Status: Active (for now)

Trying to Have Fun, no Need for Love to Interrupt

Bella's Back

Last night was amazing! I woke up around 12 the next morning and came downstairs humming. Today everybody was downstairs waiting for me, so they could begin eating. I guess everybody woke up late because we were eating brunch. "Seems like someone is in a good mood." Matt said with a smile on his face.

"Do you want to tell us why?" Tanya asked pouring orange juice into her glass.

"It's okay. It really isn't that great." I said and then took a bit of my toast.

"Chase kissed her last night at the barbeque." Mia said quickly, so I wouldn't interrupt her. Then everybody said "oh." I wanted to hit her, but I was just to happy to do anything.

"I thought you were going to take a break from boys for awhile." My mom said and I just shrugged and we ate in silence for the rest of the meal.

After brunch I went to Big Al's to meet up with Chase hoping he would be off work by the time I got there. When I did get there he was sitting on one of the bar stools waiting for me. I walked over and he greeted me with a kiss. He intertwined his hand with mine and we began to walk towards the beach. We sat down on that rock that we sat on the other day. "This will be known as our rock." Chase said helping me up onto the rock.

"So your the king of the rock and I am the queen?" I questioned joking around and he nodded. "Why me?" I asked and his facial expression went to confusion. "Out of everybody why did you choose me?"

"Well for one your beautiful, smart, nice, and caring. For two I have known these people so long that it's hard to think of them as anything more than friends." He explained and I smiled.

"Your not bad yourself." I said and he laughed.

"If decided to stay with your dad what would you be doing right now?" Chase asked changing the subject.

"I would probably be making out with some guy I don't like to piss off my stupid stepmother." I hated my stepmom. She wouldn't let me do anything, so whenever i go out I always bring home some random guy and make out with him just to piss her off.

"Well that's interesting." He laughed a little.

"You have no idea." I put my head on his shoulder and then something grabbed me and pulled me into the water. When I stood back up Chase was cracking up along with Dick who pulled me in. "Dick, your such a... dick." I couldn't think of anything, so I just called him by his name.

"Oh come on you go to admit that it was funny." Dick said and I wanted to punch him, but it was funny, so I smiled and laughed along with them. "Oh yeah before I forget, I came over here to tell Chase that Bella is back." Chase got wide-eyed when he said that and this is when i knew things were going to go downhill.

Chase grabbed me and we walked out of the ocean to meet this really gorgeous girl. She had wavy brown hair, gorgeous green eyes and an amazing smile. She was about and inch or two taller than me. She had a nice tan to go with her beautiful body. There was no way I would ever be able to compete with her. She ran up and hugged Chase. Then she let go and looked at me. "Who's this?" She asked Chase.

"This is my girlfriend Skylar." He introduced me as his girlfriend. I really liked the sound of that.

"Oh, well I am Bella and it is really nice to meet you." She sounded disappointed when she said 'oh' and then perked up again.

"Why are you back?" Chase said in a way he mean to.

"There were reasons, but the main reason is because we just wanted to move back i guess," She answered.

"Wait, your staying here for senior year?" Chase asked and Bella nodded and Chase had a huge grin on his face. Dick noticed it to and looked at me and mouthed 'sorry.'
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sorry it's short, but I hope you like it :)