Status: Active (for now)

Trying to Have Fun, no Need for Love to Interrupt

The Break Up

Bella and I went back to the table and I hated her even more than I thought I would. When I sat back down I began to make out with Chase just to rub it in Bella's face. If she wants to play dirty than I don't mind playing dirty either. "Stop, we have company." Chase said and I leaned back in my seat.

After dinner Chase took me home. We were at the front door and it was quiet. He began to kiss me and I kissed back. This time it was a passionate kiss. I finally back away. "I normally l am not the jealous type, but I don't want you hanging around Bella by yourself." I said.

"Come on I am over her." He smiled and went in for another kiss, but I backed away.

"Stop saying that!" I yelled, "You aren't over her. You never will be and she is going to try to win you back. Trust me it won't be that hard because every time you see her your smile goes bigger." I was mad at this point.

"You don't trust me?" He asked so calmly.

"I trust you just not her. If that makes any sense." I was saying crap right now because I had a feeling if I told him I didn't trust him we would break up and then I would have just made it easier for Bella to get him. He just laughed and gave me a kiss goodbye. Then he drove away and I walked into the house during another fight, but this time all the kids were part of it. They were all yelling at their dad and my mom was trying to calm them down. When they noticed me they all stopped and all I could say was 'hi.'

"Skylar, hey where have you been?" Mia asked me and grabbed my arm and pulled me upstairs. We went into my room and she threw me on my bed. She quickly shut the door behind her.

"Is everything okay?" I asked confused about what was going on.

"Yeah my dad just told everybody else the news about living with our mom for a year. Nobody is happy about it, so we are trying to get my dad to change his mind." She explained, "Where were you?" She changed her tone and put a smile on her face.

"I was out with Chase surfing and then went to eat with Bella." I hated having to say her name.

"Shit Bella is back?" Mia asked and I nodded my head. "I give it about a week before they get back together." She said and I rolled my eyes.

"God, this sucks shit." I put a pillow to my face and screamed into it. I put it down fixed my hair and took a deep breath.

"Bella can be a bitch. You better watch out she can do real nasty things to a person. Like this one time this girl was flirting with Chase, so she pushed her down the stairs. Somehow got her expelled and well no one has seen her since." Mia said but it didn't sound that bad. She can't get me expelled yet and well there aren't many stairs around here.

I laid back on my bed and Mia left the room. Could I trust Chase? Would if he is out with Bella right now and she is making a move? What will Bella do to me? Why has this summer turned into a terrible summer? Why am I sitting here asking questions that I will probably never find the answer to? Well I probably could find the answer, but nothing could pop in my head at the moment.

The next morning I woke up to a beautiful face, Chase! I don't know why he was at my house at 8 in the morning, but it was nice to see him without Bella. So I got up and went to the bathroom, brushed my teeth, flossed, fixed up my hair, and well made my self attractive. "Why are you here?" I yelled through the bathroom door.

"I don't know I just thought I would stop by." He said as I opened the door dressed and presentable. "So I know you don't like Bella, but I was thinking if you two hung out for a whole day you would learn to love her. So I decide that we would just have a fun day at the beach today." My smile went away as he said that.

"Why do you want me to like Bella so badly?" Why did he care? Oh wait i knew why because he still loves her.

"Because she is a really nice person and I don't want you to miss judge her." He smiled, but I just wanted to explode so I guess I kind of did though.

"Yeah she must be real nice for pushing someone down the stairs and getting them expelled. I don't know how she got her expelled and I don't want to know how, but she did it because that girl was flirting with you." I said and I didn't know if he knew that or if I wasn't suppose to tell him, but I was sick of all this good talk about Bella.

"She never did that, so who ever told you that rumor is a jealous little liar." He was blinded by love.

"That's it! I can't do this. Go ahead have your beach day with Bella. Make out with her, start back where you left off because you are not over her. You can tell me a million times you are over her, but your not." I know I just gave Chase to Bella, but we all knew it was going to happen anyways.

"But, I am over her just because I compliment her and smile when I see her doesn't mean I still like her. I mean that's what I did every time I saw you and..." I stopped him before he said something else stupid.

"Yeah you did do that every time you saw me and look were together. Chase I feel real stupid for ever going out with you in the first place. Go have fun with Bella." I walked to the door and opened it and he sadly walked out of there. I regretted breaking up with him, but I think this was a good thing. I was always bad with choosing guys.