeseburger and salad. There was a lot of people there and some of them were dressed up fancier than Mia. After dinner the party began. They played music and of course most of the people dancing were the teenagers. I am not much of a dancer, so I was sitting with Dick.

"Mia looks so hot tonight." Dick said randomly, but I did notice he hasn't taken his eyes off of her.

"Why don't you dance with her?" I asked

"Because my first move is kissing not dancing." I laughed a little, but he wasn't joking.

"Then go make out with her." I said still laughing a little, but I calmed down.

"You would think I would have done that already? See I don't hook up with my friends I would actually date them, but I am just not quite ready for dating. Maybe when college comes around. If I was looking for a girlfriend Mia would definitely be my number one choice." He explained and I smiled because I know that Mia would like what he just said.

It was getting darker and some people already left, but my group of friends were out on the balcony waiting for the fireworks. Chase, Kyra, Alex and Tony weren't with us. Everybody said that Alex and Tony were making out, Kyra is making out with some complete stranger, and Chase was talking to some of his dad's friends. The fireworks show was beginning in 5 minutes and Alex and Tony joined us. It turned out that Kyra went home, but no one has seen Chase.

"Found him!" Dick said pointing to a small figure on the beach. "If you want that kiss you might want to get him." Dick elbowed me in the arm.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I said and everybody gave me the 'are you serious' look and practically pushed me down the stairs that lead to the beach. I looked up at them when I got to the bottom and they were all shooing me to go talk to him. I was about to say 'hi' till I realized he was on the phone, but he noticed me and he hung up the phone right as the fireworks started.

"Hey, what are you doing down here?" He asked

"They wanted me to get you." I came up with some stupid excuse.

"Oh well then let's get back to the house." He said and began walking. I grabbed him to stop him.

"Why don't we stay down here? The fireworks look so much better down here." I said and he smiled.

"So you did come down here for the same reason I was hoping you did." He confused me and then he pulled me close and kissed me. His lips were so soft on mine. All of the sudden we hear a bunch of cheering and we stopped and looked up at everybody.

"Who were you talking to on the phone?" I asked and he laughed.

"Really you want to ruin this moment?" He asked and I shook my head. We began kissing and I was just so happy at this moment that i wouldn't care if the world ended right now.